Rodent cages

When buying a rodent as a pet, the question immediately arises of where it will live. Cages are the best option for these animals. However, it is required to approach their choice with all responsibility, because the character, health and life expectancy of the pet depend on the correct choice of home.

Features of the content of rodents
One of the basic rules when choosing a cage for rodents (regardless of its type) is that it should not have solid walls (like a container). In such a dwelling, there is insufficient air circulation, so it becomes humid inside. In such conditions, the litter will quickly become damp, which causes the active reproduction of bacteria and an unpleasant odor, and the animal can also get sick.
The cage should not have holes, sharp corners, peeling paint, otherwise the animal will try to escape and may be injured.
It is preferable to choose collapsible options - they are easy to care for, and if necessary, the cage can be folded so that it does not take up much space during storage or transportation.

The height of the cage pallet is at least 10 cm, then its contents will not fly out of the cage. Most cages today have a plastic tray, which makes sense. Such a pallet is easy to clean, it does not corrode (as is the case with metal), does not absorb odors and will not be damaged by a rodent (as is the case with a wooden one). However, for some small rodents, it is better to purchase a cage with a slatted floor.

First of all, rodent cages are classified according to who they are for. Different types of pets require different types of care and, accordingly, housing. In addition, rodents differ in size, which affects the size of the cage.
Speaking of dimensions, one should also dwell on the number of storeys in the cell. The multi-tiered cages are connected by stairs, along which the animal can run. In addition, such dwellings are optimal for keeping several pets of the same species.

To understand whether a cage is suitable for a pet, you can use a simple formula. For this, the parameters of the length, width and height of the cage are multiplied with each other. The resulting number must be divided by 100,000. As a result, you get a figure that means how many adults can live in a given cage.
The length of the cage, as already mentioned, is determined by the size of the rodent. For small animals (rats, mice, hamsters), a dwelling up to 30 cm long is sufficient.If the animal is large (chinchilla, guinea pig), then the length of the cage should be at least 100 cm.
Let us consider in more detail the options for housing for different types of rodents.

Guinea pigs, chinchillas
The cages for these pets are quite spacious - at least 70-80 cm in length, 40-50 in width with a cage height of at least 25 cm. If you have a couple of guinea pigs, then the size of the cage should also increase by 1.5-2 times.
A high or two-story cage, like a dwelling with shelves, is not suitable for these pets - guinea pigs and chinchillas are not adapted to climb stairs.
And even if they climb to the second floor, they will not be able to get down on their own. And a fall even from a low height for these rodents is fraught with serious injuries, even fatal.

The optimal material for a guinea pig cage is metal or durable plastic. But wooden counterparts should be abandoned, since these rodents love to gnaw on a tree, which means they can easily damage the cage.
The floor should be solid, it is convenient when it is a plastic pallet. It is easy and quick to remove and clean. The mesh floor of the cage is not suitable for guinea pigs and other large rodents. There is a high probability that the animal will catch on the rods with its paws and get injured.
For a chinchilla, it is preferable to choose showcases, since the animal loves closed spaces very much. The material can be plastic, glass, wood (the animals themselves prefer natural materials), as well as their combinations. Part of the showcase can be made using metal rods or mesh.

Rats and mice
The recommended size of cages for rats is 30 by 50 cm. For mice, you can buy a dwelling 1.5-2 times smaller. These "houses" are intended for one rodent.
The optimal cage is a metal cage with dense rods (rats will gnaw through soft metal like a mesh if desired and persistent), in which the walls are represented by rods, and the floor is lattice. Pay attention to the distance between the rods. For an adult animal, it should not exceed 1.2-1.5 cm, for small individuals - 0.7-1 cm. Otherwise, the rat may get injured trying to stick its muzzle through them.
These rodents are perfect for a two- or even three-story cage, a dwelling with ladders, since mice and rats are active animals, they need movement to maintain shape and health. For this reason, the most unsuitable option for a house is a terrarium with smooth walls - in it the animals will not be able to cling to and climb up.
It is believed that females are more active and like to climb, so for females the cage can be taller and reach a height of 60 cm.

Hamster cages can have the same equipment as a house for rats and mice. However, in the case of hamsters, the optimal cage size is 45 by 45 cm with a height of 15-20 cm. Various ladders, tiers are what is needed for a “correct” hamster's home. Materials - metal or plastic.

Despite the small size of these rodents, they require a fairly spacious cage. Otherwise, gerbils will not be able to live their life span. The optimal size is at least 50 cm in width and 60-70 cm in length.
These animals easily gnaw through wood and plastic, therefore it is better to purchase metal cages for them (the pallet must also be made of metal). These rodents will feel good in multi-level combined cages, where the first floor can be glass, and the second - from metal rods or mesh.

As we have found out, most rodents feel comfortable in a cage with metal rods. A special coating will help to extend the service life of the latter. It can be of the following types.
- Colorful. Manufacturers use powder paint that protects the metal from corrosion and makes the cage look attractive. However, pets easily gnaw it, after which it ceases to perform the functions described above, begins to crack and climb. As a result, such coverage is the most short-lived and cheapest (mainly such cells are produced by domestic and Ukrainian companies).

- Zinc. Products of the middle price segment are distinguished by better resistance to damage and protection from corrosion. However, if the rodent diligently polishes the rod in one place or due to careless transportation, the zinc coating can be damaged and the cage will begin to rust. Usually produced by Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and Chinese manufacturers.

- PVC. It is considered the most stable and durable; such cells are mainly produced by foreign companies operating in the premium segment. However, despite the increased resistance, if such a coating is nevertheless damaged, then the corrosion process will be inevitable.

Additional elements for the cage
For a pet's comfortable living, it is important to take care of the internal organization of the space of his home. For all rodents, a feeder and drinker (called a "nipple drinker") should be purchased. It is preferable that they be mounted. This will save free space inside and ensure order in the same place.
If the feeder can still be put on a pallet, then it is categorically not recommended to do this with a drinker - water will spill all the time, and the litter and fur of the animal will get wet.

Another must-have for all rodents "interior item" is a house. The animal can hide in it when it gets tired and frightened. Many owners say that the house is not needed - the rodents still sleep just in the cage, outside the house. However, the latter is necessary, rather, for the psychological comfort of the animal.

In addition to the basic accessories, there are additional ones. They can differ depending on the type of animal. For example, sedentary guinea pigs and chinchillas, which also have an inflexible and fragile spine, do not need ladders, shelves and a running wheel in the cage.
For active hamsters and rats, ladders and other climbing machines are vital. Be sure to organize ladders in the cage (some of them will be replaced by a stand, a special cabinet or just a lattice fixed from one part of the cage to another), hanging swings, various wooden cubes (to gnaw them), tubes that can serve as transitions. For mobile rodents, you can immediately purchase cages with a labyrinth or organize the latter yourself using pipes.
For hamsters, you will also need a running wheel, but for mice, rats, this accessory is dangerous because of their long tails.

How to do it?
Before proceeding with the construction of a home for a rodent, you should decide what materials it will be.
The easiest option (but not too comfortable for a rodent) is a plastic container of a suitable size... A hole is made in the lid for entry. One or more sides of the container should be cut out and replaced with plastic mesh. The latter is fixed with clamps.

However, the method described above is, rather, an option for carrying or temporary housing. The construction of a full-fledged home begins with drawing up drawings... Of the materials, you will need wooden blocks with a diameter of 3-4 cm, as well as a galvanized metal mesh with a hole diameter of no more than 20 mm.
The next step is to cut the bars and create a suitable mesh base (wooden frame). Before knitting the boards, it is better to process them with something for a more durable operation. For this, a regular varnish on wood, applied in 2 layers, is suitable.

The galvanized mesh should be turned into parts - 4 walls, floor and ceiling. All of them must be carefully measured and fit exactly together. Otherwise, the cage will turn out to be oblique, holes and crevices may appear, through which the animal will escape.
After the mesh has been cut into the necessary parts, the places of the cuts should be processed with sandpaper. She also needs to walk over the entire surface of the mesh in order to exclude the appearance of metal burrs and notches on the finished product.
It is not necessary, but it is still better to paint the cage. This will make it more attractive and prevent it from rusting. Ordinary enamel is suitable for staining.

The next step is the pallet. For rats and mice, you can build a pallet from plywood or chipboard (bottom part) and the same metal mesh. All other rodents cannot live in a cage with a mesh base, so they will have to make a wooden one.
Finally, you can start assembling. First, plywood is nailed to the frame (bottom of the pallet). It is important to ensure that it does not bend, you need to use nails often enough. Fasten the mesh "cube" on top. It is more convenient to first assemble it by connecting all the parts with a metal wire, and then using furniture brackets to attach the mesh to the wooden floor.

For information on how to equip a rodent cage, see below.