An overview of unusual hobbies

To relieve nervous tension, people choose an interesting hobby that can be practiced indefinitely, without thinking about time and material costs. It reveals creativity in a person, allows emotions to pour out.

People's hobbies can be ordinary, familiar to everyone. For example, knitting, cycling, collecting and others. But there are also unusual hobbies that help a person not only to reveal their abilities and try themselves in new things, but also to surprise others. For example, instead of riding in a park, you can ride a bike in a swamp.

Strange types of needlework
The Internet helps in the distribution of various types of handicrafts, some of which are unusual.
- Carving - wood, bone, stone carving. In ancient Eastern countries, houses were decorated with such products.
Nowadays, carving of fruits and vegetables has become widespread, which is used to decorate dishes for the holidays.

- Diamond embroidery combined mosaic and embroidery. A drawing is drawn on the canvas and glue is applied to which rhinestones are glued with tweezers. Having shown perseverance, you can create a masterpiece with your own hands.
The Chinese put the invention on stream and began to massively produce blanks for embroidery.

- Encaustic - creation of drawings with an iron. This requires multi-colored wax crayons and a special iron, you can use an old smooth iron. To apply the pattern, place it with the sole upward, heat it up and put the wax of the desired color. After melting, the crayons are applied to thick cardboard in the right place. Then another color is applied, having previously cleaned the surface of the iron from the previous paint. You can get charming pictures.

- Top in needlework is yarnbombing - decoration with knitted things of trees and small architectural forms on the streets of cities.

- Zardozi - an old technique of embroidery of silk or velvet fabrics with silver and gold threads using pearls. With her help, they decorate dresses for girls.

- Customizing - alteration of the old one. This is handicraft for two.
Women alter old jeans and T-shirts into designer clothes. Men rework bikes and cars in custom technique, creating works of art from them.

- You can do it together weaving from newspapers. Together, it is faster to make newspaper tubes from which baskets, caskets and other original things are woven. To do this, you need to roll up dense paper tubes, paint them. Then weave in the same way as from a vine.

- Weaving from plastic bags, bags, baskets and other products help give a second life to packaging.

- Amazingly beautiful pictures from pieces of denim will decorate the interior of a house or public buildings.

- Polymer clay - new material for needlework. It is easier to sculpt various things of beautiful colors from it than from plasticine. The finished product is baked or air dried.
Most often, jewelry is made from it (necklaces, pendants, earrings, etc.).

Sports hobbies
In the modern world, a person at work and in everyday life does not have to give all the best physically to the fullest. But the muscles of the body require movement, and various sports hobbies, even extravagant ones, come to the aid of a person. The most important thing is that they bring joy and give the body an emotional release.
Swamp football
Swamp soccer is a ball game in a wetland. This unusual sport originated in Finland at the end of the last century. There, skiers were forced to play with a ball in a swamp slurry to strengthen their legs. One of the athletes, Jurkki Väijänen, realized that this could be an exciting show that could make good money. And he made the right decision.
More than 200 teams currently play swamp football. The World Championships are held in the Finnish swamps near the village of Hyrynsalmi among:
- male;
- female;
- mixed teams with a minimum of 2 women.
The teams are played by amateurs and professionals. Russian athletes take an active part in championships, often taking first places.

Throwing mobile phones
It is often tempting to throw a mobile phone away when it freezes or breaks down. In Finland, they came up with an original way to get rid of an old mobile phone. Since 2000, mobile phone throwing competitions have been held there. A resident of the city of Savonllina Christina Lund decided to turn a boring collection of old phones into an exciting game. So that an unnecessary thing is not thrown away everywhere, but brought to one place.
The Finns liked the idea, so now every August they come to the town for competitions, which eventually grew into international ones. To win, you need to throw a mobile phone weighing no less than 220 grams and no heavier than 400 grams the farthest. The competition is held separately for men, women and children under 13 years of age. The winners will receive new mobile phones and accessories.
The game has spread to other countries where national championships are held.

Cycling through the swamp
A simple bike ride can be turned into an extreme swamp ride. The residents of Lanurtide Wells once had the crazy idea of rolling through the swamp slime over a glass of beer. To do this, they dug a ditch 55 m long and 2 m deep in the middle of the swamp. The essence of the competition was to ride along the bottom on a bicycle wearing a mask and snorkel for deep diving. Flippers are put on their feet. Professional riders wear wetsuits. Plunging into swamp water, seeing almost nothing, the participants drive along the ditch in both directions.
Driving through the swamp was liked not only by the British, but all over the world. Since 1985, the world championships have been held in the English town.To equalize the chances, the competitions are held separately for men, women and juniors. Although, judging by the results, women do not lag behind men in speed on the swamp track.
This is a purely charity event. All proceeds go to the treatment of seriously ill people.

Cheese race
Cheese races in England have been organized since time immemorial. From the 15th century, there are stories about running down the hills to get cheese. So the British rejoiced at the arrival of spring. There is also a more prosaic version of the origin of the holiday. According to it, it was believed that the line left over from the head of cheese was the border of the pasture.
Now everyone has forgotten the origin of the cheese race. All that remains is the unusual competition that takes place annually on Cooper Hill on the last Monday in May. Exactly at 12 o'clock, a head of local cheese is lowered from it. A group of people runs after her. Each race is attended by no more than 40 people. Men and women descend in different groups.
They have to catch the cheese. During the descent, no one succeeded, because the cheese descends at a speed of up to 100 km per hour. Man cannot run that fast. Whoever is the first to go down the hill will receive the coveted cheese. The peculiarity of the race is that the hill is quite steep and covered with fresh grass. You need to run 200 m down the slippery grass, especially in the rain. And the competitions are held in any weather. Towards the end of the descent, almost all participants fall and finish the race by rolling on their backs or tumbling.

Participants often suffer various injuries, even fractures. But that doesn't stop people. Despite all the efforts of the authorities to close the races as dangerous to human health, every year a large number of fans of running up the hill for cheese gathers in the English town of Brockworth.
Jumping over children
Since the beginning of the 17th century, there has been a tradition in the town of Castillo de Murcia to jump over babies. The festival takes place once a year, 60 days after Catholic Easter. Families with children born in a year come to the city from all over Spain. The holiday begins with a solemn procession of people dressed in bright yellow and red costumes and with a devil's mask on their face. In their hands they hold a horse-hair lash. They are called El Colacho. They are followed by priests from the local diocese.
Several babies are placed on soft mattresses right on the pavement. El Colacho jump over them. The Spaniards believe that in this way the demons carry diseases with them and protect them from evil spirits. They refer to the fact that for many centuries not a single child has suffered during the ceremony. The Catholic Church is fighting this pagan ritual. But since the ceremony attracts crowds of people, the local archbishop decided to combine it with the baptism of children.
After the devil's jumping over the babies ends, the smartly dressed babies are carried to the cathedral, where the archbishop blesses them. The Spaniards strongly believe in the power of El Colacho.

Neither church persecution nor weather conditions are an obstacle to the celebration, which attracts thousands of participants and spectators from all over the world.
Riding toy horses
Alisa Aarniomäki has dreamed of riding horses all her life. But her parents could not pay for their daughter's riding section. And the girl decided to saddle a toy horse on a stick. At 19, she created the rules for a new game. In 2015, she found like-minded people through social networks. This is how a new sport, hobbyhorsing, was born. This is riding a toy horse on a stick.
Holding the toy with his feet, the rider does not just move, but repeats the movements of the jockey and the horse. In one hand he has a stick, in the other - the reins. The back is straight, the shoulders are straightened, it is forbidden to move the body. Only the muscles of the legs and thighs are involved. The leg movements should be graceful, like a riding horse. Learning the movements of a new sport requires a lot of physical effort, which takes many years.
Girls under 15 are fond of hobbyhorsing, but sometimes there are also young men.... More and more adolescents from European countries take part in competitions that help not only in the physical development of children, but also in handicrafts. The winner is the athlete who rides a handmade horse.

Wearing wives
In the Finnish community of Sonkajärvi, there is a competition for wearing wives. For persuasiveness, a legend was invented that the local robber Rosvo-Ronkainen handed out the loot to the poor, and as a trophy he left himself beautiful women, whom he carried in his shelter in his arms. To win the competition, the husband, carrying his wife on his shoulders, must run 235 m so that the woman does not touch the ground. When running, you need to overcome a ditch with a depth of 1 m and other obstacles. The winner receives a keg of beer equal to the weight of the companion.
According to the rules, the wife must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 49 kg. How to carry a woman is not limited by the rules. But over the years of competition, the most comfortable position has developed: the wife hangs upside down behind her husband's back, legs crossed in front. The pose allows you to run pretty quickly and not lose the woman on the obstacles.
Since the end of the last century, couples from neighboring countries have come to Finland to show their endurance and coherence, while receiving a great charge of positive energy.

Other most unusual hobbies in the world
Here are some more interesting hobby options.
- Soap carving. Some people carve whole works of art out of soap. This requires perseverance and creativity, as well as a set of special tools.
- Mud ball polishing (hikaru-dorodango)... The Japanese make various balls out of mud, cover them with earth on top and dry them. At the same time, original beautiful crafts are obtained.
- Skating On the desk from the slopes of volcanoes.
- Descent from the hills inside a plastic ball.
Hobbies bring joy and pleasure to a person, despite the opinion of strangers. They charge positive energies and bring variety to workdays.