
Types of mestizo husky

Types of mestizo husky
  1. Features of the appearance of the breed
  2. Mixes with large and medium dogs
  3. Crossbreeding with miniature dogs
  4. Random mating with a mongrel
  5. How to identify a purebred husky from a crossbreed?

Today, among purebred dogs that have become demanded four-legged friends to humans, different hybrids are no less popular with breeders. A similar trend has not escaped the husky breed. Thanks to the efforts of amateurs and professionals, several dozen mestizos of this sled dog are now represented, each of which finds its admirers.

Features of the appearance of the breed

The formation of the husky breed took place in the 30s of the last century, it was during this period that the animals were officially registered by canine organizations. Dogs of this breed were bred in Siberia, where the animals were used to move through the snow in sledges. Huskies were also in demand in Canada, Greenland and Alaska. In order to improve the characteristics of dogs, representatives of this breed were crossed with huskies and wolves. Based on some data, in the genus of northern dogs there are Shar Pei, Finnish Spitz, Greenland dog.

Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed Husky based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

The result of the work of scientists was the emergence of animals with an incredibly attractive exterior and disposition, in addition, four-legged comrades stand out for their survival, thanks to which they are practically not afraid of the harsh climatic conditions.

In the middle of the 20th century, animals were brought to Europe, where they began to be used as indispensable helpers in search and rescue operations. In the USSR, such dogs almost ceased to exist, however, several animals were bought from the Chukchi, which was the impetus for the revival of the breed. Today, there are several varieties of huskies, which share exterior similarities and behavioral features. There are four main subspecies:

  • Siberian;
  • Alaskan;
  • Sakhalin;
  • kli-kai (mini-husky).

Also, as pets today, husky hybrids with other breeds, of which there are more than two dozen, are in demand. Breeds of large and small dogs are used for crossing.

As a rule, these animals inherit the features of both parents, however, unlike the subspecies, the husky mestizo are not recognized by dog ​​handlers, therefore they are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Mixes with large and medium dogs

Among the hybrids where huskies were crossed with large dogs, the following should be distinguished.

Sheepdog and Husky

The dog will inherit the size from such large parents, in addition, the pet will be a short-haired animal, which greatly simplifies its maintenance in the home. Puppies will inherit an active and playful disposition from the northern progenitor, so you will need to regularly walk in the fresh air with the mestizo. As for the German Shepherd, it will transfer its strength and developed intelligence to the hybrid, which will be an indisputable advantage when training a pet.

In terms of the exterior, it will be difficult to predict which features will be dominant, but in most cases the dogs will have blue eyes and a "German" color.

A cross between a golden retriever and a husky

As a rule, the Siberian subspecies is crossed, and a cross between animals is called Rehaski. The animals will have a balanced disposition, pets are very obedient. The result of crossing in terms of the exterior will be a dog with a predominant external resemblance to the retriever, so the color of the pet will be in light colors.

A crossed dog will not need long and overly active walks.

Akita inu with husky

In animals, in terms of exterior, the genes of the first dog breed will dominate. In terms of character, pets are characterized as purposeful, in some cases even stubborn four-legged friends of a person, which will not always be beneficial. From a husky, a mestizo can inherit certain features of the muzzle. Also from the northern ancestor, the hybrid will receive pronounced nanny instincts.

Labrador and husky

Outwardly, an adult pet will strongly resemble a wild ancestor - a wolf, except for the exterior, the similarity can also be traced in the nature of the animals obtained by crossing these two breeds of dogs. It will be extremely important for a pet to take a leading position, any attempts to show disrespect can cause aggression on his part. Such a mestizo will require compulsory training, however, in terms of training and education, a strict owner must demonstrate goodwill. Dogs require active and long walks and games.

A cross between a Shar Pei and a husky

Metis stands out for its unusual exterior with a predominance of Chinese genes. Also, the hybrid is notable for the quality that it will be almost impossible to predict the color of a dog in advance. Pets stand out for their high intellectual qualities, are friendly towards humans, younger family members and other pets. From the husky, the hybrid inherited the need for long walks and new experiences.

Husky and Chow Chow

On the exterior, the mestizo resembles a Chinese parent, this also applies to the color of the coat and the voluminous coat. A muzzle dog resembles a forest beast. From the husky, the animals will take a light eye color, a height that exceeds the established standards for a bear dog, as well as the outline of the spots on the fur coat. By their liking, the animals are quite friendly, they get along well with children. However, hybrids need professional training.

Metis huskies

Such a mestizo is considered the most successful option, since the animals will turn out to be born hunters and watchmen. However, pets will be characterized by some selfishness in behavior, as well as hyperactivity. These dogs are recommended for families with small children. The only conditions for keeping a hybrid is to provide it with suitable living conditions. Animals when kept in an aviary will need to make a shaded area so that the dog can avoid overheating during the summer months.

Husky and Malamute hybrid

They are very strong and hardy animals, so pets are often used in various competitions. Such dogs are considered loyal and loyal companions, and are well trained. In addition to the above hybrids, there are huskies crossed with a Rottweiler and a Doberman. The mestizo-dalmantine is popular, northern dogs happen with such breeds as the Samoyed, there is a hybrid of a husky and a pit bull, a mestizo with an Alabai, a bulldog, Stafforda, Siba Inu, and Beagle are used for crossing.

Crossbreeding with miniature dogs

Pug and husky

The dog is not so common; in the animal, in terms of external characteristics, the heredity from the northern ancestor is not so clearly expressed. The structure of the body is similar to that of a pug; the mestizo will also inherit a good-natured character from miniature four-legged pets.

The hybrid is not specially bred, therefore such animals appear exclusively by accidental crossing.

Metis with a Pomeranian

The second name of these hybrids is Pomski. Animals, obtained from such different parents not so long ago, however, are already in deserved demand among designer dogs. Pets stand out for their high cost. Hybrids are notable for their lively and good-natured disposition, they are in good contact with humans, and can become an excellent companion for children. Dogs are small, so they are suitable for keeping at home.

Metis welsh corgi and husky

Outwardly, the animal will resemble a mini-husky, the dog will have short limbs, but an elongated body. The color in dogs is mainly black and white, the pet will inherit the color of the eyes from the Siberian parent. Until old age, the animal retains its friendly and playful attitude towards humans, is strongly attached to the breeder, and also stands out for its well-developed intellect.

Jack Russell Terrier and Husky

The dog is extremely rare, its exterior is more like the English parents, however, the behavior can be traced to the traits of both dogs, crossed among themselves. Pets are active, perfectly trainable. In addition to the above options for mestizo husky with small dogs, there are also hybrids where one of the parents will be a Yorkie or Chihuahua.

Random mating with a mongrel

In addition to crossing huskies with purebred dogs, there are options when unintentional crossing with outbred four-legged pets occurs. In most cases, it is impossible to predict the result from such a mating, this concerns the exterior of such a hybrid. In addition, there is a great risk in terms of getting a dog with a completely unpredictable temperament.

However, puppies born from such an accidental mating with a mongrel mongrel stand out for their endurance, they rarely have defects in appearance.

By humans, such pets are actively used to protect territory or dwellings; with skillful training, outbred mestizos will become good companions for humans.

How to identify a purebred husky from a crossbreed?

In light of the active breeding of husky hybrids, it is extremely important for breeders when buying a puppy to have an understanding of how to distinguish a purebred dog from a mestizo. Mixing of breeds can occur both in one generation, and can be traced in several tribes, since some mating is not at all planned by the owner.

When buying a four-legged friend, you should pay attention to its cost. As a rule, mestizos will be much cheaper than purebred dogs. Sometimes such animals without pedigree can simply be offered as a gift. Such situations will help a potential buyer understand the situation. Mestizos, in the light of inheriting many traits from different parents, can stand out with a rather complex character. Therefore, the breeder is advised to observe the puppy he likes, as well as, if possible, to get acquainted with the parents of the animal.

However, only a genetic test can reliably determine that a pet is purebred., otherwise the buyer can focus on the external characteristics of the animal, as well as the documentation that the nursery will provide. The breeder should pay attention to the size of the animal, however, at an early age it will be quite difficult to determine if the dog meets the standards. Typically, a small puppy can grow into a large dog and vice versa.

As a guideline, one can consider the size of the animal's limbs, however, this factor can be purely individual.

The main features of the husky breed are the following.

  • Animals stand out among their relatives by their "voice". So, the breed does not bark, but howl. And this applies to all emotions - both positive and negative.
  • Not all mestizos will have an innate love for children, huskies are wonderful nannies, so they will try to accompany children everywhere, if there are any in the family.
  • Huskies are unlikely to be good guards, as for mestizos with outbred animals, as a rule, this instinct is more developed in them.
  • Purebred Siberian dogs do not have a specific smell. Since animals are self-cleaning the wool.
  • Since the breed is positioned as a sled dog, strong limbs will become a feature of such dogs. Mestizos may not possess such an exterior feature.
  • The main characteristic of the breed is its eye color. The husky is characterized by a mirror-blue color of the pupils.

For information on how to buy a husky so that in six months he does not turn into a mongrel, see the video presented.

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