Fashion Bathrobes 2021

What is a robe?
A dressing gown is a kind of home clothing that is supposed to be worn either on the naked body or over linen. Usually the robe is wrapped from top to bottom, for this, a zipper, buttons or a belt are used.

A dressing gown helps to switch after a hard day, it is pleasant to put it on after sleep or shower - a comfortable cut does not hinder movement, and the convenience of this item of clothing is invaluable.

A bit of history
Since ancient times, the robe has been the main element of oriental clothing. Previously, robes were made of silk, providing the outfit with wide sleeves and a loose fit.

Europeans inherited robes from the Turks, in the Middle Ages it was almost a necessity - palaces, estates and estates were not really heated, and the cold constantly pursued their inhabitants and guests. Then this piece of clothing firmly settled in the wardrobes of both sexes.

Already from Europe, the robe came to Russia, and for almost a century it was customary to receive guests in it, which noble ladies and gentlemen enjoyed with pleasure. Then the robe looked luxurious, dapper.

Now the robes have become more modest, but still, they are an integral part of the wardrobe of many.

The popularity of the robe determines the variety of models, the simplest of which is a straight robe below the knee, with sleeves to the wrist or three-quarters. Such models are usually fastened with a lock, buttons or buttons.

The classic model of the robe is practically the uniform of a lady who spends a lot of time at home. All that is required of such an item of clothing is to be comfortable and neat.

Just as when choosing a dress, when choosing a dressing gown, women choose a cut according to the characteristics of the figure. Slender young ladies can purchase fitted models, gorgeous ladies can wear tunic robes or ponchos that do not hinder movements and do not emphasize the features of the figure.

A model with ties on the back looks good - during cleaning or cooking, the robe can be made narrower so that the fabric does not interfere with the process, and when it comes time to relax in front of the TV, you can also relax the robe.

Sundress robes, sleeveless models or kimono cut are suitable for the hot season. Together with a light fabric, such models do not disturb heat exchange and allow air to touch the body. In such a dressing gown the house will not only not be hot, but even cool.

Seamless dressing gowns are a great option for those who appreciate special comfort, as well as for girls in an interesting position. Despite the fact that the robe, in principle, does not imply pressure on the body, models without seams will not only allow you to move around the house comfortably, but also sit down or lie down in a comfortable position.

An option for those young ladies who, even in everyday life, appreciate the holiday - elegant dressing gowns.

Such models are decorated with rhinestones, lace, ruffles and even feathers. It may not be very convenient for every day, but if you have to invite a fan or triple a romantic evening, the named models of dressing gowns will play an important role in making your plans come true.

Separately, there are options for a bath and a sauna. If you have arranged a bath day at home, then you can put a robe over your naked body without getting tired of changing your clothes every time you need to enter or, on the contrary, leave the steam room. If you visit a sauna or bathhouse with friends, relatives or colleagues, a bathrobe will be the only decent option to hide your bathing suit.

This also applies to the beach robe or the pool version. Often, hotels themselves provide guests with comfortable waffle robes that absorb moisture well and allow them not to be embarrassed when they meet other visitors in the corridor.

The dressing gown is also irreplaceable when visiting the bathroom at home - it will not transfer the steamed skin, it will allow the cream to be absorbed, in it you can get to the bedroom without causing any inconvenience to yourself or others.

A bathrobe is a great solution for pregnancy and breastfeeding times. While going to the hospital, many women must take a robe with them. It will allow you not to freeze if it is too cool in the ward or corridor, and will also be convenient when examining a doctor. To feed a baby, the robe requires the least amount of manipulation - just slightly open or open it on the chest so that both mom and baby are comfortable.

Young girls will like funny dressing gowns with ears and, possibly, even a tail sewn on - these models are often "painted" like animals - a chanterelle, cat, bunny or cartoon characters.

There are models of robes, decorated with photo printing and all kinds of inscriptions located on the back or front side of the product, running along the hem or sleeves. A separate line of robes - stylized in the East. Many young ladies have appreciated the model a la geisha robe.

This is at the same time restrained, but piquant clothing, in which you can relax in a soft cross, and easily do the cleaning or other chores. The kimono style is one of the most popular this season.

A dressing gown is an attribute not only of a housewife, but also of a temptress. A sexy translucent robe made of silk, chiffon or lace will be a powerful weapon for seduction. At the same time, the dressing gown does not have to be short - even the “floor-length” version looks incredibly erotic if it fits the silhouette, emphasizes the bust and hips and has a slit from which a bare leg looks out.

There are also models of robes, the main and only role of which is to carry a powerful sexual charge.Often such models are completely transparent, and feathers, silk, lace and even fur can be used as decoration, running along the hem, along the fastener or on the collar.

If the models have straps that do not hide a single centimeter of the female body.

Bathrobes and bathrobes
Youth options are usually bright and catchy. A robe for young people is not just comfortable indoor clothing, but also a way of self-expression. Young girls often choose models with their favorite characters from cartoons or films, painted in the colors of space, with logos of famous brands.

For young people who live together, bathrobes are a great option. They can be stylized as cartoon characters associated with love relationships (Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Marge and Homer The Simpsons, Bugs and Lola Bunny), or they can simply be identified with paired things - for example, a heart and a key can be depicted on bathrobes, details mosaics.

A stylish and more luxurious option is pairing robes with embroidery. It can be the initials of the lovers, their surname or some word that has a special meaning for them. Often, robes embroidered with "Husband" and "Wife" are presented to newlyweds. Such options are acquired by the families in which the child was born, then new statuses proudly flaunt on the backs of the products: "dad" and "mom".

Baby robes
Children's robes today can be found for any age, starting from birth. Newborns can be wrapped in soft, fluffy models that will protect the baby from cold air and drafts. Bathrobes for babies are popular, which allow you to create a whole ritual for going to bed.

Bathrobes with their favorite characters are incredibly popular among older children. Girls have Walt Disney princesses, Winx fairies, Peppa pig, boys like characters from Paw Patrol or Cars.

Models for teens
Teenagers, no less than adults, like to wrap themselves up in a cozy robe, but it must meet a number of requirements. First, to be comfortable, practical and, preferably, made of natural fabric. Secondly, to meet the requirements of the teenager about the appearance of clothing.

There is a whole niche of homewear dedicated to teenage interests. There are models in the creation of which the designers used images of super-fashionable Pokemon, and variations on the theme of wild animals: giraffe, panda, cat or dog, and models with movie characters. Teens of all ages - from middle to high school students - will not remain indifferent to a robe made in the style of "Star Wars", films about Superman, Spider-Man or Batman.

Fashionable styles
In the field of homewear this season, a number of fashion trends can be traced, one of which is retro. Robes made of printed fabric in a small flower with a trapeze silhouette are more popular than ever. Also in trend is a reference to the East - robes made of natural or artificial silk, embroidered with dragons and having wide sleeves.

Not boring styles are in fashion: asymmetry, a torn cut, a dropped shoulder line, even a dressing gown, where the back hem is longer than the front. Loose, slip-on robes and double-sided robes, the color of which change in two movements, are also in trend this season.

In the matter of the length of the robe, each woman acts at her own discretion. If the season allows and the family does not mind, you can choose the provocative option "mini", which, of course, goes only to ladies with long slender legs.

A knee-length dressing gown is a classic option, appropriate for both relaxation and active pastime - cleaning, cooking, fiddling with children.

If the desire to wrap yourself up in a soft and comfortable robe from head to toe prevails, then you need to choose the "maxi" model. However, such a dressing gown cannot be called uncomfortable - the floors in any case form a cutout that will not constrain either when walking or when trying to sit in a chair.

The collections of this season are dominated by rich, deep colors, even when it comes to home clothes.A dressing gown made in shades of dark blue, purple or deep red will look great, black will look rich and mysterious.

At the same time, the dressing gown does not have to have the most trendy color, the main thing is that it matches the color type of its owner.

Both blondes and brunettes are equally suitable for blue and pink, regardless of the intensity of the shade, a calm beige, nutty, golden color. Young ladies with copper hair color will go with shades of green. Robes with prints look good: animalistic and geometric. Variants that match the overall color scheme of the house, living room or bedroom look advantageous.

Robe fabric
A classic is a knitted robe, which is suitable for any season. The knitwear looks pretty, it is a wearable and practical material that stretches easily and washes well. Another favorite among robe fabrics is the makher.

These cozy options can be of different thicknesses and densities, but the hygroscopicity, hypoallergenicity and high wear resistance of this fiber remain unchanged. Velor is a kind of terry, but it is a more solid and expensive fabric. The velor robe looks rich, it is soft and delicate, it is pleasant to walk in it.

Dressing gowns made of cotton fabrics are good for the summer or if it is hot at home. Calico, calico and cambric dressing gowns do not irritate the skin, breathe well, and absorb moisture.

Silk has the same properties, which at the same time looks many times more aesthetically pleasing. A silk robe pleasantly cools the skin and gives even a homely look a certain bohemianness.

Robes made of brocade, cambric, chiffon or satin look great, which translate this piece of clothing from simple and slightly casual into a real haute couture product.

Bathrobes, which contain bamboo fiber, serve for a long time and absorb unpleasant odors. Bamboo is a natural antiseptic and wearing such clothes is not only pleasant, but also healthy. Microcotton also has similar properties, so a robe made of such material is good for active pastime.

A chic option for cold weather is a cashmere robe. Thin, but warm and soft, cashmere warms up wonderfully and creates a cozy feeling. For young ladies who are often cold, robes made of wool are also suitable - for example, merino, camel, angora.

There are even fur robes that will be appreciated by the owners of country houses.

Sizes of women's robes
When purchasing a bathrobe, it is important to choose the right size. This is especially important with thin models, because a terry dressing gown can be taken one size larger, but a silk one should emphasize the figure. It is especially important not to miss the size when buying a thing without trying it on. Here you may need to take measurements of the figure.

Russian women's sizes 42, 44, 46 and 48-50 correspond to European XS, S, M and L. As a rule, men's sizes 50-52 (XL), 52-54 (2XL) and 54-56 (3XL) follow. The “onesize” feature means that the item will fit any lady in sizes 42-48.

The size of the women's dressing gown will also depend on the manufacturer. If the manufacturer is China or Japan, it is better to take the item one size larger than usual. To calculate the optimal size, you need to measure the most protruding points of the figure: chest and hips, for young ladies with a non-standard figure it is better to take a larger option if the choice is between two.

Stylish trends
The set looks stylish, which has something in common with the robe in color or fabric. It can be a dress, as well as trousers with a top or tunic. Having put on such a set, the robe does not even need to be fastened. There are options where the robe is in tandem with nightwear - pajamas, light chemise or nightgown.

One of the fashion trends is shoes that are matched to the robe. As a rule, these are slippers, flat, platform or even heels. There are more sporty options - rag sneakers or jazz shoes, which go well with a sporty robe.

Extraordinary personalities can take a look at vintage robes, which are very trendy this season. These are luxurious models, often made of quilted fabrics, imitating the home clothes of great people - from empresses to stars.

Popular brands
Dressing gowns are produced by many well-known brands, some of them include this type of homewear in their collections from time to time, while others, in principle, specialize in sewing dressing gowns. Of course, there are robes in the lines of such brands as Victoria's Secret, Cleo, Cocoon, Milavitsa. These companies are engaged in underwear and homewear, and each of their catalogs contains up to a hundred of all kinds of dressing gowns.

Fashionistas also know the brands "Nicole" and Nusa, specializing in dressing gowns, parents know and love the company "Daughters and sons", which produces children's clothing for the home. Eminent couturiers like Marks & Spencer and Ralph Lauren also do not shy away from such popular homewear as a bathrobe. Sports brands - Adidas, Nike and Reebook always include sports-inspired robes in their collections.

Producing countries
Which manufacturer to give preference to is a matter of taste and a financial issue.

Budget models can be purchased from Chinese brands, inexpensive knitted robes of very high quality are also sewn in Russia (factories in Ivanovo are especially worth noting), Belarus, and Poland. It is better to buy silk models of Japanese or Turkish production, while in Italy they sew luxurious robes from velor, wool and cashmere.

How to choose?

Be sure to run your hand over the fabric with pressure - no lint should remain on the palm of your hand.

Separately, you need to pay attention to the seams of the robe - they must be soundly processed, threads cannot stick out of them - this is also evidence of the poor quality of the product. Self-respecting firms always sew a loop for a hook to the robe, this small detail must also be done neatly.

A charming model in the style of "kimono" - this robe simply breathes with romance, lightness and tenderness. Delicate flowers are scattered on a monochromatic milky background. The combination of pink and light green goes equally well for white-skinned girls and dark-skinned women.

A simple cream silk robe worn with socks is a contrast to the luxurious and homely style. This is an option for a relaxed evening or a leisurely weekend at home, away from prying eyes.

A seductive lace robe that does not particularly hide the nuances of the figure. Beige underwear, almost invisible on the body, creates the effect of nudity and defenselessness. The best addition to such a robe would be nude in everything - simple curls and no shoes.

Delicate robe made of chiffon and lace, worthy of a bride's morning. The length of the product is compensated by two revealing cutouts at once, revealing the legs and neckline, and white sandals with high heels give the image a bohemian look.

A snow-white short robe, in which it will be convenient to visit the bathroom. Due to the playful cut and pure color, without decor, this model turns a girl into an innocent creature, gentle and touching, like the morning itself.

A provocative option that will not leave its owner unnoticed. Sheer black fabric paired with lace and satin belt - a daring and sexy outfit for a fun evening is ready!

A royal outfit that only a true lady can wear every day. The soft ivory color accentuates the satin belt of a deeper, pearl color, and the lace on the sleeves-flared and on the hem stops the home clothes almost in the evening model.

A bathrobe in a cheerful red-carrot color is a great option for every day.Comfortable cut, non-marking shade and versatile cut allow you to wear such a dressing gown both on the naked body and having thrown a T-shirt and shorts down.

A model rich in her self-restraint. Dressing gowns of light shades of a similar cut are often offered in hotels, because this model does not hinder movement, fits perfectly on any figure and does not distract from a relaxed rest.

A robe that can compete with a beach summer sundress! Light fabric, floral print and an A-shaped silhouette allow you not to hide such beauty only at home, this option will quite allow people to go out for breakfast.

Here is a selection! Thanks a lot!