Living room design options with two windows

The living room is a unique place in the house: households gather in it, it connects the recreation area with a library, an office, often with a kitchen or bedroom. In this room, guests are received and celebrations are arranged. Therefore, it is so important to correctly use the space, choose a comfortable style, color solutions. Two windows in the hall complicate the task facing the owners. Most often this is a fairly large room, its layout and design is a very important point. Windows can be located on the same wall or different. In any case, an interesting design will require a certain amount of imagination and knowledge of the rules for arranging such premises.

Basic rules for decorating the hall
A living room with two windows on different walls or on one side has both advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, let's highlight the pluses:
- a room with 2 windows always seems brighter, more spacious, lighter and freer;
- since there is a lot of natural light in it, you can use dark colors in the design;
- if the living room area in the house is small, then two windows will make it as light as possible, you can use juicy tones in the composition without fear of reducing the room visually;
- you can further enhance the impression of spaciousness by applying simple design techniques: mirror, gloss;
- a living room with two windows on one side is easily zoned both visually and physically;
- if the windows are large and the view from them is beautiful, this will enhance the impression of the design and make being in the living room even more pleasant;
- non-standard design allows you to create original compositions.

There are also disadvantages that need to be taken into account:
- in a small living room, the second window will interfere with the placement of large furniture;
- an unpleasant view from the window will not add attractiveness to the room;
- if there is another house opposite the windows, care must be taken that the room does not look like an aquarium;
- if the windows are large, this means additional heat loss in cold weather, especially if the room is large, for example, 20 or 30 sq. m., it is necessary to increase the number of heating devices;
- the repair and fitting of the material along the openings becomes more complicated;
- if the window openings are on adjacent walls, an unlit corner is formed.

Two windows on the same wall are quite common. Designers recommend playing with the space as follows:
- if there is a large distance between the windows, you can place the TV zone here on the wall or cabinet;
- a good option to use the space between the windows is a front fireplace, floor vases, you can decorate the wall with photographs, paintings, clocks;
- symmetrical chairs by the windows look good, unless, of course, they are of a panoramic type, a sofa with a table in this case is placed along another wall;
- an excellent solution for such a room is two sofas located on the long sides of the room opposite.

There are layouts in which window openings are located on different walls, usually adjacent. Designers recommend the following original solutions for such a living room:
- a corner sofa in the corner under the window openings is a great way to effectively arrange furniture;
- an angular fireplace is another beautiful solution that will bring comfort, warmth and attractiveness to the composition, the mantelpiece can be used to arrange decorative trifles;
- reading space - ideal for the corner between the windows, where you can put chairs, a table, a floor lamp or a lamp;
- a dark corner can be beaten by placing a TV zone, a soft sofa with additional lighting in it.

Two windows, regardless of how they are located, must be decorated in the same way. This refers to textiles, blinds. Designers do not recommend stopping at too massive bulky curtains, otherwise they will add weight to the interior.
It is best to opt for silk, cotton, linen or tulle.

The arrangement of a living room with two windows has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing materials. First of all, you need to choose the color scheme and style of the room. The color depends a lot on the degree of light and the size of the room. Two windows give more light than one, but if they face north, you need to consider options with a lighter and more vibrant design.
Budgetary arrangement involves wall decoration with wallpaper. Also common options are decorative plaster, paint. You can use natural stone or its imitation, wood panels, wallpaper as wall decoration. A large room must be zoned, you can combine different materials for this purpose. To do this, it is recommended to arrange one wall differently from the rest, highlight it with photo wallpaper.

As for the ceiling, there are several variations:
- drywall;
- tension cloth;
- painting or plaster;
- tile.
It is best to decorate the ceiling either in white or in the lightest shade of the selected range.

As for the floor, the most common finishing materials are:
- high-quality linoleum;
- laminate;
- parquet;
- tile.
The choice depends on the general stylistic picture of the room, the practicality and taste of the owners.

Color selection
For a living room with two windows, wallpaper in a monochromatic design is considered optimal, if the room is not too large, it is best to use light shades. The larger the room, the more possibilities in the combination of colors. Designers use the conditional division of color palettes into two types:
- warm, in which you can see the entire brown range, greens, yellow, orange, red;
- cold, includes lilac and violet, blue, white.

Designers recommend using the following guidelines for decorating a living room with two windows.
- If openings face south, choose cool shades for the living room. Otherwise, in the summer, the room will feel stuffy and even cramped. On the north side, the rule works in the opposite direction, where the warm range is optimal.

- For the east side, pastel is optimal, restrained muted shades. For the western one - bright colors and contrasting variations.

- Not only the color is very important, but also the texture of the surface: the more matte the surface, the less catchy the tone looks.

- For small living rooms, it is better to choose light shades of cold temperature. For large ones - warm, you can use dark and bright colors.

- You can visually raise the ceiling by making it lighter than the walls.

- A narrow living room will be proportionally more harmonious if the elongated walls are decorated in a light cold color. And the shortened ones - in warmer ones.

Using different colors, you should take into account their features:
- white perfectly expands the space, but in excess will turn the room into a state chamber, it is better to dilute the composition with yellow, orange, green;

- gray is also considered versatile and fits perfectly into the design of different styles, but it requires quality accents;

- beige is not only neutral and versatile, but also the safest in terms of quantity;

- chocolate and the entire brown range is ideal for the living room, looks especially advantageous in tandem with beige, green;

- red - very effective, but aggressive, it is recommended only as an accent;

- yellow and orange are very optimistic, but it is better to choose their most faded and restrained shades for the main background or use them as bright details;

- lilac has been very relevant recently and is well suited for light rooms;

- blue will also be great in a sunny living room, but its excess will make the room visually smaller, it is better to use blue;

- green is ideal for a living room with two windows facing north, it makes the room cozier and warmer.

Layout options
Two windows become an obstacle for the arrangement of large furniture. Large sofas cannot be placed in it. Ideally, order furniture for the sizes that your living room and its features dictate. But first of all, you need to understand which pieces of furniture you really need, and what you can and should refuse. Designers give the following tips for furniture layout in a living room with two windows:
- in the large hall, the sofa and armchairs can be placed in the center, in the area between them, place a table;
- armchairs can be located under the windows, and the sofa - opposite;
- for small rooms, select models of a compact type, transformers;
- with the help of furniture, you can zone the living room, dividing the groups by functionality.

The living room with two windows makes it possible to show imagination in the interior. Zones adjacent to openings can be arranged according to symmetry or mirror type. In no case do not choose different textiles for window decoration. It is also a bad idea to consider dark curtains made of heavy fabrics. An excellent solution is curtains to match the upholstered furniture. Consider the following guidelines when decorating a living room with two windows:
- mirrored curtains are only good if the windows are on different sides;
- the best option is light curtains, airy, weightless;
- the textiles of the entire room must be matched to each other in a single composition;
- if the windows are too close, you can optically connect them into one window using curtains;
- modern trends allow the use of blinds, roller blinds;
- roller shutters are good for the Scandinavian style;
- use asymmetry only in modern styles;
- the classic means equally decorated window openings.

It is very important to choose the right lighting. Chandelier-style central lighting shouldn't be the only artificial light source. Use floor lamps, sconces, spotlights in the ceiling to highlight different functional areas in the living room. Light of a soft, diffused type will add coziness and warmth to any interior.
Decorative elements must be used strictly in accordance with the chosen style. Sometimes the smallest detail can spoil the overall impression. In addition, two spectacularly designed window openings in themselves create a sufficient decorative load.
A small number of photos on the wall, paintings can be quite enough.

Beautiful examples
We bring to your attention a selection of examples of the interior of a living room with two windows:
- a bright living room with equally decorated windows always makes a good impression;

- do not be afraid to place upholstered furniture next to windows;

- a lot of natural light allows you to use bright colors without fear of overloading the interior;

- even a small room with two windows can be decorated elegantly and elegantly;

- large panoramic windows are a spectacular detail of the living room interior.

You will learn how to arrange two windows in the next video.