Dry cleaning

Using Vinet for Dry Cleaning

Using Vinet for Dry Cleaning
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment overview
  3. Instructions for use

Universal cleaner Vinet is used for dry cleaning of car interiors. The features of this tool, the range of products will be discussed in this article. And you should also read the instructions for preparing it for use and the rules of use.


Today, car owners are offered a wide range of products for the maintenance of their equipment. Specialized salons will check and, if necessary, replace consumables, vacuum and wash the interior. Many car enthusiasts carry out similar work on their own. All kinds of means come to the rescue of such drivers. One of the popular options is the versatile Atas Vinet. Vinet is used for dry cleaning of car interiors.

It can be used to thoroughly clean:

  • textile;

  • plastic;

  • artificial leather.

Using the product will not only cleanse the skin, but also restore its color. When adding a product to a washing vacuum cleaner, it can easily cope with stubborn or old dirt and stains. After using it, a pleasant citrus scent remains in the air.

The tool perfectly cleans and disinfects leather, plastic and wooden parts. Its peculiarity is that when using it, a lot of foam is not formed, so rinsing is not required.

Also suitable for cleaning rubber parts, linoleum, surfaces coated with varnish, enamel. Washes away grease and grease stains with ease. To remove grease, moisten a cloth to remove dirt. It must be remembered that direct application to the stain is not recommended.

Assortment overview

Vinet is a fairly well-known and popular detergent among car owners. But not only motorists prefer this drug. The cleaner is used with success:

  • for washing household items;

  • when cleaning an apartment;

  • washing plumbing, toilet, bath and sinks;

  • window frames.

It is suitable for carpet, sofa, various surfaces, metal products, plastic, glass.

It is a very concentrated product and must be diluted with water when used. They buy the concentrate in specialized automotive chemistry stores, in the department where they sell sponges, rags, shampoos.

The range of products is quite diverse.

  • Atas Vinet trigger 750 ml. Recommended for cleaning plastic products. It quickly and efficiently removes stains from synthetic materials, restoring them to their previous color brightness, leaving behind a pleasant aroma.

  • Atas Vinet interior cleaner 750 ml. Its concentration is quite high. Used for thorough cleaning of plastic interior parts, artificial leather. When using it, you can remove the dirt stuck in deep pores. Promotes color recovery. Effectively removes grease from surfaces. Due to the low foam formation during washing, there is no need to rinse the parts. The product is sprayed onto the surface with its own spray bottle, left for a short time, and then wiped with a napkin.

  • "Pure plastic" Plak 750 ml Atas Vinet. This product has an increased ability to clean plastic and vinyl parts, from dirt and grease stains. Vinet easily removes oil and grease stains, successfully cleans multilayer plastic, linoleum, varnished products, and removes engine oil from automobile units.
  • The universal detergent of this manufacturer with a volume of 1 liter is also popular. The area of ​​its use is not limited only to washing cars. He can handle the floors of a car workshop, parts of the fuel and distribution systems. After using the all-purpose product, the dirt will quickly disappear, leaving only a pleasant scent.
  • Vinet Atas, Italy (2 kg). Means for dry cleaning of cars, is a concentrated flavored liquid, has a yellow color and is sold in plastic canisters. This universal product is used for cleaning fabric, suede and leather interior elements. Chemistry diluted in different proportions is used to wash engines, carburetors,
  • Atas Vinet 5 kg recommended for dry cleaning cars. It is a highly concentrated cleaner made in Italy. Buyers are offered cans with a capacity of 5 liters. Outwardly, it is a yellow liquid with a flavored odor.

Fans of bulk purchases can purchase a detergent packaged in larger containers - 10 kg or even 25 kg.

Instructions for use

Car dry-cleaning is not cheap, and its quality is not always pleasing. To save a little, you can do it yourself. For this it is necessary to correctly, observing the necessary proportions, prepare a chemical solution for cleaning the car.

In what proportion to dilute Vinet depends on how dirty the interior is. When cleaning by hand or, as it is called, dry, it is most convenient to apply the solution to the fabric surface using a sponge. Then the soaked area is rubbed with a rubber rag, rinsing it in water and wringing it out. The washed area is wiped dry with a cloth. Plastic or leather parts are washed with a sponge and then wiped dry with a rag.

If you use a spray gun, the algorithm will be different.

  1. A working solution is being prepared. It can be diluted 1: 3 or 1: 10, while its concentration will depend on the degree of contamination. Cleaning begins with checking the solution. It is advisable to initially check it in areas that are more hidden from the eye. After making sure that the washed-out part does not change color or its properties, you can continue to work.

  2. Using a spray bottle, the detergent is applied to the surface to be cleaned and left on for 30 seconds. After that, the treated areas are washed with clean water and wiped off with a cloth. It is important that the solution does not get on the body paint, otherwise stains may remain after it.

When cleaning up the car again, you can add a couple of caps of the cleaner to the bucket of water - this will speed up the cleaning process and its quality. A more concentrated product can be used for rims and engine wash.

It will be useful to remind you of the safety rules when working with Vinet.

First of all:

  • use a complex tool only for its intended purpose;
  • exclude the access of children when working with the drug;
  • use protective clothing, respirator, gloves, goggles;
  • if the cleaner gets into the eyes, they are thoroughly rinsed with running water, if necessary, contact a medical institution;
  • if you feel worse after work, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • Store Vinet only in a special container with a tightly closed stopper out of the reach of children;
  • the used container is disposed of.

Car owners know this product well and appreciate it.

The tool is convenient in that it is consumed very economically, has a wide range of applications. It is important to be able to apply it correctly, to know in what proportions to dilute, for what materials to use. It must be remembered that too concentrated a solution can cause burns, and instead of restoring the color palette, things may fade.

For leather surfaces, use a weaker solution. A medium concentration solution is more suitable for flushing engine parts that are contaminated with oil. And only a concentrated solution will remove the bitumen stains.

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