Hobbies of modern youth

The number of youth hobbies is growing day by day. Now it is hardly possible to count them. Young people want to be fulfilled - some want to get pleasure from life, others - thrills, others - to increase their self-esteem, and some simply like to learn something. It is important for parents to be aware of all the hobbies that are somehow present in the life of not only a very child or teenager, but also a boy or girl.
They must always be able to prevent risks to the health of their children, and sometimes support and even do something with them together. You can find out about the hobbies of modern youth in the article below.

Creative hobbies
We can say that boys are more interested in hobbies related to technology. At the same time, girls are more interested in makeup, fashion, body art and other similar things. Consider the main youth creative trends.
- The photo... Young people today are almost en masse in photography. A special "thank you" for such a hobby - to several popular social networks. A mobile phone is mainly used for photographs. The purchase of a camera is less common. Some even print their photographs and then use them as paintings and posters.

- Painting... Comics, manga, cartoons, anime and other creative niches are now very popular. On this wave, there was a surge in the popularity of drawing. Often they draw with the help of improvised means - a simple pencil, pen, watercolors, felt-tip pens and markers. Often, a hobby moves to a more professional level - guys and girls begin to draw with the help of computers and tablets.Graffiti, which began at the end of the 20th century, also continues to gain momentum.

- One cannot fail to mention such a thing as blogging... And although there is some prejudice against bloggers and various social networks, it cannot be denied that the majority of young people are actively following events in this niche. Another part of young people dream of becoming bloggers, to which they are actively making efforts.
The most popular topics remain fashion, news coverage, video production, and makeup.

- Needlework... This business is mainly done by girls. Handmade unique items of various categories are becoming more and more popular. Most often these are designer jewelry and various types of clothing. Less often - exclusive jewelry or decorative elements.

Sports youth hobbies
Sports are not so popular among school-age teenagers. High school students and students are much more involved in it. On the one hand, this is dictated by the fact that most modern idols lead a healthy lifestyle and promote it. On the other hand, young people themselves want to improve their self-esteem. In addition, sports sections in higher educational institutions are distinguished by high prestige, they are supported both morally and financially.
- Football... Of course, football is more common among guys. Playing football with friends is perhaps the most favorite pastime of schoolchildren and students.

- Fitness classes. Fitness is as popular as football. There are frequent cases of students participating in various competitions. However, most guys and girls love to spend time in fitness rooms to improve their physical condition.

- Rock climbing... This sport is more accessible in cities than in the wild. Most of those who go in for rock climbing on specially equipped platforms are young people - adolescents and young people (boys and girls equally).

- Hiking... With the closure of borders, hiking has become very popular. Various companies organize tours and trips to the mountains, to water pools or simply to places with a picturesque landscape. If earlier young people loved such trips, although they did not go to them too often, now it has become one of the most interesting and fun activities on their free days.

- Passage of quest rooms. Taking into account the modern sedentary lifestyle in apartments, visiting quest rooms can be called a kind of sport. Usually quest rooms are held in groups of several people. You need to go through a number of rooms, completing various tasks along the way and looking for clues. There are various themed quest rooms for every taste.

Other options
The number of hobbies can be enumerated for a long time. Here are some of the main ones (they are not included in the previous two categories).
- Oddly enough, primacy among the hobbies of modern youth belongs to volunteering... Almost every young person has thought about volunteering at least once. However, only about a third actually participated in various events of this kind. One of the most popular areas is blood donation.

- Programming... A rare boy is not fond of and is not interested in technology. Almost all guys are good at a computer (of course, if you have free access to it). The fact that there is now a shortage of programmers contributed to the popularity of this business.

- Trips... Most of today's young people love travel and are happy to share impressions and pictures from their trips. Every young man has a desire to go abroad or live in another locality.

- Games... There are whole armies of fans of online or other games. A lot of guys (and not only) spend a huge amount of time in computer clubs.

- Roofing... The hobby is walking on rooftops. Most often accompanied by the creation of a selfie.It is a rather dangerous hobby, from which it is better to protect your children.
A significant number of guys and girls are still addicted to reading. Some even belong to their respective groups, from time to time discussing the books they have read.