
Husky black color

Husky black color
  1. A bit of history
  2. Choosing a pet
  3. Price
  4. Features of keeping at home
  5. Feeding
  6. Training
  7. Newbie mistakes
  8. Advantages and disadvantages

Husky is a fairly popular breed of dog lately. Many people dream of cute pets with blue eyes. Let us consider in more detail what are the features of these puppies, whether it is possible to have them in city apartments, and whether there are black huskies.

Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed Husky based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

A bit of history

The husky breed originates in the snowy lands of Siberia. In the 1930s, the Chukchi and Eskimos inhabiting the northern regions were able to domesticate this interesting breed, in which there is a mixture of a wolf and a northern dog. They needed an animal that could transport people and goods over very long distances. The harsh climate served to form the character and endurance of the animal.

It is difficult to find a similar breed, representatives of which are ready to serve so honestly and sincerely, overcoming difficulties together with people.

Today huskies are divided into three categories - riding, sports and exhibition. This is a sled breed by standard. Americans loved them very much, making them a popular property of the country.But so that no one would forget their roots and where they come from, the dogs were named Siberian huskies.

Choosing a pet

Having made the decision to have a home black-haired pet, be prepared that the husky breed is not cheap. The underestimated cost may indicate some kind of catch. It is important that the seller provides you with the documents for the animal. If you are assured that there are no documents, then the dog is considered non-pedigree. Let's see how a thoroughbred puppy should look like.

The dog must be branded. It is usually placed on the ear or abdomen. This mark is also placed on documents, which means that the dog is registered. There is also a pet chipping option. Chip is introduced by the veterinarian. It encrypts information about the dog and its owner.

You can find out information from the chip using special equipment.

It is advisable to buy a black husky at the age of two months. Before buying, you need to take an interest in information regarding the care of a puppy in order to eventually raise an intelligent and obedient dog that will become your faithful friend.

According to world standards, puppies of the breed huskies have 15 shades of coat color. But on the territory of the Russian Federation, such colors as white, brown and black are most often found. However, dogs of the described breed are extremely rare in pure black with tan. Most often these are the so-called tricolors, which combine white, black and red color.

By standard, the black coat should not completely cover the dog. Only ¾ of the husky's body surface is enough.

Black huskies with characteristic blue eyes are especially common. It is the combination of bright eyes and a wolfish appearance in their appearance that causes delight from others.

When choosing a new resident to your home, pay attention to the character of the pet. The dog must be friendly, non-aggressive, strong... Better, before taking the animal home, walk with it and see how it behaves. Acquaintance is very important, so that there is no disappointment, and your expectations from the purchase are crowned with joy.

Husky needs authority and a leader nearby who can educate her and achieve obedience... The intelligence of the dog allows you to independently assess the situation, show self-sufficiency and unwillingness to obey other people's orders.


There are many reasons that affect the value of a dog. This is the pedigree, and the distinctive abilities of the animal, and the status of the parents. Cubs of show and sport dogs, especially if the parents are the winners, will cost many times more than puppies of ordinary dogs.

The cost of an ordinary black pet without show or sport pedigree is 25 thousand rubles. But no one will forbid you to train him and make him a winner, if you have a desire to do so.

Puppies with all documents cost from 30 thousand rubles. They have a good pedigree and small flaws that will not stop you from loving your pet in any way.

And the most expensive are champion dogs, ideal, without a single flaw, with an excellent pedigree and a huge number of awards. The price of such pets is more than 60 thousand.

Features of keeping at home

This dog breed belongs to sled dogs. Huskies are not accustomed to living in apartment conditions. This is uncomfortable for them, because huskies can easily live on their own and without an owner.

The dog's life must be active so that he can develop normally.... The husky must have sufficient physical activity. If at home they do not exercise with the pet, then the owners run the risk of raising a defective animal.

But you also need to watch the dog so that it does not run away. This breed is freedom-loving and fast, so such a surprise can happen.

One of the advantages of this breed is no unpleasant smell of black wool. Of course, this does not mean that the dog's cleanliness does not need to be monitored. Just the opposite! Pay attention that your pet does not run through puddles and swamps, comb its fur, do not allow the presence of tangles. After walking, paws and other soiled areas should be rinsed with water.

It is not recommended to bathe the dog often, at most once a year.


It is necessary to feed the animal in a balanced and correct way. It is imperative that you give your dog a varied natural food menu. Beef, poultry, fish, liver, offal such as heart, vegetables - this set must be in the dog's diet.

Important: the products must be thermally processed so that the dog does not have worms.

It is dangerous to feed your husky with pork or lamb. The meat of these animals is too heavy for his stomach.

Oatmeal and buckwheat should be included in daily consumption. Porridge normalizes the work of the intestines and stomach. This does not apply to semolina and barley porridge. It is better not to give them to a dog of the described breed.


Education and training from an early age will help you get an adult, smart, reliable black pet. If you do not pay attention to this process, then you can get an uncontrollable dog.

Northern huskies love freedom and leadership too much - it's in their blood.

Training can begin from the second month of the puppy's life. He should be as interesting and exciting as possible. Applying rewards to your husky will make it much easier for you to wait for the desired result. Treats, praise, a positive attitude of the owner will motivate the animal to show excellent results.

Punishment in the training process can be used only if the dog is aggressive towards the owner and others (including other dogs). The dog is taken by the withers and pressed to the floor so that it cannot resist.

It is absolutely impossible to beat a pet!

Newbie mistakes

Often, unknowingly, the owners of this wonderful breed make critical mistakes that can be troublesome in the further development of the dog. The most common ones are:

  • prohibition of communication with other dogs;
  • carrying an animal in your arms, belly up;
  • execution of one command many times in a row;
  • excessive training.

Also, do not let the dog play with household items and violate the boundaries of the apartment. He can't gnaw on wires, carry shoes around the apartment and lie in the master's bed! Enter the rules and make sure the dog observes them.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this breed are high intelligence, beautiful appearance, neat black coat, friendly attitude towards people, desire to be near the owner, activity and ability to work.

Cons - independence and desire for freedom and a tendency to run away. Home security is not their element.

For interesting facts about husky dogs, see the next video.

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