
How and how to feed husky puppies?

How and how to feed husky puppies?
  1. What can you give?
  2. Prohibited foods
  3. How many times a day should you give food?
  4. Feeding rules

Husky dogs are among the most famous and popular in the world. First of all, people fall in love with these adorable creatures for their magical appearance. Despite the complex nature and increased activity, these dogs have not ceased to be in demand.

Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed Husky based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

If a husky puppy is in the house, then he needs to be provided with competent care. One of the most important points is proper feeding of the baby. Today we will look at how to feed small huskies according to all the rules.

What can you give?

Representatives of this ancient sled breed are famous not only for their endurance and strength, but also for their unpretentious care. Purebred handsome men do not require special treatment. They should be cared for in the same way as most other breeds of dogs. If a cute husky puppy has settled in your house, then it needs to be fed according to all the rules.

At home, such animals can grow up absolutely healthy and active only if you take care of high-quality and safe food for them.

It is worth considering in more detail what little fluffy fidgets usually eat, and what it is better to never give them.

Natural food

First of all, you need to decide in advance on how exactly you will feed your young ward. The owners can choose between two standard options - ready-made industrial feed or natural food. Many people refuse to use the former. There may be many reasons for this. Someone is not sure about the quality of finished products, while someone else thinks high-end branded feeds are unreasonably expensive. In this case, simple, natural food is the best solution.

It is necessary to immediately understand that not all natural products are allowed to be given to babies of the husky breed. There are several of the most relevant items that must be present in the diet of young dogs. Let's take a look at them in order.

  • Meat. It's no secret that meat products are the main sources and suppliers of protein, which is simply necessary for a growing body. This component must be present in an amount of at least 70%. But you need to remember that you cannot give fatty husky meat. These include lamb and pork. Better to go for beef, chicken, or diet turkey. The puppy will definitely not refuse such delicacies.
  • By-products. This refers to the internal organs of animals, namely: lungs, heart, liver, spleen, trachea and other details. Such food consists of vitamins and microelements necessary for the dog's body. A scar will provide invaluable benefits to the health and condition of the puppy. Experts recommend adding it to the diet of little huskies. You should feed your babies offal on a regular basis, but you don't need to do this every day. Otherwise, the animal may suffer from hypervitaminosis.
  • Bones. These foods should not be considered complete and balanced meals. Sometimes you can pamper a puppy with a large and juicy bone, but you cannot feed him only with this every day. By chewing on the bone, the baby will strengthen the jaw muscles, as well as clean the teeth from plaque. The bones should be given to the husky until their teeth change. It is not recommended to give such treats to adults - they can harm both teeth and stomach.
  • Cartilage. These are real suppliers of collagen, vitamin complexes and useful microelements. All of them have a direct impact on the correct development of a healthy body of a young dog. Experts recommend giving puppies cartilage along with meat leftovers - these are real healthy delicacies.
  • A fish. Husky is allowed to give only sea fish. It contains a lot of useful components. It is not recommended to give river fish to the dog - various parasites often "live" in them.
  • Porridge. Most often, small huskies are fed with types of cereals such as oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. It is necessary to give cereals to babies, since it is such nutrition that has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract in a growing body. It is advisable to calculate the nutrition of the puppies in such a way that cereals account for at least 10% of the daily volume of food consumed.
  • Dairy products. These treats contain very important components, for example, calcium. It serves as a real building material in the musculoskeletal system. It should be borne in mind that it is permissible to give husky puppies only low-fat fermented milk products. For example, the fat content of kefir should be exclusively zero, and cottage cheese should not exceed 10%. An important condition is that such food must be fresh. Sour milk treats can be given to babies in the morning. This way you can completely replace other breakfast foods.
  • Eggs. Husky puppies are not prohibited from giving the yolk of a chicken egg or a whole quail egg.It is permissible to present such delicacies to dogs no more than several times a week. Try to follow this rule if you do not want to harm your pet's health.
  • Vegetables. Everyone has heard about the usefulness of vegetables. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for any organism (especially a growing one). Veterinarians strongly recommend adding cabbage to the husky's diet. This product effectively stabilizes the digestive system of dogs. It is also permissible to give puppies a tomato, carrot, pumpkin and beans.
  • Vitamin complexes. Such additions to the main “meals” should only be purchased after consulting your veterinarian.

The list of natural foods allowed for husky puppies is good news.

Hosts can create a balanced diet for their furry charges and from time to time make the menu more interesting and varied.

Ready feed

Many owners prefer to feed their huskies with ready-made dry food. Such food is good because it does not need to be cooked or cooked in advance. All that is required of a person is to pour dry granules into the pet's bowl. Ready-made treats have a longer shelf life and can also contain all the necessary ingredients. True, you need to carefully select such products. Dog food must be premium and not too cheap. The cheaper dry food is, the lower-quality ingredients it contains.

It is important to pay due attention to the composition of the selected dog food, namely:

  • in the list of all components, meat should be first;
  • the type of meat must also be indicated; it is permissible for young husky to buy only those types of feed that contain meat components from beef, chicken or turkey;
  • food with fish is allowed to be given to babies, but it is advisable to combine them and alternate with meat granules; be sure to look at the type of fish used in the manufacture, usually it is indicated on the package; fish, like meat, is most often mentioned first;
  • high-quality and healthy feed may contain a preservative represented by vitamin E;
  • the feed must be enriched with proteins;
  • it is not recommended to purchase dry food in which the grain components are listed first; if you notice such an oversight in the composition of the product, then it is better to refuse to buy it, since it can harm the puppy's digestion;
  • it is recommended to buy only those feeds that are free of flavorings, flavor enhancers, colorants and preservatives.

You can buy wet food for your husky puppy, not dry. It can be sold as canned food or small sachets with chunks in gravy. Treats like these should also have a good composition without unnecessary chemicals, dyes and flavoring enhancers.

You should only buy branded wet food from reputable manufacturers. They, like dry options, should be premium or super premium.

Yes, such food will cost a lot, but a young dog will be well-fed and healthy.

Prohibited foods

Despite its unpretentiousness, it is permissible for husky puppies to give far from all food. Before compiling a menu for dogs of this breed, you need to familiarize yourself with the following list of products that are prohibited from eating by them:

  • it was already mentioned above that the husky is not allowed to give fatty meat - never feed the dog with pork or lamb;
  • it is not recommended to give husky milk, especially natural milk bought in the villages (such drinks are often the cause of serious animal diseases);
  • do not give the puppy bones from chickens, especially if they are tubular, since such food often has sharp edges, which, when entering the animal's body, cause serious damage to the internal organs;
  • egg white should not be given;
  • absolutely any sweets, chocolates, buns and candies for husky puppies are prohibited; sometimes dogs insistently demand such treats from their owners - do not let the animal pity you;
  • raisins and grapes should not be given;
  • banned potatoes and nutmeg;
  • you can give tomatoes, but only in limited quantities; if there are too many of them in the diet, then this can lead to a serious allergic reaction of the pet;
  • Never add sugar substitutes to your dog's food;
  • it is prohibited to give spicy, smoked, salted, fried and pickled foods to huskies;
  • food should not be too cold or hot; the ideal solution would be food at room temperature;
  • experts strongly do not recommend giving the husky vitamin complexes intended for people; if you want to give your pet a vitamin, it is better to buy them at a zoo pharmacy;
  • banned and foods, which contain a large percentage of various coloring components, flavors and preservatives of unknown origin.

Some of the listed products (as is the case with chocolate), huskies can beg for a long time from the owner, try to steal them. Don't give in to the plaintive gaze.

Remove prohibited foods to places where your puppy will not be able to get through. This way, you protect him from various health hassles that can result from eating prohibited foods.

How many times a day should you give food?

Many owners of small huskies are interested in how many times a day they need to feed their pets, what should be the diet and the daily rate of food consumed. The feeding schedule for this sled breed depends largely on age. For example, a puppy who is only one and a half months old should eat at least 4-5 times a day. A grown-up "bully", whose age is from 2 to 3 months, is recommended to feed a little less - 3-4 times a day. Until the age of 6 months, husky puppies should eat at least 3 times a day. As for older individuals of six months and ten months of age up to a year, they will need to be given food 2-3 times a day.

As for the direct volume of consumed portions, it largely depends on certain characteristics and characteristics of a particular animal. In most situations, there are not very many husky babies, but there are also such puppies who like to fill their belly well. See if your pet is eating. For example, puppies that are 2 to 4 months old should eat in the following regimen.

  • dogs should have breakfast at 9 o'clock - you can give the husky cottage cheese, grated carrots and a couple of quail eggs;
  • it is advisable to serve lunch from 13 o'clock - you can give the puppy 500 g of fresh meat or sea fish;
  • afternoon snack at 17 o'clock - you should feed the puppy 500 ml of low-fat kefir;
  • Serve dinner at 8 pm - Serve a combination of meat porridge and vegetables.

Feeding rules

For young huskies at different ages, it is necessary to draw up a diet in accordance with all feeding rules. Let's get acquainted with the main points of proper nutrition.

  • The ration of pets should consist of 70% of meat products. Allowed positions were described above - beef, chicken, turkey. In addition, it is permissible to present rabbit meat to puppies - this is a real delicacy for dogs.
  • White cabbage, pumpkin and carrots are useful. 10% of the total diet should be cereals. From dairy delicacies, kefir and curd are acceptable.
  • At the age of 1 month, the baby should eat only mother's milk. If he is weaned from her, at least two or three weeks the puppy will need to be fed with a milk replacer.
  • At 1 month old, it is allowed to feed the puppy the first complementary food. Supplementation can be both natural and industrial. If ready-made feeds are used, then they must be selected in accordance with the age of the pet.If this is a natural food, then the best solutions will be baby milk formulas, cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk mixed with milk, boiled minced beef, broth of minimum fat content.
  • A two-month-old husky already has all its milk teeth. If you feed the animal with ready-made food, then it is worth introducing semi-moist options with chunks. Give your baby the opportunity to have a snack with fermented milk treats.
  • A 3-month-old husky is usually picked up by new owners and brought to a new home. If the diet changes, then this should be done gradually. At this age, the puppy can be given almost any legal food of natural origin. Commercial feed should be left the same as before.
  • The teeth will change in four to six months. An approximate menu should consist of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. You can teach your puppy to porridge. It will need to be supplemented with meat and offal (50-75%). Commercial feed will need to be supplemented with soaked dry pellets.
  • From 6 months to 1 year, the diet can be expanded by diluting with vegetables and fruits, you need to add more cereals. When making porridge, 33% should be allocated for meat, cereals and vegetables. 1% remains for oil, herbs and vitamins.

If industrial feed is used, then dry granules can already be introduced.

For information on what and how to properly feed husky puppies, see the next video.

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