Henna hair dyeing

Henna hair masks

Henna hair masks
  1. What properties does henna have?
  2. How to use a mask correctly?

A lot is known about the coloring properties of henna. This natural dye has long been used by women in India and Arab countries. Nowadays, henna is quite popular among our women, who managed to appreciate the excellent coloring properties of the lawsonia powder. In addition, there is henna that does not have coloring properties. Colorless henna is used in cosmetology - masks based on it are used to strengthen and restore the structure and shine of the hair.

What properties does henna have?

The first mentions of the use of non-thorny Lawsonia powder were discovered by archaeologists as early as 1200 BC. NS. This natural herbal powder has been used for a long time as an intense color treatment for hair. It is also used for painting on the body.

Colorless henna also has unique properties. It is made from the leaves of the same plant, but coloring pigments are removed from the powder during processing. The first mentions of it as a medicine date back to the XIV century BC. NS. Healing powder is used for various skin diseases, since the agent has a disinfectant property. The paste is especially effective in the treatment of purulent wounds, eczema and burns. It has been used for a long time in the treatment of postoperative sutures and wounds, in the treatment of dermatoses.

The paste was also applied to nails to strengthen and shine. Heals the powder, diluted with vinegar, damaged nails, quickly returning them to their original appearance.In India and Arab countries, it is believed that the smell of a plant can relieve a person from headaches, and also helps to increase potency in men.

Colorless henna contains important trace elements, including:

  • rutin, necessary to strengthen hair roots (thanks to it, hair loss slows down, and gray hair appears much later);
  • betaine, due to which moisture is retained in the hair structure, their nutrition is restored;
  • B vitamins, which contribute to the accumulation of collagen.

In addition, this composition contains carotene, emodin, tannins. Acting in combination, these components have a great effect on strands and skin.

    If you regularly apply colorless henna-based masks to your hair, you can get the following positive effects:

    • the upper part of the hair is strengthened;
    • hair growth accelerates up to 3 cm per month;
    • their loss decreases;
    • the volume of the lock at the roots increases;
    • thanks to the saturation effect, the shade of the strands becomes more saturated;
    • there is a normalization of the sebaceous glands;
    • the hydrolipid balance of the skin is restored;
    • hair fragility is reduced, hair is restored and damaged particles are joined.

      Even very damaged hair is quickly restored after applying masks with colorless henna.

      How to use a mask correctly?

      They sell henna in a pharmacy or a special store. Its cost is low, but at the same time it has medicinal properties, making the skin and hair healthier than expensive drugs.

      To make a henna mask, you need to take a glass or ceramic container, pour powder into it, fill it with hot water. The components should be diluted until a thick mass is obtained. Hot water can be replaced with herbal decoctions. You can make a decoction of medicinal plants or add a couple of tablespoons of powdered herbs, then add water.

      Before applying the mass to the hair, it is recommended to wash it and dry it slightly. Then apply the resulting creamy mass to the strands and distribute with massage movements. After applying the mask to the head, put on a hat or plastic bag and wrap it in a warm towel. To strengthen and strengthen the hair, you need to keep the mask on your head for about an hour and a half. If it is necessary to return the shine and beauty to the strands, then it should be kept for 30-40 minutes.

      Most often, this natural powder does not cause allergies, but if the mask is being applied for the first time, it is important to test the skin for sensitivity. It is recommended to keep the mass on the hair for no more than 15–20 minutes. If discomfort, itching or burning occurs, wash off the henna.

      To increase the effectiveness of this cosmetic product, other components are introduced into its composition, for example, essential or cosmetic oil, crushed fruit pulp.

      In the event that the ends of the hair are very dry, then before applying the mass to the strands, they are lubricated with coconut or olive oil.

      After keeping on the head for the right time, the mask should be washed off with water. Do not use shampoo when rinsing. If the mask contains oil or the strands were smeared with vegetable or cosmetic oil, wash off the hair with a small amount of baby shampoo.

      After the mask, it is not recommended to dry the curls with a hairdryer, it is better for them to dry naturally.

      The mixture should be prepared at a time, as it cannot be stored for a long time. Masks are carried out in a course for 2 months, while they are recommended to be made once every 7-10 days. After the end of the course, prophylactic procedures should be continued and a mask should be applied once every 30 days. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure too often, otherwise the hair may become dry and brittle.

      Henna hair mask

      After applying such a cosmetic product, the curls become strong, their shine increases.


      • colorless henna package;
      • water heated to 80 degrees - 100 ml;
      • honey - 1 tsp;
      • one chicken yolk.

      To prepare the composition, mix the powder and hot water. When the mass becomes warm, the remaining components are introduced into it. The mass is applied to the strands, wrapped in a film or bag, then covered with a towel. Keep the nourishing mask on hair for up to 40 minutes.

      Various products can act as components, for example, honey, vegetable or cosmetic oil, kefir. You can make a mask with gelatin, egg, herbal decoction.

      Many women are interested in the question of what can be made from kefir. There are many recipes using fermented milk products. Let's take a look at the most popular of these, a mask recipe for strengthening hair.

      Required Ingredients:

      • henna powder - 30 g;
      • water - 100 ml;
      • kefir - 50 ml;
      • essential oil - 4-5 drops.

      To prepare this mask, mix the powder with water. Following this, a fermented milk product and essential oil are poured in. The resulting mass is applied to the hair with massage movements and the head is wrapped with a towel. You need to keep such a mask for 40–45 minutes.

      Burdock oil option

      Applying a mask with burdock oil enhances hair color. It is more suitable for women with dyed curls.

      Required Ingredients:

      • henna (bag) - 30 g;
      • herbal decoction of chamomile - 90-100 ml;
      • burdock oil - 20 ml;
      • any essential oil - 3-4 drops.

      After the introduction of natural henna into a hot herbal decoction, 1 tbsp is introduced into it. a spoonful of burdock oil and drip a few drops of your favorite essential oil. The mass is applied to the strands along the entire length, then the head is wrapped in a bag, a towel is wound over it.

      Mask for oily hair

      Clay-based therapeutic masks allow you to make your hair less greasy and improve its condition.

      To obtain a remedy, you need to take:

      • henna package;
      • hot water - 100 ml;
      • blue clay - 2 tbsp. spoons;
      • one lemon.

      Before applying the product to the strands, stir the clay with cold water separately, then in another container mix henna with hot water and mix the components. Then add lemon juice. The composition can be varied and add a couple of drops of essential oils. They hold the mass with clay on the head for about an hour, then rinse off with running water, rinsing well.

      Revitalizing and firming agent

      To prepare this mask at home, you should take the following products:

      • a pack of colorless henna - 30 g;
      • slightly warmed water - 100 ml;
      • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
      • burdock oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
      • two yolks;
      • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

      To make the right product, you should mix colorless henna with water, then add the rest of the ingredients and stir. The mixture is applied over the entire length of the strand. Particular attention should be paid to the roots, so the product is applied to the skin with massage movements. The treated hair is wrapped in a bag and fixed with a towel. It is recommended to keep it under such a cap for up to 90 minutes.

      To restore dry and split ends

      To improve the condition of the hair, you should combine henna powder with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped nettle, as well as 2 teaspoons of dry mustard. The components are poured with hot water and kept for about 20 minutes, then the mass is distributed over the strands. The mask is kept for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo. Since the specified composition contains mustard, it can cause a burning sensation. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the mass should be washed off immediately.

      The composition of nourishing masks may include jasmine, argan oil. The combination of all components with colorless henna improves the condition of porous and split ends, giving them smoothness and healthy shine. Thanks to colorless henna, which makes the hair silky, the damaged micro-scales are glued together and the hair is smoothed along the entire length.

      This mask with a smoothing effect is suitable for those with curly hair, as well as those who have permed or dyed.


      After applying colorless henna oil, most women noticed how their hair had improved.They became more alive, their shine increased, the strands began to fit better.

      Ladies with gray hair reported that by using colorless henna in conjunction with other natural ingredients, they were able to achieve intense color. Here are the ingredients used in this:

      • to obtain a reddish tint, the powder is diluted with natural beet juice;
      • to obtain a chocolate shade, colorless henna powder is diluted with brewed strong coffee and kept on the head for up to one and a half hours;
      • to get a reddish tint, henna is combined with onion broth, and the mass is kept on the hair for 1 hour;
      • golden hue is obtained by mixing natural powder with chamomile decoction (keep the mixture on the hair for about 2 hours).

      When using tint formulations, do not use shampoo when washing your hair.

      Judging by the reviews, the result from the use of masks based on natural ingredients has pleased many. But some users have noticed that the hair has become dry, so it is important for owners of dry hair to do this procedure less often and to add various oils to the masks.

      Among the disadvantages, one can also note the not entirely pleasant smell of the powder, as well as the fact that the hair should be washed more thoroughly.

      For information on how to make a mask for thickening hair with colorless henna, see the next video.

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