Home female bathrobe

The dressing gown, depending on the purpose, can be cozy and warm, or impudently sexy, but it always remains invariably comfortable and convenient.

Probably, no other element of modern women's wardrobe can boast of such a variety of models and styles, which happily combines purely utilitarian and purely decorative functions: warm and light, bath with a hood and transparent with lace, with zippers and buttons, for home and for beach, for girls and for adult ladies.

Home clothes
Initially, the robe was intended for home wear and was a long-length product with a wrap and a belt. Then there were varieties of it, which have now turned ordinary home clothes into completely incredible outfits.
Kimono robe
The model is a robe of a T-shaped silhouette, the style of which came to us from the still actual national Japanese costume. The length of the kimono robe varies depending on the desire, it does not have a fastener, it is fixed with an obi belt imitating the original element of the Japanese national costume, or simply with a wide long belt.

A characteristic detail of this style of the robe is a wide sleeve, in which the hole for the hand is always located above the height of the sleeve itself, creating a very beautiful flying silhouette of a hand-wing. As a rule, it is sewn from expensive natural fabrics of spectacular colors or patterns, allowing you to combine elegance and extravagance in one look.

Dressing gown shirt
One of the most stylish and at the same time comfortable options for this type of home clothing, the cut of which imitates a man's shirt. It can be fitted or oversized, with a collar or without a collar, with a polo fastener or full length, with long or short sleeves, in a variety of colors and prints, depending on the taste and ideas of the hostess about comfort.Sometimes a dressing gown is so good that it can be worn outside the home as well.

Dressing gown
The most fun version of the robe, suitable for the summer or for a warm house or apartment. Motley prints, styles on the yoke, multi-colored trimmings, the absence of sleeves - all this makes the dressing gown, perhaps not the most stylish, but the most cheerful and comfortable option for everyday wear.

The kigurumi, which has been rapidly gaining momentum in recent years, is a full-body robe-suit depicting animals, cartoon characters, including Japanese anime. In fact, a person in this outfit is like a large soft toy. Paired kigurumi robes also look funny - for a mother and daughter or for a young couple.

Robe with trousers
An option for women who like the robe, but don't like the feeling of bare feet, no matter how long the robe is. Short or long trousers with a short dressing gown or a dressing gown of medium length are already a full-fledged home ensemble, still comfortable, but at the same time creating an interesting and not the easiest image.

Plaid robe
Who at least once, getting up from an armchair or sofa, where one was sitting so comfortably under a warm blanket, did not think that it is so sorry to part with it, but it is inconvenient to take it with you? A robe, which is a blanket with sleeves that can be worn over the head or has a zipper, will easily solve this problem for you.

For maternity hospital
You rarely meet someone who likes to be in the hospital. However, there is an option when a woman herself really wants it, because this hospital is a maternity hospital. For a maternity hospital, you will need a fairly large set of things, one of which will be a nightgown (shirt) and a bathrobe.

There is no doubt, every woman wants to be beautiful, and the birth of a daughter or son is a real holiday. However, in an average medical institution of a similar orientation, it is unlikely that they will be allowed to wear a silk peignoir and a transparent shirt with synthetic lace, and, most likely, a woman herself simply will not think of it.
- Firstly, the maternity hospital may have strict rules on the issuance of standard nightgowns and dressing gowns, in which case there is simply no choice.
- Secondly, if the rules do not prohibit wearing your own clothes, then it should be remembered that childbirth is not the easiest and easiest experience, after which, first of all, you want peace and comfort, and not beautiful poses.
- Thirdly, synthetic fabrics can cause allergies in a newborn baby.

Therefore, the ideal version of the "robe + shirt" combination for the maternity hospital should be made of natural fabrics (light cotton or knitwear for the warm season, terry cloth for the cold season), and its cut should not hinder movement.
One of the most suitable styles of a dressing gown for a maternity hospital is a dressing gown with a wrap on the belt or with ties; a woman can wear it both in the prenatal period and after childbirth. A zippered robe is also convenient so that you don't have to spend time and effort unbuttoning the buttons when feeding. You can choose any length of the product, however, the most popular, as a rule, is the average length (just below the knee).

Just in case, you can advise not to take your favorite robe to the maternity hospital - after all, it can easily become unusable, save it for the time when you and your baby are at home.
Styles for obese women
You can talk as much as you like about what exactly the size of the chest, waist and hips should have an ideal woman. However, the purely masculine opinion that in a woman it is not dimensions that are important, but her proportions, was not born out of nowhere. After all, tastes differ. The problem of choosing and buying beautiful things, including dressing gowns, for obese women does not disappear from these disputes.

For ladies of large sizes, only one type of robe is not suitable - one that is not chosen by size and does not correspond to the general type.Everything else - from a spicy loose silk or lace peignoir to a cozy terry robe with a hood and a belt - is at the service of large women. And a size 70 dressing gown is quite capable of decorating your mistress, if selected with taste and according to the situation. A great option is a shirt and a large bathrobe in one set. Now more and more factories are mastering the production of various models of clothing, including robes of a large size range.

The length of the robe of any style is chosen solely in accordance with your personal taste. Of course, a sexy robe does not have to be very short, sometimes a long peignoir, suddenly exposing a seductive leg, looks much more piquant than a robe that barely covers the butt. But a long, floor-length, or, conversely, an extremely short knitted robe, in which his mistress was going to do the cleaning, is unlikely to create the right mood for her, constantly disturbing her and annoying her. Much more appropriate in this situation would be a medium-length robe or a cropped robe complete with trousers.

The color of the robe should be chosen according to your mood, taste and your own color type of appearance. And do not forget about the appointment: purely utilitarian, when a dressing gown, sustained in gentle pastel colors, will be completely inappropriate. Only in the movies does an elegant girl in a snow-white peignoir who brew coffee delight, in real life the morning will be ruined if the dressing gown is ruined. A black satin robe with lace pajamas of the same color is a great option for meeting a man, but just sitting with your girlfriends will be much more comfortable in a motley sundress robe.

Materials (edit)
Modern light industry provides women with a huge selection of materials for dressing gowns:
- warm plush, velor, terry;
- practical chintz, knitted and viscose;
- exquisite silk, satin, chiffon and lace;
- unusual knitted.

Women's dressing gowns are produced by a large number of companies both in Russia and abroad. The most famous:
- a Turkish company with such a Russian name "Nyusha" (NUSA);
- German design and Turkish production "Bagnola";
- Russian manufacturers: Cheboksary "Lusia"; the firms "Valer and Ya", "Golden Fleece", "In Es" from Ivanovo, the popular "Laete";
- Belarusian "Svitanak", which offers wonderful sets of a dressing gown with a shirt;
- Polish "Lelio";
- Italian "Cesare Paciotti";
- Spanish "Artesania".

How to choose?
When choosing a bathrobe, you should start from the purpose of its acquisition - to wear it after a bath or for an evening meeting; for breakfast for two or for cleaning; for meeting girlfriends or for a maternity hospital, for a cold or warm season. In principle, the rest of the selection criteria depend on this parameter, as well as on your personal preferences: the material from which the robe is made, its length, the presence or absence of sleeves, the color scheme of the product.

- Caramel joy - a caramel robe with a length just above the knee with ¾ sleeves and a round turn-down collar. A bright floral print and home ugg boots will make any winter warm in summer.

- Strict chocolate - I can't dare call a cozy velor dressing gown of medium length with an English collar, incredibly beautiful lace trim on the waistline and sleeves, and a satin ribbon-belt.

- Luxurious kimono robe in black and red gradient colors - did someone say that only a short robe can be sexy?

- Knitted robe + top + pants set - amazing color and trendy paisley print.

- A comfortable version of a dressing gown with a drawstring and a hood for pregnancy and the postpartum period is a reason for joy.

- Checkered dressing gown - what could be more stylish and feminine?

- A cozy blue blanket-robe with a snowflake with a zipper, warm knee-highs with a similar print, a book, a cup of tea with lemon - now "and let the whole world wait."