Husky with different eyes

Husky is considered one of the oldest breeds, developed by the peoples of Siberia back in the Neolithic period. The breed was recorded at the beginning of the 20th century by American dog handlers. Tribes such as the Chukchi and Eskimos brought these dogs out for sledding along the snow-covered valleys. The blood of wild wolves flows in the veins of representatives of this breed. Later, when the demand for sledding competitions emerged, there was a mixing of the breed with fast sled dogs as breeders sought to breed faster sled dogs.

Sledding with the use of Siberian huskies has gone down in history, and lately, representatives of this breed can be found more and more often in urban conditions. They are used as companion dogs or as show dogs. Also, entertainment in the ethno-cultural complex "Husky Park" has become popular, where you can get acquainted with this breed and go sledding.

This type of dog is different special endurance and strength, they are able to travel long distances without being tired. But in leaving, they are picky enough.Husky must expend a sufficient amount of energy on a daily basis, breeders recommend walk pets for at least 3 hours, walks should be 2-3 per day.
It is also advisable to take them to special trainings created to educate the wayward character of the dogs and to spend enough energy for them. With insufficient power loads, dogs can channel excess energy into a destructive channel: gnaw on shoes, furniture, show aggression, be in a nervous state.
The color of the dogs is different. Individuals with completely white or black coats are found, as well as spotted, cream, peach and gray.

Huskies are gregarious dogs, but they can exist alone. Despite its cuteness and mischievous appearance, each dog has its own emotional characteristics. But most of them share the following traits:
- love of freedom, love of large and open spaces;
- hunting instincts, but they are manifested only during education;
- stubbornness and self-will;
- a tendency to manipulate for your own personal gain (for example, if you want to get goodies);
- highly developed intelligence, the ability to perceive facial expressions and emotions of a person.

This breed is not suitable for protection. Despite their high intelligence, pets are very gullible and often become victims of theft and deception by strangers. Huskies are especially friendly and get along well with children. They perfectly understand the teams, but sometimes they stubbornly show their disposition and fight for leadership in the "pack", trying to dominate the owner.

Eye color
Husky's eyes are brown, blue and amber. Choosing between blue-eyed or brown-eyed representatives of the species, dog handlers advise choosing the latter. Brown-eyed dogs are believed to be more resistant to disease.

The most popular and mysterious is the blue eye color with a dark border.
It is believed that the husky got such an unusual eye color from the Taimyr wolf.
It is the "ice" in the eyes that gives the dog's gaze a special piercingness, tanginess and even some severity. Therefore, many people prefer blue-eyed dogs for their shrewd and stern look.

However, representatives with different eye colors are considered no less interesting. This feature, not harmful to eye health and not related to pathologies, manifests itself in many animals, including cows, cats, and less often in humans. This deviation is called - heterochromia... This is a violation of the balance of the pigment - melanin, which is responsible for the color of the iris.

Heterochromia can manifest itself in different ways: coloring the left or right eye partially in blue or brown shades. It also happens that one eye can be of an absolutely even tone, without any inclusions, and the second will not only be of a different color, but also begin to include a different shade, as well as spots and dots. This case is called sectoral heterochromia. For example, you can meet a Husky with brown eyes, blue spots and vice versa.

Fortunately, this deviation is not considered a marriage of the breed. On the contrary: the odd-eyed dogs are very popular among breeders, as they are of great interest at various exhibitions. Therefore, puppies with heterochromia are sometimes sold for a higher price, although, in fact, such a puppy will not differ from others in anything other than eyes. They say that the Harlequin puppy brings good luck and happiness to the house. The odd-eyed huskies have an interesting expression on their faces, each half of which expresses different emotions.

Multi-colored eyes can be either congenital or acquired. It is difficult to determine what color the eyes of husky puppies will be: the formation of the color of the iris occurs during certain months of life (approximately 3-4 months). At birth, all newborn husky puppies have dark blue eyes, they begin to open their eyes at about 19 days, and the retina finishes forming at 22 days, so establish,whether the pet has heterochromia at birth is impossible. Only after six months the puppy's iris begins to change and takes on a completely different shade. than at birth.

Also, melanin can change its concentration if the puppies get sick with something or it may be a side effect of medications during treatment.
If the iris appears cloudy or some swelling is present, see a specialist.

Pigmentation may appear in the area of the nose, which is also not considered a deviation. White spots on a dark nose or, conversely, dark on white indicates an imbalance in skin pigment, but this does not in any way affect the health or character of the pet.

Social life
The friendly huskies are ideal for families with small children. They are very sensitive and patient about the manifestations of babies and can even take them under their care.
These dogs are gregarious creatures, so they will be happy with the company of animals, will be able to make friends with dogs of completely different breeds and get along well with cats, kittens can be taken under their care. Despite the lack of guard qualities, Huskies can be jealous and protective of those they consider to be part of their pack.

Another big plus of this breed is they don't bark. They have a very interesting tone of voice. Huskies are known to "sing", howl and yapping.

Due to their mental abilities, they are trainable, but in the process there must be an element of play. They need to be interested, it is advisable to accustom the dogs to their original purpose - to drag something. It can be a bicycle, skis, sledges with children, and the like.
It is better to start training from six months and repeat all exercises systematically 10-15 times in 2-3 days. In this case, it is necessary to exclude corporal punishment, because huskies are very stubborn and can in spite of stopping to meet you, and the whip method will lead to the opposite consequences. They should often be distracted and encouraged with treats.

Husky puppies with different eyes can be viewed below.