All about Mount Falcon in Crimea

  1. Description
  2. Natural features
  3. Old legend
  4. How to get there?

The Crimean peninsula is one of the most beautiful places in Russia with a huge number of attractions. One of the many natural cultural monuments is Mount Sokol, which offers a breathtaking view of the expanses of Crimea and the coast. The rock itself looks so impressive that every year it attracts thousands of tourists who come to the peninsula to appreciate such a wonderful formation.

In the article we will tell you about the uniqueness of Mount Sokol and its natural features, consider various options for the route along it and find out what legend accompanies such a beautiful place.


The rock is located in the southeast of Crimea, just west of the city of Sudak, near the resort village of Novy Svet, which is located at the very foot of Sokol. This rock has several other names. In ancient times it was called Senator, and the modern Tatars call the summit only Kush-Kaya, which in translation from their language means Bird's Rock. Mountains with this name already exist on the peninsula, therefore local the population calls education in short - Falcon.

At the foot there is a small rock Sokolenok, here in the last century Prince Golitsyn was going to build an estate for his daughter, under his leadership even began the construction of a road towards the mountain from a house in Novy Svet. Unfortunately, the prince's plans were not destined to come true, since he died without completing the construction of the road. The collection of local "bird mountains" is completed by the Maly Sokol rock, located a little closer to Sudak.

The most interesting feature of this attraction is that in fact, by its origin Sokol is not a mountain or even a ridge. Geological studies of the structure and solid rocks of the giant proved that it is a huge coral reef that arose millions of years ago.

Of course, this is hard to believe, because the height of the formation is 473 meters (almost half a kilometer) above sea level. It turns out that many centuries ago the level of ocean water was several times higher than the height of this reef.

Unfortunately, scientists failed to establish the time of the appearance of the New World sight on the surface. Having turned into a part of the land, this rock is the largest reef in size not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

From a geological point of view, the summit has a 4-tiered structure. In the lower part of Sokol there is an interlayer of clay shales, then there is a conglomerate stratum, on which huge sandstone beds are located.

The Sokol massif itself, consists of marble-type limestone and is covered with alluvial soil. The site near the foot of the reef is officially recognized as an archaeological reserve. On its territory are the ruins of one of the Byzantine monasteries, preserved from the 9th century, as well as a small cave monastery of the 10th century.

Between the Sokol and Sokolenok rocks are the ruins of a small settlement from the ancient period, which flourished in the 4th century. They can be found in juniper bushes. Tourists will be delighted with a walk along the Golitsyn path leading to the source of St. Anastasia, which was consecrated by the Orthodox Church in 2000. In the 15th century, a large Christian church in the medieval style was located not far from this source.

Another feature and uniqueness of the Falcon is the ability to change shade depending on how the sun's rays fall on its surface. If the sun shines brightly, from the side the landmark of the New World seems snow-white, and after the rain it acquires a lilac or purple color.

Natural features

The height of the 474-meter cliff is so impressive that climbing to its top and inspecting the lower settlements, they will seem like a toy model. The summit is 1.2 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide.

The slopes are very steep, and the closer to the peak, the more inaccessible they are. To climb to the top of the giant, you will have to go "lightly" and only along the northern slope, since in other cases you will need to use climbing equipment and be able to climb rocks at least at an amateur level. Even a beginner, not to mention professionals, can climb the northern slope without any problems.

In total, there are several routes for climbing to the top of the Sudak sight, differing from each other in difficulty from 1 to 6 levels. Each of them is good in its own way and is unlike the other either in complexity or in the beauty that opens from it. The only thing that unites the routes to Sokol is the beauty of the terrain and the fascination of the ascent, but you should not think that the ascent to the top of the reef will be an easy walk.

Each of the options is difficult and dangerous, except for the simplest. Evaluate your strengths sensibly and choose the degree of difficulty wisely so that there will be no difficulties along the way.

Old legend

According to the mysterious story associated with the appearance of Mount Sokol, many centuries ago, the rich governor Pansy Zarvaliga lived in this area. He was known among the local population not only as a very evil and insensitive person, but also as a sorcerer and warlock who knew many spells and recipes for potions. With the help of his knowledge, Pansy could subdue any person, making him his slave. For this reason, the peasants tried not to get caught by him, and if they happened to meet with a nobleman, they never contradicted him and always carried out his orders.

A young servant Aliya lived in the estate of Zarvaligi, she had a little son named Tsyute. The brave boy was the only person in the entire area who was not afraid of the sorcerer. He never hid it, on the contrary, he tried to spoil the owner as much as possible.Each time his mother tried to reason with her son, explaining that because of his tricks other servants were suffering, but all her efforts did not lead to anything, the disobedient Zyute continued his tricks.

Once one of the employees heard Alia scold the boy again, and understood why they were constantly being punished. He immediately told the other servants about what he had heard, and they went to Zarvalyga and betrayed the naughty boy with his mother.

Pansy was furious, and Aliya and Zyute had to run away from home that night to save their lives. They hid in a dark forest and got lost, and then they lost each other. In the darkness of the night it was impossible to see anything, the child cried for a long time and called for his mother, but he did not hear anything in response, as if she had disappeared into darkness. At dawn, the cry of the boy was heard by an old magician who lived on the edge of the forest, he found Ciute and took him home. The kind man fed him and put him to bed.

Waking up, Ciute accepted the magician's offer to become his student. For 20 years, the guy lived in the forest and studied the art of magic, he learned a lot from a wise teacher, grew stronger and matured, but never grew wiser. Each time he replayed the events of that time in his head, and with more hatred he thought about the cruelty of Pansy Zarvaliga. One day the young man revealed his secret to the mentor, who categorically forbade him to take revenge on the old master, since the training had not yet been completed.

Unfortunately, the young man's hatred prevailed over his mind, and he fled to avenge the separation from his dearest person.

Secretly from the old man, Ciute took his magic pipe, the power of which he did not even suspect. He reached the seaside, where Pansy was, and began to play. In the same second, the soil split into two parts, and a huge rock grew out of it, which smashed the Zarvaligi estate into chips, killing a huge number of people. Among the dead, Zyute also discerned the body of his mother. The guy's grief knew no bounds, after that no one saw him.

This is how Mount Sokol appeared in the southeast of the Crimean coast. Tour guides like to tell this legend to tourists.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to the giant is by car from Sudak or from Novy Svet. On the way, you can see many signs that help you to get to the place. The exact address of the peak: Novy Svet settlement, Sudak urban district, Crimea, Russia. Local people are always happy to welcome guests who are serious about the upcoming ascent.

Drinkers and irresponsible people don't belong here.

Climbing the mountain is very dangerous, so if you like to take beautiful photos and selfies for social networks and various festivities, it is better to choose another place to visit. Mountains do not forgive mistakes, take any journey seriously.

In the next video, you can watch the hiking ascent of tourists to Mount Sokol.

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