
How to train your husky to use the toilet outdoors and at home?

How to train your husky to use the toilet outdoors and at home?
  1. When to start?
  2. What is necessary for habituation?
  3. Potential problems and solutions

Due to their natural beauty and playful nature, huskies are becoming more and more popular. There is an opinion that a private house is required for their maintenance. But with proper care, they can happily live in an ordinary city apartment. After acquiring a puppy, a huge amount of worries falls on the owner, the first of which is to train the new tenant to the toilet.

Not aggressive
(Rated 1 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Very high
(Rated 5 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed Husky based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

When to start?

The process of education and training should begin literally from the first hours of finding the puppy in the apartment. First you need to find out all the information about the toilet from the breeder and try to create the same conditions. If a baby has mistakes, you must definitely ask - at what time, how he behaves before that. You should be prepared that the puppy is disoriented at home, and all the training work will have to start over.

At the same time, you should not delay the beginning of the training. A one and a half month old baby is already quite capable of understanding what they want from him. And although rare mistakes will be present, the initial lesson will be learned.

It is believed that it is possible to train a puppy to toilet on the street only when he has completed all the vaccinations. This is due to the fact that in outdoor conditions it is impossible to completely isolate oneself from other dogs, as well as their inherent diseases and infections.

And even after the introduction of the last vaccine, at least a couple of weeks should pass. Therefore, in the first months, it is better to celebrate all the needs at home, and only then go outside, leaving the home toilet for "emergency" cases.

What is necessary for habituation?

The following options are most often used as a home toilet for a little husky.

  • Reusable diapers... Their feature is a multi-layer structure. As a result, they prevent leaks on the flooring, contain odors and hold up to 2 liters of liquid. It is almost impossible to gnaw them, and the top layer is moisture-permeable and remains dry without staining the paws.
  • Disposable pharmacy diapers or newspapers, which are inferior in all respects to reusable dog diapers. But on the other hand, they are more affordable and are almost always on hand or in the nearest store. Cheaper materials are usually used in the early days of training, as they require a lot.
  • Trays... There are many models in the form of regular pallets or trays with diaper racks. For males, there are varieties with posts and rails to protect the walls. When choosing a tray, you should pay attention to its size and height of the walls (they should not be too high for a small puppy). For some models, there are mats with a pile that imitate grass - this will prepare the husky for walking on the street.

For a toilet on the street first of all you must have everything you need to clean the excrement behind your pet... It doesn't matter if the puppy is walking in the courtyard of a private house or on a specially equipped dog playground. The easiest option is to use a paper or plastic bag. For convenience, you can purchase special scoop. All this must be put together with a leash and other outdoor accessories so as not to forget.

The basic rules of the toilet at home and on the street are as follows.

  • To teach your puppy to use the tray or diaper as intended, first of all, you need to decide on their location... The easiest way is if the movement of the puppy is limited to a separate room or aviary. Here, any convenient corner can be taken under the toilet. If there are several rooms, there should be a toilet in each one, because the puppy may simply not have time to reach a specific place.

Over time, as the husky learns to control urges, you can leave one diaper or tray in the right place - for example, in the bathroom. To attract attention with the smell, at first you can take a piece from an old diaper and put it under a new one.

  • To help a puppy, you need to watch him.... For example, you can track which place he likes best for the toilet. Or notice how he behaves before going to the toilet and send him there in time. In general, most often puppies need this after eating and sleeping. If during the games the husky begins to behave differently (sniffing, spinning in one place, freezing, starting to make characteristic movements) - this is a reason to be wary and help.
  • Toilet training is a kind of training.... Therefore, the puppy must be commended for the correct actions. To do this, you must always have your favorite dog treats with you.
  • Hygiene is important in the toilet business... Huskies are very clean, so the diapers need to be changed on time, and the tray should be washed regularly. Puppies of this breed will not go to a dirty toilet and will start looking for another place, and the owners are unlikely to like this.
  • Outdoor toilet training is quite troublesome. To begin with, the puppy needs to be taken outside as often as possible - on average 6 times a day. In this case, it is better to first wait until the task is completed, and only then start games or other interesting activities.It will not be easy, since huskies are quite mobile and inquisitive. The example of other dogs often helps in this matter.

Do not forget about the tips - perhaps the animal itself will ask to go outside or show its intentions in every possible way.

Potential problems and solutions

  • Rare misses, even before reaching six months of age, are considered the norm. Sometimes the animal can overplay or not run. And the owners do not always have time to react to the obvious requests of the puppies. This should be taken lightly. Of course, you need to scold for mistakes, and immediately - until the puppy has forgotten what he did. But it is not worth punishing the husky physically or poking it into excrement - you cannot accustom the animal in this way, but it is quite possible to intimidate.
  • Only diapers should remain on the floor during training.... Everything else is best removed. The place of the miss must be well washed and treated with any neutralizing agent from the pet store. The smell of bleach or other household chemicals can work the other way around and attract your puppy.
  • On the street, young huskies are often frightened, and also distracted by foreign objects or other animals. Therefore, for the first trips to the toilet, you need to find a quiet, calm place.
  • Frequent failures are just a reason to change tactics (replace the tray, revise the regime, diet). Be more firm or tolerant depending on the situation. In extreme cases, you can contact a specialist. If the problems began suddenly, after a few months or even years of successful trips to the toilet, it is worth checking the health of your pet and see a veterinarian.

In the next video, you will learn how to train your husky puppy to toilet outdoors.

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