Printed ceilings in the hall: beautiful examples

The living room, as a rule, is the most spacious room, and patterned stretch ceilings are the ideal solution for decorating it. Thanks to various textures and themes, skillfully selected images will help to emphasize the style, harmonize the configuration of the room, hide some of the flaws in the decoration and create a special atmosphere in the room.

Selecting the type of stretch ceiling
The main advantage of the stretch ceiling structure is the complete leveling of the surface.... When the intention is to create a beautiful space design, the stretch canvas will be the perfect base for any image. Even with a very large area of the room set aside for the living room in country houses and apartments, any ornament or plot will look like a single composition, since when installing ceilings a special technology of joining separate fragments is used, making the canvas a single one.

Stretch products are also very popular because they are made of harmless, environmentally friendly materials that are not capable of harming the health of people living in the room. Choosing this or that type of construction for yourself, you need to know their features, which may be useful for a particular hall.
Stretch ceilings vary in material.
Film canvases made of thin polyvinyl chloride. This is the perfect combination of evenness and smoothness; special heating equipment is used for their installation.
The advantages of the material are:
- multifaceted color scheme;
- quick installation;
- affordable cost;
- increasing the performance of sound insulation;
- repulsion of fatty impurities;
- easy care;
- excellent antistatic properties;
- resistance to moisture, deformation;
- easy replacement of damaged fragments due to the flexibility of the material.

But, choosing this type of structure, you should find out about the disadvantages:
- synthetic odor during installation, eroded after a few days;
- vulnerability to damage and low temperatures;
- a noticeable seam, therefore, it is wiser to use these products if you need to create a continuous ornament, on which the joints will not be noticeable.

Fabric ceilings that are durable and resistant to high and low temperatures. They are made of polyurethane-impregnated fabrics.
Product advantages:
- lack of odors and emission of harmful compounds;
- resistance to physical damage;
- ease of installation, which can be carried out in a cold room.

Among the minuses are noted:
- low elasticity due to high strength;
- complex elimination of dirt and grease;
- micropores in the canvas allow moisture to pass through, which causes dirt to form;
- repair is not provided, you can only completely replace the canvas;
- unlike film ceilings, a smaller set of textures and shades.

There is also a division of materials for ceilings into the following types:
- glossy, which can be used in houses and apartments with high humidity and access to the south, as they are protected from fading and the influence of water;
- matte, well insulating space from extraneous noise and sounds;
- satin, with a delicate pearl shine, they are usually chosen to create a medieval and Arabic style.

Different types of ceilings can be attached to the main plane, to a plasterboard frame or to a wall. Having decided on the appropriate type of construction, it is worth considering options for images for decorating the hall.
Plots for living room decor
Stretch ceilings with a pattern in the hall can look different, but traditionally there are several artistic ideas for this room, and they are preferred.
- Reproductions of paintings by famous artists, landscape paintings and murals, suitable for any style close to the classic. These canvases add airiness, lightness and palace elegance to the room.
- The atmosphere of fantasy will be created by ceilings decorated in the form of stained-glass windows. This type of decor is becoming more and more fashionable.
- Panoramic city views and photos of separate beautiful buildings, suggesting an industrial style, will decorate apartments and houses in a modern style.
- Abstract drawings, coinciding with most directions, with the exception of the classics, but the most relevant in modern design. These images make the room more expressive, give it an unusual, unique look.
- All kinds of ornaments expands the space and helps to make the solid color of walls and furniture brighter and more attractive.
- Volumetric 3D images create a sense of height and special floating, which gives the room a fantastic look.
- Geometric patterns, consisting of squares, rhombuses and circles, bring a sense of cosmic bottomlessness to the hall. Such drawings, which are notable for their complexity, imply conciseness and, at the same time, non-standard interior.

You can arrange pictures in the middle of the ceiling, but also in the corners of the room. Full-surface flush placement is also used, but in large and spacious halls with high walls.
Beautiful decor options
The best examples for living room decoration are related to several themes.
Nature images can transform the look of a living room. They relax, pacify, give inspiration.
The most beautiful options:
- starry sky;
- cosmic distances with myriads of stars and nebulae;
- beautiful animals in their natural environment;
- transparent blue sky with clouds and tree branches;
- butterflies against a background of flowers;
- underwater world with its magical inhabitants.

Floral motifs are popular for ceiling design:
- the image of roses - bouquets and individual flowers;
- twigs with apple flowers against a background of deep pastel colors;
- delicate daisies on a white background;
- orchids combined with a graceful pattern.

Images of birds are considered popular subjects for stretch ceilings in the hall:
- eagles, doves soaring in the sky;
- swans decorating the water surface;
- bright exotic birds sitting on flowers and twigs of plants.
Also recently, many people prefer design using abstractions and fractal colors created using computer graphics. This is an extraordinary ceiling decor that allows you to create a unique style of the living room.

Design Tips
Photo printing, which is used on all types of stretch ceilings, will look individual in each living room. In order to avoid style, color and other mistakes in the design, it is recommended to be guided by the following rules for choosing a canvas:
- in small rooms, you should not place voluminous paintings, you can get by with one beautiful image in the center or in the corner;
- thematically drawing or painting must correspond to other decorative attributes;
- with a low ceiling, you should not do it in dark colors - this will make the room even lower than it really is;
- in order to visually increase the area, it is advisable to use glossy fabrics that reflect light, this is not required in a large living room, so you can safely choose designs with a matte surface;
- stretch frescoes are not suitable for modern interior styles, they are usually used if the hall is decorated in a classic way.

Regarding specific images, they can always be found and selected in the catalogs of manufacturing companies, but today any pattern or painting can be ordered according to your own sketch. If a photo is used for this, it should be as clear and understandable as possible in terms of color.
For information on how to install a stretch ceiling with photo printing, see the next video.