Living room in art deco style: design tips and beautiful examples

The art deco style is one of the staples in art, architecture and interior design. Therefore, even if you are far from design, you have probably heard about it. It is believed that this style originated in France, in the 20s of the last century. At the same time, art deco reached its peak in popularity in the 30s and 40s. However, this style existed even earlier. To find confirmation of this, it is enough to remember the luxurious glamorous parties in the style of "Gatsby". Such holidays helped people to escape from the nightmares of war and completely surrender to the celebration. Expensive restaurants, hotels and other establishments of the 1920s, intended for the wealthiest and most respected visitors in society, can serve as an example of the ideal interior in the Art Deco style.

Characteristic features of the style
The main features of Art Deco are catchiness, originality and chic. This is just that fine line when the abundance of patterns and expensive interior items does not look tasteless. You need to carefully select every detail and be ready for financial investments. This is the only way to get a truly amazing result. Let's list the main points that are present in the ideal art deco interior.
- Strict geometry. Use everything: straight lines and zigzags, stripes (small and large), shapes (diamonds, squares, circles). Combine simple lines in original and stylish compositions that will add originality and boldness to the interior.
- Bright colours. Forget about pastels and fadedness. Transmit the irresistible and seething energy of life through colors. Contrasting combinations look best: black and white, gold and black, beige and chocolate, etc.
- Luxurious and expensive finishes. All decorative materials must be of the highest quality. After all, art deco is primarily a decorative style. Give preference to shiny glossy surfaces, varnish and mother-of-pearl. Use natural marble or granite, metals, gilding. If you prefer wood, then choose only rare and expensive species. Leather and glass can be used. It is important to clearly understand that low-quality substitutes for natural wood or leather can completely ruin the interior, even if you choose the colors and textures perfectly.
- Ethnic motives. Complement the living room interior with figurines and masks from Africa, authentic Chinese vases, graceful screens from the Land of the Rising Sun, oriental carpets with bizarre patterns or even the skins of a tiger, zebra, or bear. Often, objects of art from ancient Egypt, Babylon or Rome, as well as ornaments of the Incas and Aztecs, are used as decor. In short, you have where to roam!

In general, the interior of a room in the art deco style should give the impression of material prosperity and luxury. And since technological progress influenced the formation of the style, the designers recommend abandoning plants, but at the same time using more metal and glass.
Use vibrant and energetic colors: red, orange, green, chocolate, blue, and more. But be careful not to be too variegated. It is best to choose a calm shade of finishing materials, while making several bright color shades. You can also decorate the walls with stucco molding, by all means repeating its pattern in furniture upholstery, forging or other furnishings. Use wallpaper, wood panels, plaster for decoration. Mix and match different materials.
The main thing is that the finish is of the highest quality.

If the walls and furniture are not too pretentious, you can focus on the canvas - it will look spectacular. Decorate it with stucco molding, cornices. Or leave it plain so as not to overload the interior.

We recommend choosing a classic floor covering. Ideally, a high-quality and durable parquet made of light wood. Or a good quality laminate that resembles real wood as much as possible.

It is difficult to imagine a real art deco with plastic double-glazed windows. Therefore, if possible, create arched vaults in the living room. Decorate them with drapes made of heavy, expensive fabric. Linen and cotton won't work here.

Most often, furniture for this interior is made to order, purchased in an antique store or at auctions. Stock copies definitely won't fit in this style. In the center of the living room, place a sofa of an original shape, upholstered in expensive textiles or leather, possibly decorated with carvings. If it is necessary to place a dining table in the living room, then it must certainly be massive, complemented by chairs or armchairs with high backs.
It is definitely impossible to do without modern technology now. But try to select equipment in a color that would not conflict with the general gamut and would not attract too much attention.

Remember that there should be harmony in everything, as if all objects merge into a single picture. Also, do not forget that it is important to correctly arrange the furniture. Start planning from the center - do not be afraid that it will "steal" the space.
Accessories and lighting
You should be especially careful here. This style implies an abundance of decor, but it is important not to overdo it and not turn the masterpiece into bad taste. Use graceful figurines, abstract paintings, wall clocks, and floor vases. If space permits, install a display cabinet. Textile elements should be made of satin, velvet and other exquisite materials. Lamps and chandeliers will serve not only as light sources, but also as additional decor.
Choose lamps with unusual geometric shapes.It will be wonderful if they create unusual lighting effects at the same time.

Beautiful examples
Now you know enough about art deco style to decide if such a design will work for your living room. A so that the information is also descriptive, consider a few examples of modern interiors.
- This is a classic version of the living room in the art deco style. Despite the fact that the interior used rather restrained colors, everything looks expensive and tasteful. The furniture is made of velvet of a noble purple color, it is complemented by a luxurious chandelier, moderate decor and well-decorated walls.
Please note that the wallpaper pattern is repeated on the pillows and kitchen furniture. This technique should definitely be used to create the integrity and harmony of the interior.

- This interior effectively combines classic and modern. The accent in the living room was a painting, ceiling decoration, beautiful pillows. In general, the living room looks elegant and very stylish, since the shades are chosen as well as possible. The gold color characteristic of Art Deco does not look vulgar, as it is set off by simple furniture and restrained colors. Everything fits perfectly.

- This interior is incredibly luxurious. A spectacular chandelier, an original carpet matching the pillows. Animalistic motifs, glossy marble surfaces, arched window vaults, a magnificent shining chandelier - this is a real chic and shine. The color of the sofa and armchair looks good and adds emphasis without overloading the interior as a whole. A massive coffee table made of expensive lacquered wood is another important attribute.
The repetition of the style of the living room in the dining room creates a harmony of the entire space.

See the following video for examples of art deco living room designs.