Hobby for children

Every child must have one or more hobbies. Useful and exciting activities help broaden your horizons, spend time with interest, and develop certain skills. However, today it is not so easy to choose a hobby for yourself, because there are hundreds of options to choose from. In this article, we will try to figure out which hobbies can be suitable for children of different ages and how parents can help them in their choice.

Suitable types of needlework
Creativity is one of the most popular hobbies among children. Both toddlers 5 years old and older children: 10, 11, 12 years old can do it.
The main thing is to choose an activity that matches the age of the child.
Needlework as a form of creativity has a lot of positive qualities:
- develops attention, concentration, perseverance, fine motor skills of the hands;
- raises self-esteem, because over time the child will learn to create real masterpieces;
- very versatile, it is possible to choose one or several directions;
- suitable for all ages;
- develops memory, a sense of beauty, imagination and fantasy.

Let's consider some types of needlework that can be suitable for children.
- Molding... Even kids 2-3 years old can sculpt from plasticine. Modeling is traditionally considered a child's activity, so it can become a hobby for children of kindergarten and primary school age.

- Sewing and knitting... And these options are more suitable for girls. Do not be discouraged if the child shows interest in materials, fabrics, accessories. Perhaps, with age, such a hobby will develop into something more.

- Weaving... This hobby will be interesting for both girls and boys. Weaving from beads or rubber bands is easy, you can learn it in one evening. But the crafts will delight the eye for a long time.

- Applications... The child can begin to make the first applications at an early age. In this case, you can use any available means: paper, cardboard, plasticine, candy wrappers, newspapers and much more.

- Embroidery... Hobby for girls. Having mastered several simple techniques, the little needlewoman will be able to embroider pictures with an interesting plot.

- Modeling... This hobby is perfect for a boy. Making models of planes, ships, cars, a child may well get carried away for several hours.

- Origami... The art of creating paper figures will appeal to all children, without exception. And by choosing a colored version of the material, you can make whole compositions from figures.

other hobbies
Despite the prevalence of needlework, not all children choose it. There are many more interesting and modern hobbies that both young children and older children can enjoy.
Sports hobbies are different, but they all develop a child's fortitude, desire to win, self-confidence and self-confidence. Team sports teach how to work with other people, and this skill will be extremely important in adulthood. In addition, sports interests will allow the child to always stay in shape and be healthy.
It is very important that your toddler has at least one sports hobby.

Speaking of sports, it is not customary to divide classes into male and female. It used to be that girls used to go to dances, and boys to soccer. In the modern world, everything is different, and girls can often choose a hobby that is completely inappropriate for the image of a princess. There is nothing terrible and supernatural in this, the main thing is that the child likes it. Here are some of the sports hobbies most often chosen by children.
- Dancing... This sport develops flexibility, plasticity. The child relaxes, spends time with interest. There are a huge number of types of dances now: folk dance, ballet, and modern varieties.

- Skateboarding... A fascinating sport, you can start practicing it as early as 5 or 6 years old.
When choosing this type of hobby, it is important to take care of the availability of all the necessary equipment.

- Swimming... A wonderful hobby that a kid can have not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Swimming strengthens the body, muscles, relaxes, teaches correct coordination. And teams often participate in different competitions, traveling around the country and even around the world, which will only be a plus.

- Cycling. Any child loves to ride a bike. This kind of sport will keep your body in shape and your thoughts in order.

- Judo... Now a lot of judo sections are opening, this sport is gaining popularity. Judo develops flexibility, fortitude, increases the child's self-esteem.

- Gymnastics and acrobatics... Most often, girls choose such activities. This sport provides body plasticity, flexibility. Girls learn to perform complex tricks over time, which increases the child's confidence in their abilities.

In addition to the above, you can choose the following options for sports interests:
- tennis;
- football;
- boxing;
- figure skating;
- jumping on a trampoline;
- kengo jump;
- gyroboard riding.

Probably, in the whole world there is no child who would not like to collect something. The kid will have at least one collection. Children sometimes collect the most incredible things: bookmarks, Kinder Surprise toys, gum inserts and much more. Here are some interesting collection ideas that might interest the little collector.
- Coins... Collecting coins is always fun. You can instill interest in such a hobby by telling the story, the features of each specific coin. In an older age, such a hobby is often preserved and turns into a real treasure hunt.

- Stamps... This hobby is suitable for developed children who are interested in the world, different languages and countries.
When collecting certain types of stamps, explain to the kid where they come from, what is remarkable about this country, what kind of culture and customs are there.

- Stones, seashells... While walking in nature or going to the beach, you can always collect some interesting pebbles. They can start a beautiful new collection. Collected shells of different colors and shapes are quite capable of becoming material for creating spectacular paintings and crafts.

- Christmas trees balloons... Any child is looking forward to the New Year. And if he has his own collection of Christmas balls, he will wait even more for him. It is important to pick up shatterproof balls.

- Books... Today, most people prefer e-books, and therefore paper copies are becoming even more expensive and more valuable. A child who loves to read will love beautiful books in bright covers. You can collect one genre, one author, or all at once. Moreover, it instills neatness. The child will treat books with care.

- Postcards... Everyone loves these little travel souvenirs. Your toddler may start collecting postcards on a specific theme, such as cities, flowers, and animals. Postcrossing - exchanging postcards with people from other countries will also be an excellent childhood hobby.

- Figurines... Having collected several figures of a certain plan, most children can no longer stop. Toys from "Happy Meal" and "Kinder" are very popular. But you can choose any other figures.

Also, children can collect:
- magnets;
- key rings;
- modern and antique keys;
- toys (most often this is some kind of narrow topic, for example, teddy bears, dolls);
- beautiful handles;
- tickets;
- buttons, beads;
- stickers.

The creative abilities of the child need to be identified and developed in time. Let's see what children of 7, 8 years old and older children might like.
- Singing... Many children are very fond of singing. If your child is interested in this kind of art, he can be enrolled in a choir or taken to a special studio.

- Theatre... Almost all kids like theatrical performances. It is important to choose a theater group or an acting studio with your child and enroll him there.
Such classes hone the skills of communication with other people, stimulate the search for team and independent problem solving.

- Music... If a child wants to play a musical instrument, don't mind him. There are so many different instruments that a child can master: guitar, piano, violin, synthesizer and much more.

- Cooking... This hobby can rightfully be classified as a creative one, because cooking is sometimes a whole art. Baking is especially popular among children: muffins, cakes, pastries. You can learn how to paint gingerbread together with your child.

- Scrapbooking... This option is suitable for children from 4 years old. With the help of scrapbooking, you can create real masterpieces that will be a great gift for family and friends.

- Working with wood. Boys tend to be more interested in her. Working with wood, they develop both fine and gross motor skills, learn attentiveness.

- Painting... There are incredibly many opportunities here. The kid can draw with pencils, watercolors, gouache. If the ability for independent drawing is still not enough, painting by numbers, stained glass painting, spot painting will be an excellent way out.

- Soap making... The hobby is very suitable for girls. The ingredients are inexpensive, but the resulting soap can have a wide variety of looks. There are options with herbs, oils, and many other ingredients.

The choice of hobbies for children is not limited to the above positions. If you don't like anything, take a look at the following ideas.
- Gardening... Many children like to dig in the ground, to grow something. You can turn this to your advantage by telling your baby about the plants, the phases of their growth.Over time, the child will learn to grow their own crops. In addition, he will know a lot about soil, insects, plants.

- Taking care of pets... Young children can be shown how to care for an animal. Let it be a bird, a cat, a dog, a fish. The main thing is to teach responsibility. Older children often choose to volunteer at shelters.

- Astronomy... Any child is interested in the topic of space. The study of planets and stars, celestial bodies is all a necessary and useful practice that can become a real hobby in adulthood.

- The photo... Children from the age of 10 can begin to study the art of photography. The correct location of the camera, light, various techniques - all this will be told and shown in special courses.

- Reading... The very first fairy tales are read aloud to children by parents. Having learned to read, the kid himself will be able to master the books. So he will live hundreds of lives with his characters, learn friendship, kindness, relationships with people.

- Puzzle... Solving puzzles is always fun. Moreover, there are a lot of them now. Wooden puzzles, sudoku, puzzles - you can make a choice in favor of one or several types of puzzles.

Features of choice
Many children start doing something on their own, on a whim. Later, such a hobby can develop into a hobby. If the baby is still lost in the variety of options, the parent's task is to suggest and propose a solution. At the same time, it is important not to forget about some of the nuances.
- If the child does not like your option, you do not need to force him to engage in this type of hobby. One should not hope that the child will suddenly taste it, become interested. Indeed, another time a son or daughter may simply not turn to you for help.
- When choosing a hobby, focus on the child's temperament. If the baby is active, his energy must be directed. Choose a sports hobby. This is especially true for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old. Children who love peace are encouraged to have creative, calm interests.
- Hobbies should not harm the child's health or schooling. You cannot choose traumatic options or those that will take the child for the whole day.
- Do not be alarmed if your child's hobby does not match his gender. For example, boys may be keen on knitting and girls on boxing. You should not scold your baby. If the hobby is so annoying, then broaden the horizons of the baby. Introduce him to different types of interests. Go to a museum, theater, or buy some creative kit to figure out where to start moving from.
- Middle school children should not be offered hobbies that will not interest them. For example, sculpting and appliqués are unlikely to interest them. But photography, cooking, design - all this can be very useful.
- If you and your child enjoy sports, and you want him to achieve something in this area, then classes should start as early as possible.
- It also happens that this or that hobby entails large material expenditures. You should not choose expensive hobbies for toddlers, because small children can quickly change their minds. You need to discuss everything with an older child, find out if he is ready to study for a long time. Plus, there are plenty of free trial lessons now.
- If your child is outright abandoning a new or even old hobby, try to find out the reason. It happens that the kid is ready to continue studying, but he does not like the teacher. Then the problem will be easily solved.

You will find even more interesting hobby options for children in the following video.