All about Halloween

Now many are trying to learn everything about Halloween, including the history of this ancient holiday and interesting facts related to it. This is a Catholic festival with roots deep in antiquity. It is worth noting that a huge number of not only traditions, customs, but even real rituals are associated with it. Halloween is literally shrouded in myths and mysterious stories. By the way, quite predictably, many directors filming thrillers and horror films did not leave the theme of the holiday without their attention.

What it is?
This holiday, known to almost everyone, falls at the end of the second autumn month. For some, it means a conditional beginning, while for others, Halloween is filled with mysticism and is associated with the other world.
For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that for some people, October 31 is just a date on the calendar. However, the vast majority perceive this celebration as a costume fun.
But, regardless of the attitude to Halloween, everyone is well aware of its main modern symbol. We are talking, of course, about the legendary Jacks Lanterns, which are a pumpkin illuminated from the inside, on which a smiling face is carved. Now more and more often you can find electric illumination, whereas previously lighted candles were used.
The first such stylized lamp appeared in foggy Albion. And it is worth noting that initially such festive accessories were made from turnips and rutabagas. It was believed that such vegetables left at home on All Saints Day could ward off evil spirits. In the US, Jacks began to be made from pumpkins as they were more readily available.

Considering the features of the holiday, it makes sense to pay special attention to its main character. According to legend, Jack is a blacksmith who once offered a drink to the most unclean one. When the time came to pay for the drink, the sly man suggested that the drinking companion turn into a coin. He immediately sent it into his pocket, where there was a silver cross. The prince of darkness thus fell into a trap, from which he could get out only by guaranteeing Jack not to create problems for him for a year, and not to take his soul after death.
It is believed that the cunning blacksmith was able to deceive Satan twice. According to the same legend, he persuaded him to climb a tree, and painted a cross on its trunk. So Jack managed to provide ten years of life without the intrigues of the unclean. He did not succeed in taking full advantage of this benefit, since he soon died. However, the sinner was not allowed into heaven or purgatory. As a result, he had to wander, lighting his path with a coal placed in an empty turnip inside.
Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in the United States and Canada today. But they celebrate it in one form or another in many countries. It is gradually being popularized in Russia as well.

history of the holiday
Analyzing when Halloween appeared, and in general the history of this holiday, it is worth noting that its roots go back to the pre-Christian era. So, among the Celts, who at one time lived in the north of France, England and Ireland, it was customary to divide the calendar year into two parts. And the number that separated the conditional winter from summer was October 31, which symbolized the outgoing year. In parallel, this day was associated with the end of the harvest season, as well as with the coming winter season.
Since, according to Celtic legends, the mentioned number was the beginning of winter, the New Year was celebrated on the night of November 1. In accordance with the same beliefs, it was at this moment that the doors of the world of the living and the dead opened. This allowed the inhabitants of the latter to penetrate the ground. The described night among the Celtic tribes was called Samhain.
By the way, she was a holiday for all British peoples and was always associated with supernatural forces and the other world.

The gradual replacement of Samhain by All Saints Day began in the 8th century. As a result of the mutual penetration of traditions, the first contours of the future holiday were already beginning to form, which would then be celebrated practically all over the planet. Samhain and Halloween are traditionally celebrated from October 31 to November 1.
It is worth noting that, for example, today in Ireland and the northern regions of Scotland it is customary to tell stories about ancestors and perform rituals aimed at the repose of the dead on this night.
The tradition of going home, begging for sweets, appeared only in the 16th century. By the way, moving from one door to the other, petty shawls, both children and adults, dressed in fabric masks, begged the owners for refreshments. Jackie's role-playing costumes and lanterns became Halloween attributes much later, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In America, the holiday began to be actively popularized due to the massive emigration of the Irish and Scots.

How is it celebrated in different countries?
The influence of American culture has contributed to the fact that after Halloween became popular in the United States (starting in the 19th century), the holiday has actively spread almost throughout the world. However, it is worth considering significant regional and national characteristics. So, in some countries, similar celebrations start with small shifts in dates, and last longer.
For the Germans, for example, this day is actively celebrated mainly by the younger generation. Such a landmark of Darmstadt as the legendary Frankenstein Castle is visited by thousands of people disguised as monsters on a festive night.According to local beliefs, the ghost of the owner of the castle appears on its roof at this time. And in Bavaria and other southern states, November 1 is a non-working day.
But, what is noteworthy, on this weekend, dancing and loud music are prohibited, since on this day it is customary to honor the memory of the dead.

One of the most striking and famous actions can be seen annually near Paris, namely in Limoges and Disneyland. Carnivals are held there with thousands of people in the costumes of ghosts, goblins, vampires and other monsters. At the same time, everything is illuminated with traditional Jack lamps.
French bars and restaurants offer their visitors a special "witch" menu during Halloween. Often the staff of such establishments is dressed in the same costumes as the guests.

And also it is worth paying attention to the Romanian customs of celebrating. Special tours are the most popular in this country. Here you can have dinner with the Adams family at the famous Bragadiru Castle. For guests wishing to dance among the graves, skeletons and other themed paraphernalia, a separate hall is open until the morning. The sale of costumes is organized, and you can also use the services of artists who paint the face. Festivities and a big ball in the castle of Corvin and Dracula (Transylvania) are no less popular.

If we talk about Asia, then perhaps the largest and most active Halloween is celebrated in Thailand. This can be largely due to the predictable desire to attract as many tourists as possible. In parallel, some Thai organizations and communities are using the festivities to make themselves known.
However, without all these factors, all the traditions of Halloween are firmly entrenched in the country, which for a long time managed to partially intertwine with local traditions and some rituals.

Traditions and rituals
It's worth starting with the fact that the main attribute of the holiday is the same Jack. It is with this character of special significance that the traditional pumpkin character creation is associated. The pulp is removed from it, the mouth and eyes are cut out. And they put a candle inside. By the way, a competition for the best Jack is very often held.
The next inseparable part of the celebration is the scary outfits that Halloween cannot be imagined without. Most often, children's and adult costumes, in which red and black colors prevail, are robes or robes. The latter, in most cases, are crowned with hats.
Images of witches, ghouls, monsters and mythical movie characters are especially popular. It is in this form that children move from house to house, begging for food.

Items of the festive menu are no less significant symbols. So, the main ingredients of the dishes are apples, syrup and caramel. Do not forget about the traditional sweets and, most importantly, the traditional Irish raisin bread (baked goods). By the way, according to custom, a coin, a sliver, a pea, or a small rag and other items should be put into the dough. Each of them is a prediction:
- peas - do not count on a wedding in the near future;
- ring - to a quick marriage;
- a rag - to poverty, and a coin - to wealth;
- a chip - to family problems.
Many unmarried people on Halloween are guessing. Fairs are held in many cities, and even parades with fireworks are held in the capitals. In Russia, this day is becoming more and more popular, but has not yet become a massive holiday. Mostly themed parties are organized on this day.

What can you do at home on Halloween?
True fans of this festival try to find some new ideas in preparation for it every year. They try to celebrate this day with maximum fun, while equipping their home accordingly. It is important to note here that not always everything is done in a gloomy style. Modern designers advise to use more bright colors when decorating decorations.
By the way, if you look at the options on the network, you will notice that, for example, the balls in the colors that reign just at this time on the streets of leaf fall look good.
When decorating an entire house or a separate room, it is important to remember that the pumpkin is not the only symbol of Halloween. And here you can let your fantasy go into free flight by purchasing or making it yourself:
- bats;
- spiders;
- scarab beetles;
- toads and other reptiles;
- skeletons;
- trolls;
- gnomes.

In Western countries, it is customary to attach wreaths decorated with the characters listed above on the doors of houses. It is important to remember that on the eve of All Saints' Day, the door to the other world is opened. And it is these wreaths that are designed to scare away evil forces, to prevent their penetration into dwellings.
In addition to all of the above, it will be more than successful to spend the described festivities in the company of witches, vampires, sorcerers, the undead and other evil spirits. It's hard to imagine Halloween without such acting characters. And if it is quite difficult to create a vampire or a witch, then almost everyone will be able to settle a ghost in the house for a while.

The next important element is the direct organization of the active part of the holiday. Nowadays it has become fashionable to organize themed, costume parties. But in any case, Halloween is celebrated as fun and incendiary as possible. Mini-parades of costumes become an integral part of such festivities. Nowadays, both adults and childrens outfits can be purchased. However, making it yourself guarantees fun already at this stage.
For another obligatory part of the holiday, you will have to prepare a traditional treat. And in this case we are talking about delicacies for both household members and guests - extortionists for sweets. Leisure activities can be organized as part of a family dinner after the festive table. Some go for walks in costumes, while others prefer to stay at home and watch films on the subject. Quite often funny contests and competitions become part of the festive program.

Interesting Facts
Considering the history of origin and all the features of the celebration of Halloween, there are many curiosities and unique situations associated with it. These include the following facts.
- On this day, the revenues of many shops, as well as cafes, bars and restaurants reach Christmas records. As a rule, the purchase of costumes or materials for their manufacture, various themed accessories, as well as products for the festive table and treats are not cheap.
- On October 31, 1926, Harry Houdini died, having received an injury a week earlier while performing one of his stunts. It turned out that the legendary illusionist had severe abdominal injuries, which led to peritonitis and death. As reported, if he promptly asked for help from doctors, the tragedy would have been avoided.
- Halloween is associated with a phobia called samainophobia. People exposed to it experience an overwhelming fear both of the festival itself and of cemeteries, ghosts, witches.
- The popularity of the image of an owl is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages it was believed that these birds periodically turn into witches, and hearing a hoot was a bad sign.
- One of the tragic facts is that, according to statistics, it is during this period that cases of fatal raids on children are most often recorded.
- Salem (Massachusetts, USA) is considered to be the capital of Halloween. From the 17th century to the present day, a record number of rumors and legends have been associated with this place. The fact is that once upon a time it was in this town that a large-scale witch hunt was launched. Naturally, such events ended in mass executions. It is worth noting that in order to attract tourists, the residents themselves now support the gloomy glory of the city.
- In some American states, the behavior of people participating in the festivities is governed by certain laws. So, in California, a special permit is required to wear a mask.
- As noted above, in the old days, the preparation for the lamp of the blacksmith Jack, in which he put the coal he received at last from Satan, was a turnip, and not a pumpkin at all. Having removed the insides, they carved on it not the now traditional grinning grimace, but the image of a deceased relative.
- American stores on Halloween manage to sell about 25% of their annual candy supply.
- In the United States, the authorities spend at least $ 3 million on a holiday.
- The New York procession gathers up to 50 thousand participants and about 2 million spectators.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the described holiday gave rise to an interesting tradition - a competition for the largest pumpkin. One of them at one time was exposed to a sample grown by a farmer from California, whose weight was a record 900 kg.