Permed hair

Chemistry for long hair: features and technology

Chemistry for long hair: features and technology
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Who is it suitable for?
  4. Methods of execution
  5. How to do it?
  6. Follow-up care
  7. Styling

Every woman wants to be beautiful, but for everyone this concept is different. Despite the fact that thick and straight hair is now at the peak of popularity, it does not suit everyone. And in order to find a zest or simply to make your hair thicker, there is an effective procedure - a perm. This article will tell you how to properly make it yourself at home, which curlers to choose, and also about leaving after the procedure.


Perm is a procedure in which the hair is wrapped in various sizes of curlers (depending on what you want as a result), after which a composition is applied to them that changes the structure of the hair.

To recreate curls, various types of curlers are used, including papillotes, large curlers, boomerangs and others.

Despite the rather strong harm known to many, which is done to the hair, this procedure remains relevant for girls with straight and thin hair.

Chemistry for long hair looks better than for short or medium length, because it is long hair that can show all the beauty and luxury of curls.

It is worth noting the fact that despite the fact that the essence of the curling process has remained the same, the formulations have become less toxic and do not cause as much damage to curls as before.

The price for a perm of hair varies from 6 to 9 thousand rubles. Sometimes the amount can be higher depending on how long and thick the hair needs to be treated.

It is noticed that after the curling procedure, the curls grow faster. As it turned out later, this is due to the specific action of the chemicals.

As with any procedure performed on the hair, curling also has advantages and disadvantages.

A number of the benefits of curling include the following points.

  1. First of all, it is a winning hair look. After a well-performed procedure, the effect of salon styling can even be created.
  2. Save time previously spent on styling.
  3. Curls do not fall off after rain or snow. True, if the hair is wet, then the effect may disappear for a short time, but reappear as soon as the head is dry.
  4. It can solve the problem of oily hair and oily scalp, since the formulations dry out the skin and curls quite a lot.

As for the cons, the following points should be highlighted.

  1. Loss of healthy shine is possible due to formulations that negatively affect hair.
  2. After processing, the curls may become lighter by 1 or 2 tones. If this is not very noticeable on short hair, then it may come as a surprise for owners of long hairstyles.
  3. The effect of the application of the composition leads to the fact that the scalp dries out, so after that there is a high likelihood of dandruff.
  4. Curling saves time, allotted for styling, but does not exempt from it. In any case, the curls need combing, daily care and simple styling.
  5. The last, but perhaps the most important disadvantage is the presence of allergies. Modern formulations sometimes change the quantity and quality of the chemicals they contain, so it is imperative to check your body for allergies before the procedure. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

It is worth remembering that in no case should a perm be done in the presence of various skin diseases. This can lead to unpredictable and unfortunate results.

Who is it suitable for?

It should be noted right away that despite the fact that perm is not suitable for everyone, large "airy" curls have been in fashion for several years.

If you are a supporter of naturalness as much as possible, then it is best to use curlers of various sizes during the curling procedure.

    Stylists give several recommendations on what types of girls are best to "wear" curls.

    • Tall girls with long hair can try small curls, but don't do the same for short or medium-sized girls.
    • For those with a square face, it is preferable to do horizontal curls. The same goes for those with a rectangular face.
    • Be sure to make a "cascade" haircut. It will look more profitable with any curls on long hair.
    • If you are the owner of a long, but rare and not voluminous hairstyle, then perm will be your salvation.
    • Afro-wave is suitable for girls with high and pronounced cheekbones.


    Perm is divided into several types according to the composition used.

    1. Alkaline. It can only be used on hair with high fat content, but with soft curls. The effect lasts up to 3 months.
    2. Acid. Due to its aggressive composition, it penetrates the hair, revealing the scales, therefore it can be used for hard, thick and thick strands. Quite durable - lasts about 6-8 months.
    3. Neutral. It is used for weakened and damaged curls due to its gentle effect.
    4. Amino acid composition. Differs in a mild effect, does not last long, curls are soft, "airy", on coarse hair they can even turn into waviness.
    5. Silk. Contains silk proteins that have a healing effect on curls. Also does not differ in durability.
    6. Biochemical. Contains protein compounds that also nourish hair, make it stronger and stronger. Suitable for long, loose curls.

    Curl sizes can also vary. Depending on the type of curlers used, curls are obtained of different textures, large, small in the style of afro, spiral or even zigzags.

    Methods of execution

    It's no secret that not only the size of the curlers used, but also their location affects the overall look of the hairstyle.

    One of the clear advantages of long hair is that its happy owners have many ways to curl curls.

    So, the most famous winding methods involve such methods.

    • One of the most famous ways to get fine curls. The hair is divided into several parts (it is desirable that they be divided into an even number) and then braids are braided from them. To obtain curls and on the ends, the latter are wound on bobbins.
    • The next method is "curling and curling", in which two bobbins of different sizes are used for one strand. Quite often it is used for styling, because it looks quite impressive.
    • Combined, or "twin". In this version of winding, the curlers on the sides are arranged symmetrically to each other, and a continuous row of curlers is attached in the middle.
    • Root wrapping. In this case, the curlers are applied only to the hair area near the roots and parting. Relevant for those girls who have sparse straight hair. Gives volume to the hair. Sometimes used to correct frizz, it helps to correct the irregular shape of the head.
    • Vertical cheating method. This method creates the effect of flowing curls. It can only look really beautiful on long hair.
    • The so-called "baby" perm. The procedure has a peculiarity - before applying the composition, a rubber cap is put on the head, in which there are many small holes. The result is a specific boost, but it happens without harm to the scalp.
    • For long curls, wrap the ends is also an excellent option. This will add splendor and sophistication to the hair, but will not severely injure them.
    • It is also worth noting the well-known "carving" method, which is a light curling. There are two types: large and small. Its peculiarity is that the procedure uses gentle compounds. True, such a perm lasts from a month to two.

    How to do it?

    This part of the article is devoted to how to properly curl long female hair on your own at home.

    As mentioned above, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to check the skin for the presence or absence of allergies to this composition. This is done quite simply.

    Unpack the composition and apply the ready-made mixture to the hair area near the ears or temples and leave it on for 15 minutes. If during this time you did not find redness, rashes, severe itching or increasing swelling, then we can assume that you have no allergies.

    In addition to this test for the reaction, it is also necessary to conduct a small test on the effect of the composition on the hair. To do this, you need to do the following.

    1. Take a small section from the back of your head. Apply the ready-made composition to it and hold it for 3 minutes.
    2. Observe the reaction of the curl to the composition. If it has become gray, too soft, and the tips almost fall off, then you should not use such a reagent and it is best to get another one. If the hair does not have a strongly pronounced reaction, then we can conclude that the composition is right for you.

    So, if both of these simple tests have been passed successfully, then you can proceed to the main curling procedure.

    It consists of the following steps.

    1. You need to wash your hair. You can use regular shampoo for this, but it is best to do this with a special shampoo or tar soap. If you choose the latter, then it is undesirable to touch the hair roots and scalp when washing your hair.
    2. Dry them lightly with a towel.
    3. Now you need to gently comb your hair and divide it into several (preferably symmetrical) parts.
    4. With one curl, place the tip between the perming paper.
    5. Roll the strand onto the curlers. It is important to remember that the thicker and harder the hair, the more curlers you will need. On average, it can take from 50 to 60 pieces.Do not roll curlers too close to the hair roots.
    6. Pour the finished compound into a ceramic, glass or plastic dish. Iron containers must not be used.
    7. Apply the composition with a brush to the strands fixed with curlers. It is best to start applying the composition to the strands from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the crown.
    8. After you finish applying, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap a towel around your head.
    9. After 15 minutes have passed, release one strand at the crown, on the sides and at the back of the head. This is necessary in order to assess the degree of the resulting curl. If you don't like the way it looks, reattach the curlers and keep waiting. The holding time of the composition indicated on the label must not be exceeded.
    10. Rinse off the composition from your hair. In this case, the curlers must not be removed.
    11. Now you need to apply the fixative. It usually comes in a set. You need to use half of the required volume.
    12. Wait 10 minutes and release the curlers from the strands.
    13. Apply the remainder of the retainer. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse the curls under running water.
    14. Rinse your hair with a solution of vinegar essence in a ratio of 130 ml to 4 liters.
    15. Rinse your hair under running water.
    16. Dry them with a towel and fluff them a little with your hands.
    17. Let your hair dry completely. At this, the perm at home can be considered complete.

    For dark and thick hair, you can use wellaformer curlers, they keep their shape perfectly, for thin or sparse hair, any other types of curlers are suitable.

    Ladies with bangs need to take into account that long hair, along with a perm, does not go well with curly bangs. It is best not to process it with the composition.

    You will learn more about how to do chemistry for long hair in the following video.

    Follow-up care

    On long hair, the curling lasts the least, since the curls fall off under the influence of their own weight, so they need special care. The process is further complicated by the fact that the hair after such a procedure loses its structure and dries out and breaks. Improper care can even lead to their loss.

    In order for the curls to last longer, you need to use special shampoos and other curly hair care cosmetics.

    As a rule, the ends of the hair after curling leave much to be desired, so you just need to cut them off. It is not necessary to remove the length at the same time, it will be enough to trim them. It is advisable to do this in the first 3 or 4 days after curling. There is one more rule related to this period - you cannot wash your hair for the same amount of time.

    Minimize the use of a hair dryer, iron - do not dehydrate your hair even more.

    You will also need to purchase a special massage comb with rare teeth. It will help to unravel and comb your curls correctly. Strengthen hair and "from the inside": add omega-3 or seafood to your daily diet.

    Curls need protection from the sun's rays in summer, and in winter - from the cold. Use a variety of moisturizing masks, both natural (made from oils) and various brands.

    Also, after the perm procedure, it is recommended to undergo a hair restoration course in the salon.


    If at first styling long hair after a perm does not cause any special problems and takes little time, then after a while you will have to use styling products.

    For the effect of "wet hair", you can use the styling gel of the same name. If you all want to add volume to your curls, then foams and mousses are suitable for this. In the case when you need pronounced curls, then use wax for styling.

    In addition to these products, there are many sprays for various purposes on the market. Among them are styling for curly hair. It will help maintain curls and prevent them from falling off, which is especially true for long hair.

    By the way, curls can be styled in the good old way - with a hair dryer and a round comb.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that curling is considered one of the most toxic procedures for hair. Therefore, it is best to go to a professional and have it done in the salon. But if this is not possible, then in any case you need to visit a professional for a personal consultation. He will tell you in what condition your curls are and advise on the composition, as well as give other useful tips for carrying out the procedure at home.

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