Hobby for teenagers

In the modern world, thanks to the Internet, teenagers (and others) have access to a variety of activities. The sheer number of directions that several well-known online platforms are full of, as well as the courses they offer, can be confusing - you can simply get confused about what a teenager might like.
However, it is easy to divide all hobbies into conditional classes and, starting from the child's inclinations and preferences, make a choice in favor of one direction or another. All about how to choose a hobby for a teenager, and what to rely on if in doubt, read the article.

The interests of adolescents change frequently and quickly. Do not be surprised at this, since during this period the psyche of the future adult is only being formed. A teenager is looking for himself in various directions, along the way falling under the influence of various popular trends. It is a good sign that a teenager has many interests. Hobbies are a way of expressing a teenager - his mood, value systems, inclinations, and desires. The hobbies of a teenager are formed by the environment (friends), the activities of the parents (their field of activity) and the educational institution (school, college). Unfortunately, a complete lack of interest is not a good sign. However, this does not mean at all that in the future a person will not get carried away with anything.
In order to choose the right hobby for a teenager, you first need to ask yourself what he likes. Perhaps this is collecting, or he prefers active sports more. Maybe he enjoys doing a practical hobby or reading.If the answers to these questions are known, then it is also worth finding out what he lacks - it can be both physical activity and perseverance or fine motor training. In general, we can say that a hobby for a teenager has only two main functions - to increase the level of confidence, and also to keep the teenager out of trouble and bad companies if possible... The leading place among teenagers' hobbies, surprisingly, is taken by sports. Almost 30% of all adolescents are engaged in it. Studies show that fitness and achievement (sporting awards) allow many girls and boys to build their self-esteem and gain some respect from their peers.

Boys options
If your child is not interested in any activity, then maybe he should offer some options. It is likely that in one of them he will find his future vocation or at least a hobby.
- Football... There is no boy who would not play him or, at least for a short time, would not dream of becoming a football player. This sport trains endurance, alertness, speed and the ability to work in a team. Almost every settlement has its own, sometimes small, football team.
- Rock climbing... This extreme sport, oddly enough, is available for practicing in cities. There are climbing walls specially equipped in accordance with modern safety requirements for training. This hobby is suitable for all teenagers, both boys and girls.
- Skateboarding. Perhaps, a rare teenage boy will refuse, if not to ride, then at least try skateboarding. Nowadays, amateur, semi-professional and professional models are produced. For decades, various types of skateboarding have been the most popular sports equipment among teenagers. Riding will require good physical fitness and hours of training. Skate will provide a teenager with something to do for a long time.
The main thing is that there is a flat and fairly wide area nearby.

- The photo... Finding good angles is not as easy as it sounds. It is also worth remembering that photographs should not only be taken, but also exhibited. This can be done both in social networks and just at home. To do this, you need to print them, place them in a frame, then put them in a prominent place or use them as a picture. Over time, you can create an exclusive collection of photographs.
- Collection of computers or other equipment... Almost all boys are fond of computers and technology. Perhaps any teenager will be happy to build their own (both bad and cheap) laptop. Hobbies for teenagers and cars are not uncommon. With a good teacher, any teenager can build a simple car.
- Collecting... You can collect various things - from good old postage stamps, old coins and money to Chinese themed figurines, old video tapes.
Unfortunately, the recent popularity of collecting scrap metal among teenagers in the Russian provinces is not a good example.

- One of the creative activities that is now fashionable to do thanks to social networks has become ebru... It is a special technique of drawing on the water. Paint is applied to the surface of the water, after which the resulting drawing is transferred to an object or paper. Long and regular lessons allow you to draw not only abstract patterns, but also symmetrical, beautiful, full-fledged drawings.
- Drawing in the sand. This hobby also owes its popularity to social media. For classes, you need to purchase a special glass table with lighting. As a material, you can use any clean sand (can be purchased in special stores), ground coffee or any other bulk material.You can draw everything - from anime characters to ordinary and simple letters. This activity is calming, especially if you include soothing music in the process.

In addition to the aforementioned, in some sense traditional hobbies, boys are also great classes in programming, construction, magic tricks, juggling and even animal husbandry.
In order to stimulate such interests, it is recommended to send the teenager to thematic courses. Classes with the same interested people are much more interesting.

Hobbies for girls
Let's take a look at the top list of leisure activities that teenage girls in Russia enjoy.
- One of the modern and interesting hobbies for girls these days is quilling... This is a kind of handicraft where it is necessary to curl paper and glue it onto a flat surface. Trains perseverance, fine motor skills.

- Another interesting hobby for girls is kanzashi... It is the manufacture of hairpins with flowers. Flowers are made from various ribbons and beads. The flowers are characterized by multi-layering - the ribbons, laid in the form of petals, are tightly glued together. This technique takes its roots in Japan, these hairpins were worn by geisha.

- Soap making... This has long been a popular destination. Self-made soap is often used as a pleasant but non-binding gift at the same time. Various types of home soap kits are now on sale.

- Learning languages. Girls of adolescence are more assiduous and diligent than peers. Learning a language can be a great hobby, which, moreover, will only play into your hands in the future. You can learn not only popular languages like English, but also do exotic languages (Japanese or Chinese).

- Music... It is relevant at all times, but now it has just gained immense popularity. The most popular instruments are piano and guitar.
And also teenage girls can get involved in playing in the theater, cooking, design, floristry and gardening. It should be noted blogging, makeup and body art, which are subject to a different classification, unlike other hobbies, which does not make them worse.

How to choose according to age?
It is advisable to send the boys to the sports section at a young age. Usually all boys value courage, physical strength, agility and courage. Similar qualities can be acquired by practicing sports such as wrestling, aikido, and others. Sport remains relevant for boys until the end of adolescence, or even stays with them for life. From a more conscious age (from about 14 years old), it is recommended to develop more intellectual hobbies. These, as already mentioned, are various technical circles (for example, on programming). In rare cases, this may be associated with a future main activity (for example, a cooking class for a future chef, and so on).
In adolescent girls, starting at the age of 12 or 13 is best to start developing femininity. Even if outwardly this is not always noticeable, then after several years of pursuing such hobbies as dancing, music or drawing, it can be noted that the girl (already at that time) is distinguished by femininity and grace. At the age of 14-15, when a teenage girl becomes more conscious, you can send her to make-up circles, a theater group. It is during this period that a passion for poetry and literature can come - it is necessary not to miss this moment and help the child to raise his hobby to a "higher level".

There are times when the only motivator to induce a teenager to do anything is money. In this case, you need to help your child get a job as an assistant. Every teenager will be happy to receive pocket money.
Such a hobby as volunteering is undeservedly deprived of attention. It does not require perseverance, long training, you just need to have a desire to help someone. You can always start with small and simple projects. This activity is suitable for those who cannot find their hobby. It is better to start volunteering at a relatively conscious age, from about 15 or 16 years old. Of course, this is not a strict limitation, and everything remains individual.