Living room with workplace: stylish ideas, pros and cons

In modern society, more and more people appear who, in principle, do not go to work, but perform certain tasks at home and receive money for this. This requires conditions and a cozy home place where you can make drawings or write an article. It is not always possible to allocate space for work in the form of an office due to the lack of extra space. But everyone can arrange a living room with a workplace, even in a not very large apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages
Before proceeding with the solution of the arrangement of the working area, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Of course, these issues should be resolved by the whole family, especially if it is large, and each of the household members is engaged in a certain activity (studying, knitting or typing on a computer). It is necessary for each family member to express their wishes. And it will be right.

First of all, you need to discuss and consider all the pros and cons of this venture. Let's start with the positives.
- You will be able to start renovating not only your interior, but also, possibly, change your lifestyle.
- It will be possible to perform work in a positive environment, in the circle of people dear to your heart. The main thing is that they do not interfere with you.
- You will not be looking for a place for productive work in other less comfortable places.
- The main advantage here will be space saving. You will not interfere with the rest of loved ones, for example, in the bedroom. The kitchen space will remain at the complete disposal of the hostess.
- Especially this solution should appeal to women who are used to combining work and childcare. In the common space, you can put the child next to him and load him with an interesting activity.At the same time, the mother will be able to work calmly and only occasionally be distracted to look at her child.
- By the way, you will see your loved ones more often and, if possible, communicate with them.

Now let's take a look at the points that you may not like.
- Your activities may interfere with the rest of the family from relaxing in a relaxed environment. For example, a sewing machine makes unpleasant sounds in most cases. The same problem will arise when working on the keyboard from a computer. Although these noises are unobtrusive, they still affect the psyche and cause inconvenience.
- At the same time, your household will interfere with your focus on work. Small children make a lot of noise when they start a game. The TV will also hum and distract your attention.
- A cluttered workspace will be annoying. You will have to constantly clean up all your work tools. This should be done especially carefully before the arrival of guests. In addition, if there are children in the house, then leaving scissors or other sharp objects in a conspicuous place can pose a real threat to the child.
Of course, whether or not to be a working area in the living room is up to you. This is not an easy question, but if there is no other way out, then it can be solved.

Selecting a zone for work
It is convenient and practical to work at home. You can always afford not to be distracted by the trip to your duty station. This means that you just need a living room with a workplace. However, remember that at the same time, the space where you have to perform professional tasks must meet all the requirements: be bright and dispose to fruitful activity.
The living room is where all family members feel comfortable. The lightest and largest room is allocated for this space. People are usually engaged in their professional activities during the day. So, it is in the living room that you will be comfortable doing this because of the large amount of light and space.

If we talk about the night time, then this situation has its advantages. Usually at this time the children are asleep, and no one will bother you (unless one of the adult close people - who loves to sit up late and watch TV, can turn on the sound at full power). But there are certain tricks to fix this problem. For example, you can put on headphones or screw on the sound of a gadget.

So, you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided to remake the living room so that there is space for a work area in it. Then the question arises before you, in what place is it better to place the table and the corresponding equipment. It can be different from a computer to a sewing machine.

It would seem, what is easier? But the living room is usually filled with furniture to the eyeballs. And it has everything you need: armchairs, table, chairs, shelves and more. And it is necessary to dilute this "cluttered" place with a work area. Definitely, you will have to ruthlessly get rid of unnecessary things. To make it easier for you to decide further, you need to take into account several points.
- First of all, you should look around and understand where the brightest place is in your living room. Perhaps there are several windows in the room, and only one or two windows are quite strongly illuminated by the sun's rays throughout the day. And this site will be the ideal space for arranging the conceived project. In this case, the desktop should be ordered with a configuration that allows it to be connected to the window space. And if the room is small, then make a built-in countertop right in the window opening. By the way, you can "stretch" the work surface of the table along the wall. Then you will get the extra space you need for your activities.
This solution is well suited for cutters and those who are engaged in the design of various objects.

- If you do not want to use a window opening, then you can equip a work area in a niche, in a partition, or in an adjoining storage room. In this case, you will be able to disguise your work clutter on the principle of a wardrobe, if guests suddenly come to you. Just close the sliding doors and the niche will look like a wall with an original finish. Yes, and if the doors are tight enough, then you will get complete sound and light isolation from the main space of the living room.

- If your living room has a balcony, and it has a sturdy structure, then this option will be optimal. You can equip a whole office in this place, where you can allocate space for both a computer and other furniture components. There will be a full set of pluses here: good daylight, complete sound insulation from other rooms.

Zoning methods
Here, first of all, you need to think about your needs and desires. If you do not want to be disturbed by the household, or you yourself can make noise during work, then you should create complete or partial isolation of the working area. It should be done in such a way that so that your space does not stand out against the background of the general interior of the living room. In this case, you can order and install a sliding structure, which, if desired, can be easily extended and retracted.

In another state of affairs, for example, when your activity is not related to noise (you knit or sew toys by hand or do something similar), then you can simply separate the workplace on one side with rather thick curtains (for example, from velvet).
If the noise does not bother you, and you yourself, doing what you love, do not interfere with your loved ones, then zoning the living room will become a purely interior task.

Here are some secrets with which you can successfully divide the zones of a large or small room:
- rack partitions - they are light and transparent;
- folding screen - it does not take up much space and can also serve as a decorative addition;
- shelving - in it you can place various things that need to be hidden for security purposes;
- huge aquarium - the decision is expensive, but very effective;
- podium - accessories for work can be stored under it;
- light screen - will perform decorative and practical functions;
- flower shelves and much more.
Everything here will depend on your imagination.

Interior decoration
In this matter, the main task is to place furniture where the original corner will be located. The recreation and reception area must fit a TV, table and chairs (taking into account the available space). As a last resort, if you have little space, then the table and chairs can be replaced with a comfortable sofa, a coffee table with a sliding structure and armchairs.
Furniture on wheels can be placed in the working area. When guests come to you, you can easily "roll out" it from one room to another. However, this is not a very optimal option.

Therefore, choose furniture that will not be too bulky for both the recreation area and the work area. When you start directly placing the desktop in the hall or living room, then try to put it so that it is diagonally in relation to the room. This will fill the corner completely and it will be comfortable. This copy should not be cumbersome, but at the same time have various niches and lockers.

In fairly small spaces use retractable structures. Modern manufacturers have come up with many options for furniture transformers. You have no idea how many options the experts will offer you, from beds, sofas, seating to tables and corners.

When you have a comfortable table, you need a comfortable chair. Don't forget this accessory. These items will be in harmony with any interior if they are made of transparent glass or plastic. Be sure to place an outlet and more than one near the working area (it is better to have more). Usually, when working, there is a need to connect a large number of gadgets. Adapters cannot solve this problem, since with an excess of connected equipment in one outlet, it begins to heat up, and a fire may occur.

And remember that the sofa in the corner where the workspace is located looks out of place. The best solution would be to make custom-made furniture. Yes, it will cost a little more, but then it will "fit like a glove" wherever it is convenient for you.

Design ideas
Before proceeding with the arrangement of the design of any room, it is necessary to decide on the general color scheme that will be present in this place.
- The brightest colors increase creativity. If you are a creative person, then choose yellow, green or blue shades for your workplace.
- The cool color scheme encourages focus on work.
- The color red excites, so it will give you some energy. Just don't overdo it.
- Blue shades soothe and tune in to focus.
- Activities that involve engaging in accounting calculations should not take place in an environment where warm colors are present. They are more suitable for the bedroom.

When it comes to styles that should be present in a room that combines two functions at once, then you need to choose restrained directions... Styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, loft.
These styles will not distract from work, and if you use the living room for its intended purpose, then guests will feel the special atmosphere of your home environment.

Style is well suited for needlewomen provence or shabby chic... Some of the crafts can be advertised in the living room, showing in practice how good they will look in one place or another.

Colonial style will also fit into the interior of people who are accustomed to creativity. And also promotes creative activity style of medieval England, style of postmodernism.
Tip: choose furniture that has natural wood shades.

Complete your interior with various additional details that will please the eye all the time. It all depends on the preferences of the owners. You can put an aquarium with fish, or you can place ornamental plants.

Don't forget to light up your room as well. In addition to a beautiful chandelier, it is necessary to equip the living room space with additional lamps. They should have separate power supplies so that you can always dim the room to your liking.

In the working area, the lighting should be diffused. A sconce or a table lamp is suitable here. The most creative and convenient choice is to use LED strips. They can be used to highlight shelves and racks, as well as place them in the niches of the ceiling.