Henna hair dyeing

Indian henna: features and shade options

Indian henna: features and shade options
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Comparison with Iranian
  3. Shade options
  4. How to choose?
  5. How to dye your hair?
  6. Reviews

Henna is an herb that helps not only to change the color of the hair, but to make it shiny and healthy. The natural ingredient has been used for many centuries, but few people know that there is a product made in India, and there is Iranian henna.


Indian henna is a natural dye that gives a reddish brown color, but there is also a colorless powder for dyeing, used as a mask to improve the structure of the hair. It is quite easy and simple to use such a product: the herb comes ready-made, it is an absolutely natural product that you just need to mix with water, wait until it is infused, then apply to your hair.

To obtain the desired shade, the mask must be kept on the head for several hours. Older ladies also use henna to hide gray hair.

Apply the powder twice a month, this is enough to leave the hair healthy, shiny and voluminous. The mask helps to restore the lost health of the hair, restores the damaged structure. In addition, henna restores the acid-base balance of the scalp.

Henna is a very good conditioner: it coats each hair and creates a protective barrier against damage. Regular use of the dye makes the hair thick and strong, while retaining the necessary moisture. This paint is capable of treating dandruff.

Some ready-to-eat foods on the market are also fortified with 9 other herbs. This combination improves the condition of the hair follicle, activates growth.

Comparison with Iranian

Indian henna is "taken" from a shrub, which during the flowering period is covered with white-pink inflorescences.It is his leaves that become the basis for creating a coloring composition. The entire production process is built on manual labor: men and women collect the plant, dry it and grind it until a powder consistency is reached. It is in this form that the paint goes to store shelves for further use.

This is an amazing product that includes a vitamin complex necessary for hair. Indian henna differs from Iranian in that after staining, a reddish tint is achieved, very bright, saturated. You can add other ingredients to the powder, for example, tea or coffee, then the shade will change. When dyeing, it is important to take into account the natural color of the girl's hair, since on dark, brown or light curls, the color can be very different.

The difference between Iranian henna is not only that it grows on the territory of Iran. The powder has a pale green color, after dyeing, you can see a copper color on the hair, which will become darker if you add a little basma. The cooking process is the same as in India: everything is based on manual labor.

Henna is easy to paint over gray hair, you can heal curls. Which one is better is difficult to say, since both options are exclusively natural products, respectively, they have a beneficial effect on the hair.

Indian henna is ground much harder, so there are no problems with application. In both cases, it is important to note that such a paint is completely safe for hair and scalp, it has a powerful regenerating effect.

Aroma is considered another difference, as Iranian product does not always smell good. It paints gray hair worse, in comparison with it, Indian henna lasts longer on the hair and makes it silky.

Shade options

The difference in shade is often the main factor in why a particular product is purchased. Iranian henna has only a coppery shade, while it changes depending on the natural hair color of the girl. The Indian product has much more possibilities, since you can choose from seven shades, there is also a colorless option.

When dyeing with Indian henna, you can get black hair, brown, chocolate shade. Sometimes the curls resemble burgundy in color or simply acquire a golden hue. Chestnut or copper color looks good.

It is very difficult to predict what the final result will be after dyeing, since it is very important how the composition was prepared, how long the dye was kept on the hair, what color the natural strands were. Experience shows that the lighter the hair, the more intense the effect: the hair turns out to be bright red. When using Indian henna on dark hair, the shade turns out to be burgundy.

To control the intensity of the color, girls try to adjust the amount of powder. The more it is, the brighter the result should be expected.

However, it is almost impossible to maintain the same consistency of the mixture every time, so other ingredients are often added.

Blondes are advised to brew henna not with water, but to use chamomile infusion for this, thanks to which the shade turns out to be golden-honey. If you use the same remedy on dark hair, then the saturation of the henna can be softened.

You can add turmeric to the herb for an even brighter color. For a fiery red color, add rich beet juice and red wine.

Coffee and tea are also great helpers when you need to give your hair a brown shade. The exact color will depend on the amount of additional ingredients per serving of henna, but the advantage of using such a dye is that the result can be corrected very quickly by re-dyeing, and there will be no negative effect on the hair.

Despite the fact that henna is a natural material, you should not use it more than three times a month.

How to choose?

On the market you can find fortified henna with oils, however, regardless of the purchased product, the powder inside must necessarily be fresh, since this is the only way to achieve the desired result.

The best paint is made from the top leaves of the plant. This is where most of the coloring pigment is located. When opening the pack, there should be finely ground powder inside, no sticks or other large fragments. You can sift the henna yourself to get a 100% quality product.

A good option is "Jamila" powder, the quality of which has been confirmed in practice. When using it, it is possible to achieve the desired result: the shade is quite bright, saturated. It comes on sale in a convenient package weighing 100 grams. The paint is in foil, and a small pouch is packed in a box. The holding time of the mixture on the hair is 3-4 hours. The grass is well sifted inside, it is easily washed off the hair, and the texture of the paste is similar to melted chocolate. After coloring, a deep reddish brown tone appears.

Also worth noticing is the organic Indian henna powder from the Rajasthani region, which is well balanced.

After dyeing, the hair has a typical reddish tone; on dark hair, the tint can be close to the color of a ripe cherry. The powder is triple screened through the nylon. Lighter hair may have an orange-copper color.

How to dye your hair?

When dyeing at home, it is always worth remembering that the result may be lighter or darker depending on the natural hair color. Take from 100 to 500 grams of good quality henna (depending on the length of the curls), mix the powder with warm water.

Proper use should result in a smooth paste. Orange juice can be added if desired for red hair. You can lighten the curls slightly by adding a decoction of chamomile or more water.

The plate is covered with polyethylene and left for twelve hours in a dark place at room temperature. Before applying the paint, it is advisable to wash and dry your hair, apply a cream to the scalp around the hairline to prevent staining. Wear protective gloves, an apron or a towel over your shoulders so that paint does not get on your clothes.

The hair is divided into parts, the composition is applied from roots to ends so that each curl is well lubricated. Henna is quite thick in consistency, so it is difficult to apply it with long hair.

After all the curls are well dyed, cover them with a bag and cover them with a towel or scarf. It is important that the composition does not dry out before the hair dyes, as in this case the pigment stops absorbing. The exposure time is from three hours. Wash off henna without using shampoo.

Curls can be super bright on the first day after dyeing. Gradually, the color will become deeper and more calm.

Do not use a hair dryer or straightener as they dry out your hair. When the shade becomes completely dull, you can repeat the staining procedure.


Henna does not harm hair, it is preferable to use it as a means that can restore shine and health to curls. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, helps to cope with dandruff, but from negative reviews you can often hear that the result was completely unexpected.

Indeed, it is difficult to predict what will turn out, as well as to paint over the hair with chemical paint, because until the henna is washed out, the color cannot be corrected. You can use additional ingredients that will slightly change the shade, make it more red or brighter.

Video with reviews of Indian henna, see below.

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