
Husky food: types and subtleties of choice

Husky food: types and subtleties of choice
  1. Features of the husky diet
  2. Finished feed classes
  3. Rating of the best manufacturers
  4. How to choose?
  5. Feeding Tips

In the modern world, it is most profitable for animals, including dogs, to feed ready-made dry food, since they are nutritious and balanced. It is very important to understand that before you buy yourself a four-legged pet, it is recommended to think over its menu in advance. In this article, we will take a closer look at the intricacies of the husky diet, get acquainted with the classes of ready-made dog food, their rating, and also learn the rules for choosing ready-made food.

Features of the husky diet

There are three acceptable diet options for husky dogs. This is natural food prepared by the owners on their own, ready-made dry and wet food, and a combined nutrition option is also possible, when the animal is fed ready-made dry food with the addition of natural products.

Each diet has its own pros and cons. But it should be understood that ready-made dry food is almost always in the lead, since it is not worth spending time on preparing them, they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the right amount, and it is also very convenient to feed them to animals in the required amount.

Many dog ​​breeds tolerate a mixed diet without any problems, but this option is usually not suitable for the husky breed, because when mixing different foods, that is, ready-made, store-bought and natural, animals may have digestive problems.

Young puppies and elderly individuals are especially at risk.

Veterinarians are inclined to believe that it is best to choose a completely natural diet for the animal, or dry food. Dry options are of very high quality today (if you do not take into account economy products).They contain natural meat in the amount necessary for the animal's body, as well as vegetables, vitamins, minerals and other important elements.

The advantage is that ready-made, balanced feed contains a large amount of healthy fats, but there are very few carbohydrates in them.

Ready-made feeds are fully adapted to the physiological characteristics of animals at different ages. There are also therapeutic lines that will please huskies with chronic diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, heart and other organs.

Finished feed classes

Before purchasing ready-made dry food for your pet, We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the classes of this kind of products that can be easily purchased on the shelves of many pet stores:

  • Economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic.

The economy segment of products for animals is considered the most affordable and demanded for domestic consumers. But such food options can hardly be called suitable for husky dogs, because there is practically no meat in them, only flavors and flavorings.

A diet with economy feed can be extremely temporary.

Economy brands include:

  • Pedigree;
  • Darling;
  • Chappi;
  • Friskies;
  • "Our brand";
  • Stout;
  • Cesar.

And also some other brands that advertise very often. Today, among the economy brands, you can find both imported and domestic producers, but in general, the composition of such food for dogs leaves much to be desired.

After all, these kinds of products are made from the worst waste.

However, the most popular brands in terms of price-quality ratio are premium feed.

Despite the fact that these feeds contain by-products, it is believed that their quality is much higher compared to the economical options.

Usually in premium feeds, the mass fraction of meat is no more than 30 percent, which is quite a bit, but this is also pleasing, because in some economical options, there is generally no meat, but only a small percentage of liver (very often beef). Premium brands include:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Pro Plan;
  • Purina One;
  • Probalance;
  • Hill "s;
  • Brit Premium;
  • Dog Chow and others.

Premium food is quite suitable for feeding husky dogs.

Experts note that if the feed contains less than 25% meat (not offal), then they are not considered premium. This point should be clarified before purchasing feed.

Super premium food is even higher in quality than premium food.

Their balanced composition contains real meat and vegetables, but there are also by-products (exceptionally high-quality, and not just ground bones and other wastes found in economical versions).

Food of this class is recommended for husky dogs at any age. They can be fed to animals without fear for their health. Of course, super-premium lines of feed come out at a price many times more expensive, but their quality is also appropriate. Super premium brands include:

  • 1st Choice;
  • Josera;
  • Gina;
  • DailyDog;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Arden Grange;
  • Pronature Original;
  • Bosch;
  • Optima Nova and others.

Of course, this list is incomplete. Many brands are quite difficult to buy on the shelves of pet stores, as a rule, they are ordered from online stores.

And, finally, the best and most natural food is the so-called holistic. Holistic are ideal for huskies, but you should understand that their price is very high, but justified. In general, there are no offal in holistics, but they contain the purest meat of the best quality, as well as fruits and vegetables, which serve as a source of vitamins and minerals. Holistics include:

  • Acana;
  • Applaws;
  • Holistic Blend;
  • Pronature Holistic;
  • Savarra;
  • Grandorf;
  • Farmina N&D, as well as some others.

Rating of the best manufacturers

All feeds belonging to the same class simply cannot have the same composition and, as a result, equally good quality. To understand which foods stand out from the others, consider a small rating of each class of ready-made dog food.


  1. Royal Canin;
  2. Hill "s;
  3. Probalance.

Super premium:

  1. Brit Care;
  2. 1st Choice;
  3. Gina Elite;
  4. Eukanuba;
  5. Arden grande.


  1. Acana;
  2. Orijen;
  3. Grandorf;
  4. Now Fresh.

Of course, the rating lists are rather arbitrary. They change almost every year, because they can be drawn up both in composition and in the so-called popular opinion of buyers.

How to choose?

The choice of the best food should be based on the health of the dog, its food preferences, as well as its own capabilities. But you should always take into account the composition of the finished feed, no matter what class it is. You can always find a profitable option with a good composition.

Some manufacturers have food for dog breeds, and therefore food specifically for husky is not uncommon.

The best food for an animal is one that contains a large amount of fat and practically no carbohydrates. Low-grade options of economy class, in general, are not recommended to be considered for huskies, the choice should be made among super-premium options and holistic ones. In extreme cases, premium options are fine. In addition to being balanced, they come in a huge variety of flavors: with turkey, chicken, lamb, duck and others.

For huskies with a sensitive stomach or digestive problems, it is best to choose hypoallergenic food. And also such options are suitable for animals with allergies.

It is advisable to avoid brands whose products contain soy, corn, additives of unknown origin and various dyes.

For huskies, food for active medium-sized dogs is perfect. Quality feed should be purchased only in checked places or in veterinary pharmacies... Today, many unscrupulous sellers not only store feed incorrectly, opening them and selling them by kilograms, but also interfere with expensive options with economy brands.

Feeding Tips

You cannot feed animals of different ages the same way. After all, some food is suitable for puppies, and completely different for adults. Their composition varies greatly. Moreover, there are some dietary restrictions for different age groups.


Husky puppies are fed from two months up to four times a day, and from five - three times. It is better if the meals are separated for a sufficient period of time. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. From 8-9 months, the animal can be completely transferred to 2 meals a day.

Adult dogs

Usually, an adult husky dog ​​is fed 2 times a day with dry food. The feed dosage depends on the manufacturer's brand. It is often calculated individually.

It is believed that to maintain health, an adult dog needs about 3-4% of its own weight. Such a complete diet may well provide ready-made dry food. When eating this kind, animals must always have clean drinking water.

Always rinse your pet's bowls thoroughly after eating.

To transfer an animal from one food to another, it is necessary to gradually add a new food to the old one, and after 3-6 days, depending on the habituation of the animal, completely replace it.

For castrated and neutered adults, foods with a lower protein content, preferably dietary ones, are recommended.

Choosing food for husky should be very careful, giving preference to premium and super-premium options, and, if possible, holistic. If we take into account the purchase of real meat in comparison with high-quality feed, then there is practically no savings in this. The only difference will be that meat and other products will have to be cooked on their own, spending a lot of time on this, and the ready-made feed is simply poured into the animal in the right amount.

Of course, the choice in favor of one or another finished product or a natural diet remains with the owner of the animal, but even here all the pros and cons should be taken into account.

For an overview of feed for the husky breed, see the next video.

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