Permed hair

Japanese perm hair: technology, pros and cons

Japanese perm hair: technology, pros and cons
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. How is it different from the usual one?
  4. What tools are used?
  5. Who can do it?

At the beginning of the last century, the hairdresser Nessler created a perm device, which made a real revolution in the beauty industry. Women did not spare their hair, the structure of which was damaged a lot during curling, but the effect was impressive. A whole century has passed, and those who want to become the owners of curls have not diminished. But technology has changed. Today biowave can be curative, which is clearly demonstrated by Japanese technology.


The main thing of this method is the maximum respect for the hair, while the effect of the hairstyle lasts a long time. The unique composition used in the Japanese perm for hair makes it possible to resort to this procedure even for women with thin and weakened curls. But coarse, stubborn hair is also good for Asian technology.

The essence of biowaving, created in Japan, is to change the very structure of the hair without the effect of alkali on it. The base component is selected matrix. Technologists have succeeded in synthesizing this intercellular substance from human hair cells. It is the matrix that perfectly straightens and renews sulfide bridges (the so-called connection between scales) without a detrimental effect on the keratin layer.

The curling mixture also contains other substances.

  • Keratin. It is a protein substance that makes up 90% of the structure of human hair. It is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the hair. Thanks to its keratin ingredient, Japanese biowave is considered healing and gentle, unlike inexpensive alternative "chemistry".
  • Betaine. This substance is a natural hair moisturizer.Without it, in hot weather, curls could quickly turn into straw. Betaine, in addition to organizing the flow of moisture to the hair, also neutralizes the level of homocysteine, a toxic agent.
  • The amino acid cystine. Significantly improves hair structure, catalyzes regeneration processes, and silicon, also contained in the mixture, cements the effect.
  • Lecithin. It is the main component of cell membranes in the human body, it nourishes hair perfectly.
  • Wheat proteins. Protein molecules perfectly condition the hair, strengthen it, and reduce the aggressive effect of external negative factors on the curls.

The matrix (in conjunction with a perfectly matched auxiliary composition) seems to stretch the hair, which makes it possible to model curls of the desired shape. The effect lasts up to six months: after 5-6 months, the stretched scales return to their usual position.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the drug, with the help of which the hair takes the desired shape, is its lipid complex. He is, indeed, able to revive the hair, restore the structure and even fill in microcracks in it, moisturize and protect it from negative external influences. Often the Japanese perm is called amino acid, neutral. The fact that the developers have abandoned alkali is the main advantage of this method.

    But there were some drawbacks.

    1. No matter how the structure of the hair changes, it is always stressful for him. Therefore, the ideal solution is to maintain the natural structure by choosing the right care and styling products. But if curling aesthetically makes your hairstyle more effective, then for the sake of safety, do not do "chemistry" more than twice a year.
    2. The price of Japanese biowave is quite high. On average, such a procedure will cost a client of a hairdressing salon 7-9 thousand rubles, and this is according to the most conservative estimates.
    3. After the curls have acquired a different structure, caring for them will change. The specialist will recommend new shampoo, balms and fixatives to the client. This is done not so much to restore hair as to prolong the effect of curling.
    4. The comb will also have to be changed. A massage brush will not work; you need a wide-toothed comb. Wooden models are preferred.
    5. Do not dry your hair with a hairdryer. If you want to speed up the drying of your hair with a hair dryer, the curls will not last 5-6 months, they will straighten much faster.

    The disadvantages of Japanese technology are few and far between. If the ratio of advantages / disadvantages is in favor of the first point, you can go to the hairdresser.

    How is it different from the usual one?

    As opposed to neutral curls - alkaline and acidic. The first is in the lead in the ranking of the most harmful perms. It contains ammonia, which pretty much loosens the hair. This is necessary so that the active mixture penetrates into the structure and is fixed. As a result of such curling, the cuticular layer is significantly affected, the curls become dry and porous. If the master does not have enough experience, the risk of "burning" the hair is very high.

    Acid curling is softer in its action, but unlike alkaline, it does not do without high-temperature exposure. Therefore, the alkaline method is called cold, and the acidic method is called hot. But you can't call him sparing either, although he dries his hair less. A significant disadvantage of acid curling is its fragility, with a new hairstyle you can go through a little more than a month.

    Japanese perm (also called matrix) outperforms its competitors. The fundamental difference between this technology is that the composition does not destroy the hair, but stretches it. Two distinct advantages of matrix curling are minimal negative effects on hair and durability. They became the reason for the popularity of the method, and cheaper options are becoming a thing of the past.

    What tools are used?

    For hairdressers who offer the service of Japanese biowaving, the price list should indicate a specific base product. For example, Evolution Goldwell.This is an innovative composition that will suit curls of any structure. The main effect of the treatment and modeling mixture is a self-regulation technology with a patented system of cationic polymers (which protects even very damaged hair fragments).

    The client's hair is conditioned and moisturized right during the procedure. The product does not have a characteristic chemical smell, the aroma of the mixture is pleasant, unobtrusive, and many associate it with spa treatments for hair.

    Experts advise to combine a perm with the previous keratin prosthetics, if the hair is severely weakened and depleted.

    Another possible composition for a Japanese perm is Tocosme. Cysteamine hydrochloride, which is a synthetic substitute for the amino acid cysteine, was taken as the base ingredient. It transforms the hair structure only partially, without acting on the core, therefore the effect on the curls is sparing. Keratin-2, also present in the formula, renews molecular bonds in the hair.

    Tocosme has been generously supplemented with a selection of nutritious phyto oils. They allow you to maximize the protection of hair during the procedure. Short hair, long hair, thick hair and thin hair lend themselves equally well to stretching.

      The algorithm of technology with any composition will be practically the same.

      1. First, the master diagnoses the condition of the client's hair and scalp. If there are fresh wounds, abrasions, irritation, the procedure cannot be carried out. And also the assessment of the field of work helps to choose the optimal composition.
      2. The next step is shampooing. If you apply the formulations to dirty hair, then a thin greasy layer will not allow the mixture to penetrate into the hair structure.
      3. Using curlers-bobbins, the master models curls at the request of the client. You can make curls of different sizes.
      4. After all the curls are wound on the bobbins, the master applies the selected composition to them - it must be kept for a certain time (depending on the drug).
      5. Then the hair is thoroughly washed with a special keratin shampoo, a fixative is applied to the curls, which is responsible for the durability of the new hairstyle.
      6. Hair is dried with a hairdryer (at this stage it is possible), moistened with a spray.

      The duration of the procedure is about three hours. This moment depends on the length and thickness of the hair, the chosen composition, the skills of the master. But counting on less time is not worth it, the process is difficult to speed up.

      You must not wash your hair for at least two days after curling. Avoid exposure to moisture and steam. These days, try not to get caught in the rain, wear heavy hats, or stay in the kitchen where the oven is running without a hood.

      Who can do it?

      This perm is suitable for almost everyone, and its healing component allows even women with thin, weakened, lifeless hair to turn to the master. For a long time, the owners of stubborn coarse hair could not even dream of biowaving, not a single composition showed convincing results. Japanese technology has been tested on a huge number of women with coarse hair: among Asians, this structure of curls is common.

      Even those who have recently suffered an unsuccessful painting or highlighting, you can turn to Japanese technology. Often it is she who allows you to revive dull hair, improve the image.

      There are also contraindications to gentle biowave.

      • Gestation and lactation. If a woman is in a position, if she is breastfeeding, a trip to the hairdresser with such a radical goal as a perm will have to be postponed. In theory, this can harm, it is not worth the risk.
      • Hormone therapy. This includes taking oral contraceptives. The ban is not categorical, but many masters in such a situation warn clients about a possible unpredictable result.
      • Allergy to formula composition. A woman should tell the master about a potential allergic reaction.
      • Menstrual period. At this time, even the usual dyeing can be unsuccessful, the curling - even more so.This is explained by a special hormonal activity.
      • Previous staining with basma and henna. Natural dyes are so deeply embedded in the hair that any subsequent effect on the curl can conflict with particles of basma and henna. But this is not so much a ban as a warning; in each particular case, the specialist will determine the risks.

      If the client insists on curling, despite the warnings of the master, a control test can be done. The hairdresser forms a curl on one strand; conclusions can be drawn from the result. In the case of an allergic reaction, a preliminary sensitivity test is possible. It is done in the area of ​​the elbow bend, the master applies a little of the composition to the skin and waits for about 20 minutes.

      To make the perm last longer, you need to take care of it. You cannot wash your hair under a strong pressure of water, you should not whip the shampoo to a voluminous foam, it is not recommended to rub your hair strongly with a towel. Since frizzy hair often gets tangled, every shampoo should include the use of a conditioner to make combing easier.

      Biowave using Japanese technology is definitely less dangerous than its somewhat outdated counterparts. The method allows you to transform hair of different types, lengths and thicknesses.

      According to experts, women who once tried to transform themselves with the help of Japanese medical curling rarely refuse to repeat experiments.

      For information on how the procedure of the Japanese perm hair goes, see the next video.

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