Review of "Cheese" rocks in Crimea

  1. What is the village of Malorechenskoye famous for?
  2. Stone salt shaker
  3. Unusual "cheese" rocks
  4. Islets, grotto and cove
  5. How to get to Cheese Rock
  6. What will the legend tell?

During the vacation season, Russians tend to warm lands, to the sea. If you have chosen Crimea as a vacation spot, and plan not only to swim and sunbathe, but also to get acquainted with the beauties of the peninsula, then you should visit Malorechenskoye.

What is the village of Malorechenskoye famous for?

A small village is located in the southern part of the peninsula on the territory of the urban district of Alushta. The population, according to 2014, is just over 1,300 people. It would seem that what can attract tourists to a tiny settlement? And curious vacationers all come and go here. Nobody stays here for a long time, but the flow of visitors is increasing every year. The fame of the settlement was brought by the reserved rocky chaos Tuzlukh.

Stone salt shaker

Tuzlukh is translated from Turkic as "salt shaker". Nature has created a rock complex with many "holes", very similar to holes for salt in a salt shaker, hence the name. The wind and salty waves did a great job.

Under the influence of cellular weathering, quartzite sandstone has turned from an ordinary rock into a unique miraculous landscape miracle.

In 1960, a part of the coast with an unusual rock was recognized as a nature reserve. Since that time, the local monument has been protected by the state. The total area of ​​the protected area with the coastal water area is 60 hectares. Here you cannot:

  • litter and make fires;
  • have picnics;
  • to fish;
  • to beat off the particles of the rock.

But you can:

  • swim and sunbathe;
  • climb the islands;
  • dive from a cliff, take photos and video.

The official name of the rock complex Tuzlukh, however, tourists have a different name - Cheese Rocks.

Unusual "cheese" rocks

Rock chaos is a series of interconnected objects. First of all, it is the mountain itself, dotted with bizarre cracks and round blind holes. Tourists passing along the cliff along a narrow path for safety adhere to the "cheese" holes. There is no other such mountain in Crimea. The view of the coastal surface facing the sea is very peculiar. If someone in a spacesuit appeared against his background, one could believe that he is on another planet.

Travelers who visited Malorechenskoye shared their photos on social networks. This is how the village became famous. Now the most curious and greedy for the unknown, vacationers consider it their duty to get to the reserved rock and capture themselves against its "perforated" background.

Islets, grotto and cove

Opposite the famous rock and in its vicinity, numerous boulders rise from the water. The dimensions of the islets protruding from the depths of the sea allow you to sit on them and sunbathe. It is convenient to dive from the boulders, take videos and take pictures of friends climbing the main attraction.

The curious can explore the grotto or even swim into it. You can cool off after a short walk in the clear waters of the Blue Bay.

Fans of extreme sports have become frequent guests of the complex. They climb to a suitable height and dive into the clear water. The depth of the cove allows the divers to dive several meters without fear of hitting the bottom.

By the way, several years ago, when the place was not so well known, couples in love retired here. And the coastal reservoir bore the name of the Bay of Love.

How to get to Cheese Rock

There is no direct asphalt road to the attraction. Therefore, it will not be possible to get to the rock itself by car. We'll have to walk, but not far.

Access to the Cheese Rocks is possible only from the sea. A path leads to them, starting at the monument, erected in memory of the people of the Little River who died in the Second World War.

The monument is installed at the entrance to the village. From it you need to go in the direction of the Temple-lighthouse. And there already along the sea edge to a small cape and the very destination.

What will the legend tell?

The events described took place a long time ago, when the village of Mikropotamos was located on the site of modern Malorechenskoye. In those distant times, people worshiped numerous gods who settled on Olympus.

The gods weren't perfect. Like ordinary mortals, they loved and hated, argued, quarreled, took revenge and plotted.

Two celestials - Aphrodite and Apollo - were proud of their irresistibility, impeccable physique. Arrogance, stiffness, and disdain for their own kind appeared in the behavior of the gods. Zeus' wife Hera saw disrespect in such behavior, and, being a domineering and cruel nature, decided to punish the arrogant.

Hera arranged so that on the earth in Mikropotamos two little men were born - a girl and a boy. She watched how the children grew up, protected them from injuries, illnesses and other troubles. According to the idea of ​​the goddess, people born with her intervention should become the most beautiful in the whole wide world. She passionately wanted to prove to Aphrodite and Apollo that there are those who surpassed the celestials in beauty and perfection.

Young people grew up and fell in love with each other. And the fame of them reached the heights of Olympus. The gods did not believe in rumors about people and their merits. They decided to go down the mountain to look at the handsome men.

The result was disastrous for the guy and the girl. The celestials fell in love with people: Aphrodite - a young man, Apollo - a girl. Apollo stole the young maiden and lived with her as a wife for several years. Apollonia (that was the name of the girl) gave birth to a son of the celestial.

The young woman was not seduced by the attention and caresses of the handsome god. She remembered her lover and waited for the moment to return to her beloved. And such a moment has come.Taking her son with her, Apollonia returned to Micropotamos.

Aphrodite also failed to achieve reciprocity in humans. The embittered gods decided to punish people. They destroyed everyone who was in the settlement at the time of revenge. Houses were completely destroyed, people were turned into stones and thrown into the sea.

Perhaps the boulders of the Cheese Rocks sticking out of the water are enchanted people. Remember this and be extremely careful with the stone islands.

An overview of the cheese rocks in the village of Malorechenskoye is provided in the video below.

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