
A mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog: features of a mestizo and growing

A mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog: features of a mestizo and growing
  1. Why did you get a hybrid of breeds?
  2. What shepherd dogs are crossed with?
  3. Characteristics of mestizos
  4. Character and behavior
  5. Subtleties of feeding and care
  6. Life expectancy and health

Today, mestizo dogs have become increasingly popular. Large breeds are considered excellent companions and guards. A cross between a German shepherd and a husky can be attributed to the unique representatives of animals living next to humans.

Why did you get a hybrid of breeds?

Scientists once set themselves the goal of developing a breed of dogs that could perform tasks in the harsh climate of the North America and in the Arctic. Sheepdog is an energetic representative that can graze ungulates, conduct search and rescue operations, however, not during a blizzard and blizzard. To facilitate the difficult mission of the dogs, the breeders decided to cross it with a Siberian husky. The latter is characterized by strength, strength and excellent data for participation in the mixture.

The result of the efforts of the scientists was to be a cross between a German shepherd and a husky with all their performance characteristics. Crossing was carried out by breeders from the United States. As a result, mestizo, which is characterized by attractive appearance, beautiful article, sufficient mental development, as well as the ability to work and relax in the snow and blizzard. Unfortunately, the hybrid does not have some of the qualities that scientists were trying to get, namely, the lack of endurance during a long run, as well as the impossibility of unquestioning obedience and pleasing to its owner.

A cute animal does not have the opportunity to pass on its working abilities and external beauty to the next generations.Nowadays, active work is underway against unscrupulous breeders who pass off non-pedigree puppies for mestizos.

Blue-eyed hybrids of the second and third generations, as well as crosses, cannot be considered as an original cross between a German shepherd and a husky.

What shepherd dogs are crossed with?

In our time, some husky hybrids are known, and they crossed it not only with shepherd dogs:

  • Dalmatian Husky or Dalmatian Husky characterized by a long life span and activity;
  • Shar Pei Husky won the hearts of people as a pet, this is an intelligent, loving, playful animal;
  • labrador husky, which has an outward resemblance to wolves.

Husky and shepherd mestizos are as follows:

  • german shepherd and husky - Gerberian Shepsky;
  • australian shepherd and husky - characterized by a cheerful character, kind attitude towards children;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Husky - This is a powerful large breed that has protective and guarding abilities.

Characteristics of mestizos

Puppies of a mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog are called mestizo, this animal has several names: the Gerberian Shepsi, the Siberian shepherd dog, the German, and also the shepherd's husky. These dogs are classified as working, guard, companion dogs. The growth of a male dog is usually from 550 to 650 centimeters, a bitch - 450-550 centimeters. At the same time, adult males weigh from 35 to 50 kilograms, and women - 10 kilograms less. Usually these are long-haired representatives with medium-length hair. The fur is rough, dense to the touch, and has a voluminous but soft undercoat.

A crossed husky with a shepherd dog has a large physique. The dog took the external characteristics of the shepherd dog, its body structure and color. Some Shepsi have a special bevel of the back and croup, which is typical for the "Germans". Pet fur can have a very different color, mixed, which has its own saturation, shades, blotches. The most common coat colors for mestizos:

  • black;
  • black-brown;
  • White;
  • chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • golden;
  • Gray;
  • sounder.

In the color of dogs, different combinations of shades can be present, while the marble and piebald color is considered undesirable.

From the husky, the animal inherited the density of the fur, the lightness of the skeleton. Also, mestizos are characterized by an eye color that only huskies have, namely blue. The appearance of the dog is quite original: the fur of a shepherd dog in conjunction with blue eyes. Some representatives have white markings and masks on their faces. The advantages of this breed of animal include the following:

  • beauty and originality of appearance;
  • friendly, sociable, devoted character;
  • sharp mind and quick wit;
  • loyalty to children;
  • the ability to endure the cold;
  • no need for special care;
  • unpretentiousness.

Disadvantages of a hybrid of a husky and a shepherd dog are also available:

  • unsuitability for serious work;
  • territoriality;
  • lack of aggression towards strangers;
  • stubbornness;
  • food selectivity;
  • cunning, self-will;
  • profusion of molting.

Character and behavior

Shepsky does not have such a character trait as aggression towards people. The animal has a well-developed territorial instinct, so it is used as a watchdog. They angrily bark at uninvited guests on their territory. Such a dog will not become a bodyguard or a member of the protective guard service. Among other things, mestizos can behave aggressively with animals that they perceive as prey, for example, with cats or birds.

Since a shepherd mixed with a husky is characterized by food aggression and extreme property in character, it stands from an early age. The animal must understand who is the boss in the house, how to behave with children and other pets. The child should also know that such a dog should not be disturbed while eating or take anything away from him.

The correct upbringing of a mestizo will allow you to grow a true faithful companion from a pet.

This is an intelligent, energetic, affectionate animal. Despite the fact that the dog loves its owner, in loyalty he is significantly inferior to the German shepherd. The upbringing of a mestizo should start at the age of three months. For advice on training, you should contact a specialist.

However, the owner should remember that it is quite difficult to predict the temperament of the puppy, since each animal is individual. The pet will inherit some characteristics from the mother, the rest from the father. That's why before crossing, all characteristics of both parents are carefully studied.

Subtleties of feeding and care

Metis husky and shepherd dogs are more prone to allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract than other breeds. The animal's diet must be balanced, it must contain vitamin supplements and minerals. The pet should not need fluoride and calcium. The food of such a dog should be protein, cereals, eggs, vegetables, herbs should be present in the diet every day. Compulsory food also includes fish and seafood.

The best option would be to feed your pet with dry food, which is intended for shepherd dogs or huskies.

Such food does not need any supplements, and also does not create difficulties in storage. Dry food fully meets the needs of the dog. It is forbidden to feed the mestizo with food from the human table, to give tubular bones, river fish, spices, confectionery, pasta, chicken.

Since the breed is based on the blood of a husky, outdoor and cool conditions will be the optimal living conditions for the mestizo. Mestizo puppies, like an adult, do not need special care. Due to the fact that there is an undercoat in a Shepski coat, the animal's hair can fall off. For this reason, the dog needs to be brushed regularly using a stiff brush. This procedure should be carried out at least once every two days.

During pet moulting, it is worth combing out twice a day. Bathing of this breed of animals is required infrequently, several times a year is enough. Frequent water treatments can negatively affect the well-being of the animal. Clipping of claws is carried out as needed, or spontaneous grinding of platinum occurs. The ears and eyes of the pet should be examined daily, but clean if contamination is found.

In order to preserve the health of the animal's teeth, it is worth treating it to unsteady cartilages or purchase special toys. Walking for a mestizo is a mandatory procedure, the dog needs to run both on a leash and without it, thus, the pet finds a way out of the accumulated energy.

Life expectancy and health

Mestizos Husky and Shepherd Dogs do not live long, the duration of their existence is usually 9-14 years. This feature is due to the filthiness of the breed. In order not to shorten the life of his pet, the owner must provide him with normal conditions of detention, nutrition, as well as physical activity. The dog can show defects as well as diseases.

  1. Congenital vision problems. The animal can suffer from blindness, visual impairment, and eye diseases.
  2. Hearing ailments, otitis media.
  3. Dysplasia of a large joint, problems with the spine.
  4. Myositis, osteomyelitis.
  5. The frequency of allergic reactions.
  6. Diseases of the stomach and digestion.
  7. Endocrine disorders, especially in bitches.
  8. Cryptorch.
  9. Disease of the heart and blood vessels.

Most often, the animal suffers from diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system, the organs of vision, as well as the psyche. Shepski can also have a predisposition to dysplasia, hind limb failure, dermatitis, epilepsy, cataract. A cross between a shepherd and a husky was bred to obtain a service dog that would be adapted to work in a northern climate.The result is a domesticated pet that is the perfect companion.

The animal is endowed with an unusual appearance, it successfully combines the features of the two breeds. Due to its characteristics, it is becoming more and more popular with "dog lovers". Shepski is an intelligent, kind and hardy dog. She does not create problems when kept at home. The pet inherited strength and power from the shepherd dog, but from the husky, the activity and perky character, however, are possible exceptions.

The peculiarities of the animal can be called love to reproduce loud sounds like a siren, as well as a desire to escape, so the owner must be vigilant. Taking a puppy, the owner will not be able to predict its character, since the animal can inherit the characteristics of the parents' disposition in different proportions.

For an overview of the Husky and German Shepherd mestizos, see below.

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