
Pros and cons of husky dog ​​breeds

Pros and cons of husky dog ​​breeds
  1. Characteristic
  2. Origin
  3. pros
  4. Minuses
  5. Conclusion

The husky dog ​​breed is considered one of the most popular in the world. The name of this kind of beautiful and playful dogs comes from the changed active word "Eski", meaning "Eskimo". Consider the features of the breed later in the article. We will also dwell on the advantages and disadvantages in more detail.


Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed Husky based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

The breed stands out against the background of other species with harmonious proportions and average size.

The average weight of males varies from 20 to 28 kilograms, knots weigh less: from 15 to 23 kilograms. The height of males at the withers is from 54 to 60 centimeters, the growth of bitches is from 50 to 56 centimeters. These parameters are typical for adult representatives of the breed.

The coat of healthy dogs is thick and silky, has an average length and a pleasant undercoat to the touch.

Husky color combines two colors: gray and white or black and white. Monochrome specimens are also found, but very rarely (white, brown or black wool).

The external feature of the breed is a pair of stripes on the forehead, as well as a kind of "mask" around the eyes.

The standard life expectancy is 12 to 15 years. In this case, it is necessary to carefully look after the dog, properly feed and regularly conduct a veterinary examination. Cases were recorded when pets lived more than the specified age.


Experts believe that the homeland of the husky breed is the vast expanses, Chukotka and Alaska. The locals needed a reliable friend, and the dogs of this species were perfect for this role. Siberian wolves are considered the progenitors of this breed.

As a result of natural selection and artificial selection, a surprisingly beautiful and dynamic dog was born in the future. Today it is one of the most popular breeds.



The harsh climatic conditions in which this breed was born had a positive effect on the immunity of animals. The result is efficient and resilient dogs with good health.


One of the main advantages of this breed is its friendly character. They are friendly to others and quickly find a common language with people. Dogs do not show anger, irritation, or other such emotional signs.

the beauty

The attractive appearance and amazing color of the husky have played an important role in the popularity of this species. In addition to the soft iridescent coat and proportional body structure, the breed boasts expressive brown or bright blue eyes.

A friend for the whole family

Some breeds cannot be bred in a house where children live, but not a husky. They get along great with them. Experts believe that their reverent attitude towards children remained at the genetic level. There is information that earlier the Eskimos had huskies so that the pets would guard their offspring.

Quiet behavior

If you don't like breeds that make a lot of noise with their barks, then the husky breed is perfect for you. This advantage is of great value if the dog is kept in an apartment. Often, loud barking is the cause of discomfort not only for the residents of the house, but also for the neighbors.

No unpleasant odor

Representatives of this breed are very clean and take care of themselves carefully on their own.

Bathing dogs is necessary, but not often. Experts recommend to carry out water procedures 2 times a year. This will be enough.

Unpretentious in food

Many pedigree dogs require a specific diet, but huskies can be fed the same food as other dogs. Making the right menu for your pet is not difficult. Choosing this breed, you will not have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of premium meat and other expensive products.


Huskies are very smart and intelligent dogs. Due to their high intelligence, they are remarkably trainable. Dogs of this breed are very fond of games where you need to find something. This characteristic indicates developed mental abilities.



Despite the fact that huskies are able to express their great love and devotion to the owner, they periodically demonstrate leadership qualities and independence.

When walking on the street, you need to watch out for pets so that he does not run far away.

Bad guard

If you are looking for a dog to guard your home, the husky is not for you. It's all the fault of a peaceful and friendly behavior. It is difficult for this species to identify potentially dangerous people. It will not be possible to change such a disposition - it is inherent in the instincts.


Husky are able to obey the owner and follow his every direction, but only if he is strong and takes a leadership position. You need to have a strong character and perseverance to cope with pet stubbornness.


The renewal of the coat is a natural and necessary process. Huskies molt 2 times a year. Each of the processes takes about three weeks. During this period, dogs shed and build up their undercoat completely.

If the dog lives in an apartment, you will have to regularly remove wool throughout the house. This can be a problem for some hosts.

High activity

Dogs of this breed need to move a lot. When purchasing a husky puppy, be prepared for frequent and long walks... They also love active games and fun. Physical training is a must at any time of the year.

Training needs

Experts say that husky dogs must be trained. Otherwise, instead of an intelligent and friendly dog, you will end up with a naughty and hyperactive pet. The sooner you start the learning and taming process, the better. If you do not have the proper experience and knowledge in this area, contact a professional dog handler.

Permanent company

Huskies don't like to be alone. They need constant company. If you spend a little time at home and do not have the opportunity to often be near your pet, it is better to give up the idea of ​​having a husky.


Before you start a husky for yourself or your family, be sure to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of keeping this breed. We can safely say that this is a wonderful view for families with children and those who love smart and funny dogs.

Remember that a dog is a big responsibility. Keeping a pet requires attention, time and effort.... It is necessary to raise a playful pet from an early age. Also, be sure to use the services of a veterinarian to avoid and prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases.

Interesting facts about the husky are shown in the following video.

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the beauty
