How to furnish a hall: ideas, recommendations, beautiful examples

Every house has a living room. Even if the apartment is very small, and the hall has to be combined with the dining room or bedroom. This means that special attention should be paid to the interior design of this room. Further in the article - atypical practical recommendations that will help to furnish the hall beautifully and correctly.

Define the center
Most often, the main place in any room is occupied by a sofa. It is on it that friends and relatives gather to watch their favorite films or just have a sincere conversation. You should not push upholstered furniture against the wall, wanting to save a little space. Don't be afraid to place the sofa in the very center of your living room, building the rest of the interior around it. With the right approach, such a solution will be convenient and advantageous.
Play for high stakes. Let the sofa be bright with unusual upholstery. Complement the sofa with ottomans, armchairs, and a coffee table that match the style and size. Place all of these elements in the center.
And avoid bulky corner sofas. Most often, this option of upholstered furniture is not so practical. At the same time, it takes up a lot of free space and destroys the style of the interior.

Combine colors wisely
If the room is small, it is better to decorate it in light colors and use mirrors to visually expand the space. At the same time, furniture, decor and lamps should not be too massive.
If the space allows you to roam, you should not go to extremes. Watch for harmony, avoid variegation and bad taste.For example, do not choose too bright patterns for wall decoration.

Better to arrange them in one color, while making a bright accent on a certain section of the wall. Rest assured, it will look much better.
For those, who tries to avoid extravagant solutions, but still wants to add originality to the interior, it is recommended to highlight accents... When the floor, walls and canvas are made in muted shades, bright pillows, furniture upholstery, colorful carpets, original paintings and decor look especially advantageous and stylish.

Don't forget about the windows
When there are rather large windows in the hall, you can focus on them. Decorate the openings with stylish curtains that blend in with the overall interior.

Allow yourself a fireplace
Everyone, without exception, wants to have a home. It doesn't matter if you live in a luxurious mansion outside the city or in a modest one-bedroom apartment. In the first case, you can really afford a real fireplace with wood, elegant wrought iron accessories. And in the second - to establish a high-quality imitation of fire. And then already the hearth will become the center of the hall along with upholstered furniture.
But, of course, not everyone needs such an element of the interior in modern conditions.

Put accents
Go into the hall and pay attention to what first catches your eye. If this is a window, decorate the window. If there is a wall, we work with it. You can highlight it with a contrasting finish or put a cozy armchair against the background. The whole room should be harmonious, with well thought out "points of focus". Even if the area that attracts attention first is correctly selected, do not forget to work with the rest.

Create an atmosphere
Take a break from the advice of fashion designers and think about what your dream living room should be like. What colors, materials, decor will be in it?
Someone adores natural wood and feels as comfortable and pleasant as possible in a room with just such a finish.

Work with the light
The number and size of lighting equipment directly depends on the dimensions of the space. The larger your living room area, the more massive chandelier you can afford.
Wherein an important role is played not only by the perimeter of the room, but also by the height of the ceilings... The larger it is, the more multi-tiered a chandelier can be. If the ceilings are low, it is better to choose chandeliers where the bulbs are arranged in one row. The optimum distance from the luminaire to the floor is 2 m.

The style of the chandelier should also not conflict with the overall design of the interior. A massive crystal chandelier will definitely not fit into a strict modern interior. Conversely, spotlights will look out of place in a baroque living room.
If necessary, you can zone the space using lamps. For example, you can put a tall floor lamp next to an armchair and a bookshelf.
And if the hall is combined with the dining room, place the chandelier above the table.

Divide into zones
Since most of the country's population lives in small apartments, the most urgent question is how to correctly combine the hall with the dining room, bedroom or other rooms. There are many practical solutions for these situations. In this case, we are not talking about installing a blank wall. You can separate one part of the room from another with a sofa, table, or shelving unit.
In this case, it is important that the rack or cabinet is not massive. Otherwise, you will achieve the opposite result.

Look at interesting design options
Here are some examples of a competent and stylish hall design. Get inspired and get new ideas for yourself.
- An option for a stylish and elegant design for a modern living room, while such an environment will be universal. Discreet and noble shades of brown and beige were used to decorate the walls. Furniture and decor have been chosen in the same color scheme. Against such a background, a scarlet armchair, decor and textiles look very advantageous and harmonious.When used correctly, even such a bright and sometimes aggressive color looks great. There is a little furniture in the room, but there is everything you need: a sofa that can accommodate all guests, a large plasma TV, a coffee table.

- Elegant, light, filled with light and air interior. A successful combination of white, green, coffee and raspberry always looks harmonious. There are few color accents - pillows and plants. But for a room of this size, this is the optimal amount. The black technique contrasts with the decor, but looks good as the finish is fairly neutral.

- A clear example of elegant space zoning. The wall that separates the work and leisure areas is not blank, but with a beautiful stained-glass window matching the style. This visually relieves the space, while giving it originality and grace. In general, the interior is made in light, eye-pleasing colors, which is a smart solution for a living room of this size. For small spaces, it is necessary to use exclusively light shades.

- Loft style living room option. Here you can see an effective way of dividing a bedroom and a living room with a transparent wall. The interior is done in rather dark shades. But due to the fact that there is little furniture and decor in the room, the design looks great. This is a great outlet for studio owners.