Waffle robes

The dressing gown is such a comfortable and indispensable piece of home wardrobe that it is hidden in its very name. It is known that the word "robe" came to us from the Arabic language. Translated, it simply means "clothing." That is, one robe in the East was enough to feel confident both at home and in public. It's no secret that oriental men to this day often prefer to wear rich robes all day long.

The features of the gown cut allow the skin to breathe, and the texture of the fabric easily copes with the task of removing excess moisture. The “calling card” of the dressing gown, pleasant for the wearer of the dressing gown, is that it is not hot in it in hot weather, while on cool days it retains body heat. Such qualities are possessed by a waffle robe.

What it is?
Silk or terry cloth robes are often not the best choice for the home. For example, not every person will want to put on a dressing gown made of these materials right after a bath or shower. It is possible that the terry model may seem too hot and dense, while silk will stick to damp hot skin, which is also not very pleasant. An alternative to such things is a waffle robe.

This fabric got its name due to the external resemblance to the favorite delicacy of many - the interweaving of threads forms small square cells, which are a distinctive feature of this material.

Thanks to its special structure, the lightweight waffle fabric perfectly absorbs moisture. In fact, this material can be considered the ideal version of a fabric that combines the virtues of both terry and silk. From the first "waffle" took hygroscopicity, and from the second - weightless lightness.At the same time, the deep relief and volume of the waffle fabric does not allow it to stick to the body, which has a positive effect on the sensations when wearing such a robe, this feature also allows things made from this material to dry faster.

The waffle robe is suitable for both women and men. It can become an indispensable attribute not only of home relaxation after taking a shower or bath, but also a faithful companion who will help out its owner in a spa, public baths or a swimming pool, if for some reason their own bathrobes are not provided. However, even in the most equipped establishments, many simply do not want to feel things on their bodies that are used as uniforms by several visitors during the day.

Therefore, a personal waffle robe, brought with you, is not a whim, but a completely understandable and reasonable decision of an adult who understands the importance of hygiene and personal space.

Dressing gowns made of waffle fabric do not have any canonical cut: now there are both long and short models on the market, both with full sleeves and in 3/4 variations. Also, the choice of the future owner is left to decide whether the robe should be equipped with a hood or a comfortable collar will be enough. If a thing is selected for wearing after a bath, sauna, shower or bath, it would be logical to look for a robe with a hood so that the wet hair is also warm, like the whole body. Plus, being wrapped in a waffle hood will dry your hair much faster.

The cut of the robe can be different. Someone will like the stylization under the neat and laconic models of classic European costumes for the home. Others will appreciate the waffle robe, tailored in the style of a Japanese kimono. The choice of the color scheme of the dressing gown also depends solely on the subjective preferences of the person. These can be either modest monochromatic models, or decorated with embroidery or bright prints of varying degrees of complexity. The main thing is that coloring does not deprive the waffle fabric of all its competitive advantages, which were mentioned earlier.

Fabric structure
The main feature of the waffle fabric, which immediately catches the eye, is already revealed in its very name. This fabric got it due to its visual similarity with pastry waffles, since the entire canvas is mottled with a strict geometric pattern of square or diamond-shaped cells. The size of these cells can vary from two millimeters to one centimeter.

The advantages of waffle fabric include the following:
- this natural material does not pose a health hazard, does not provoke an allergic reaction and is not a source of toxic substances released into the atmosphere;
- the fabric perfectly permeates air, at the same time warming the skin, and without interfering with her breathing;
- like any other cotton material, waffle fabric is soft, elastic and lightweight;
- the strong structure of this fabric allows it to withstand frequent washings without consequences, while the excellent appearance of the product and the useful properties of the material are not lost.

The main raw material for such a fabric is cotton yarn. Recently, bamboo fiber waffle fabric has also become more widespread. Bamboo, which is a lignified straw, gives the fabric, created on its basis, a peculiar shine, easily distinguishable by eye, and delicate tenderness, felt to the touch. When sewing waffle robes, both cotton components and bamboo fibers can be used. Sometimes models are sewn from combined raw materials.

In the post-Soviet space, factories located in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are traditionally strong. Large numbers of domestic producers are based in the “weaving capital” of the country - the city of Ivanovo.Among others, it is worth highlighting such Ivanovo brands as Good Morning, Roshalat and Proffitex. Among the many Ukrainian firms offering their own production of wafer bathrobes, one can mention "OKEU-DOM" from Kiev.

Robe from far abroad, mainly Turkish goods. Dozens of sewing factories from Turkey offer a variety of waffle dressing gowns for every taste.

Men, women and children who have "tasted" what a waffle robe is all agree on one thing - it is more convenient to put on clothes after water procedures: it is soft, but does not stick to the skin, and warm, but not hot, allows the whole body to breathe. In addition, the waffle fabric dries very quickly.

Many owners of such gowns share one more curious observation: they are given a lot of pleasant sensations by the unique massage effect that manifests itself when stroking the waffle "cells".

A laconic robe in a large waffle cage, tailored in the style of a traditional Japanese kimono, significantly benefits from the chosen color scheme. The rich blue gamut effectively contrasts with the skin, and the comfortable "ears" for threading the belt through them save the wearer of such a kimono robe from having to look for this belt, left somewhere when undressing.

A seductive cropped model in white waffle fabric brings out your tan, while a hood worn over the head gracefully accentuates gorgeous dark hair. Lace trim adds pastorality to the dressing gown, once again drawing attention to the charge of natural sexuality.

The waffle bathrobe for a teenage boy features narrow horizontal and vertical inserts made of white material, visually emphasizing the excellent posture of the child. The rich dark brown color will appeal to the wearer of the robe, and his mother - a practical and non-marking model will last until the son grows out of it.