Little One Rabbit Food Features and Review

Today, decorative rabbits are quite popular pets. Caring for him is simple, does not require too much time. The same applies to nutrition - it is combined and combines various fresh vegetables and fruits, hay and ready-made dry food.
The Little One trademark produces one of the best quality ready-made rations for decorative rabbits, which contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for normal life.

Advantages and disadvantages
Little One rabbit food is designed to meet the needs of this animal species in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, so it can be used as the only source of food for your pet. Consider the benefits of Little One dry mix:
- convenient packaging with a choice of different weights - 15 kg, 900 g, 400 g;
- a wide range of delicacies for rodents - carob, herbal pads, mixed berries, flower basket, meadow grass sticks and much more;
- The food contains a large amount of fiber, which contributes to healthy digestion;
- the main sources of fiber are grass, barley, popcorn, wheat, crushed peas, yucca extract;
- for the prevention of coccidiosis, oregano extract is included in the feed for young individuals;
- so that iron is better absorbed by the body, copper sulfate is included in the feed;
- you no longer need to spend your free time preparing food for your pet;
- food does not contain dyes and preservatives, has a completely natural composition;
- rather long shelf life;
- the optimal ratio of all components - fiber, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
With a large number of advantages, many veterinarians still do not recommend feeding their pet only with Little One dry mixture. It should be noted that non-observance of the correct storage conditions for the feed will quickly render it unusable.

Basic feed
The Little One catalog contains several types of feed for decorative rabbits. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the range of ready-made rations of the brand in more detail.
- Rabbit food. A complete diet for adults, saturated with all the necessary nutrients that contribute to the normal life of the animal. The composition contains a high proportion of fiber, which is responsible for maintaining the normal state of the digestive system. It is produced in several packaging options: in small ones - for 900 g and 400 g, and in a large economical one - for 15 kg.

- Food for young rabbits. The specially developed composition of the feed is saturated with all the necessary substances for the full development of the pet, as well as its normal life. The dry mix has a high nutritional value and easy digestibility. In order to prevent a disease such as coccidiosis, which affects young rabbits, oregano extract is present among the components. This is a good ready-to-eat diet for decorative rabbits up to 6 months of age. Available in packages of 400 g, 900 g and 15 kg.

- Grass forage for rabbits "Green Valley". The product contains 60 types of herbs that are necessary for the health of a decorative rabbit. The special technology by which the food is produced - cold pressing, allows you to preserve all the nutrients necessary for the health of the teeth and the digestive tract of the animal. To maintain a healthy microflora in the intestines, the composition includes natural prebiotics - fructooligosaccharides. Omega-3 and Omega-6 will provide a shiny and thick coat and healthy skin. Dried flowers and fruits are among the ingredients to add flavor. Available in 750 g and 15 kg packaging.

Treats overview
In the assortment of the Little One brand, you will find a wide variety of delicacies that you can pamper your pet. Let's take a closer look at some of them.
- Carob Little One (200 g). This delicacy is a carob fruit - a valuable source of B vitamins, iron, calcium and many other useful elements. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, which is very popular with all rodents, including domestic rabbits.

- Little One Herbal Pads (100 g). This crunchy grain and herb treat is sure to please your pet. The pads are packed with fiber, which is essential for optimal digestion. And also, gnawing such a delicacy, rabbits can grind off the incisors that they constantly grow.

- Little One Fruit Mix (200 g). Fruit mix consisting of dried banana, raisins and candied fruits. Eating a banana helps to strengthen the heart, raisins are saturated with natural acids, and candied fruits are a valuable source of potassium, keratin, as well as several groups of vitamins A, B and C.

- Little One crimped peas. A tasty treat available to all rodents thanks to the crimped look that they can chew with ease. Peas are packed with many nutrients that are good for rabbits.