Types of macrame knots

Mankind has invented a large number of knots, but only some of them are used in the macrame technique. Combinations and repetitions of these or those of their types allow you to create original products: bracelets, pots, panels. The basis for all these products are different threads.
The simplest knot weaving patterns have been known since antiquity, when people learned to use knots to create clothes and household items. Its historical beginning and The macrame technique was developed in ancient China in the middle of the 8th century. In medieval Europe, macrame was also used, since similar works can be seen on the canvases of Renaissance artists, but extraordinary popularity to this technique came only at the beginning of the 20th century.
Flowerpots, carpets, lampshades made by weaving threads were used not only in home interiors, but also were decorations in cultural and catering establishments.

Basic tools that come in handy in weaving macrame:
- scissors;
- small pillow;
- pins;
- Crochet hook;
- glue.
Weaving pillow sometimes they are replaced with a piece of polystyrene, but often craftswomen also use special boards covered with soft cloth or foam rubber. Macrame threads long and strong are used, and clear reliefs are obtained by twisting these threads. If you need to continue weaving, and the thread is over, then it can be lengthened. For the beauty of the product is used color material or dyeing of finished products is performed, but this approach is a rare occurrence in macrame.
Glue is needed for processing some threads, for example, silk, so that the thread does not unravel during operation. For weaving you can use regular wool yarn, but the threads in its composition must be very tough and strong.
The knots in macrame need to be twisted tightly, and if the material is weak, then it will constantly break.

Simple knots
Basic macrame knots allow you to make the simplest products that can be turned into the basis of a beautiful interior decoration or jewelry. Before starting work, you should understand the basic concepts:
- the base is the thread on which the knots will be fixed;
- working thread - the one that is used to create a node;
- for the convenience of work, all the threads need to be fixed on something, therefore such a part is also called the base;
- fastening the thread to the base is called a lock and is performed by an element outside or inside the product.
Macrame knots are subdivided into basic and additional. The first elements provide the basis for many variations of patterns, let's look at some of them.

Reps node
Its structure similar to a single nodule... In the considered technique, it is one of the main ones. Sequentially forming such nodes, you can get a voluminous cord, which is called a brid. Breeds are subdivided into horizontal or diagonal.
A horizontal bridle is obtained from two working threads that are parallel to the warp. The thread for the diagonal braid is angled. The combination of horizontal and vertical bases allows you to embody interesting geometric patterns.
Reps element can be executed vertically or horizontally... The first option involves using the first thread in a row as a working one. The horizontal knot assumes the use of the second thread in a row as the main one. If you use the combination of these knots correctly, you can get beads of various sizes that are used to create jewelry. They are fastened with a beautiful twisted thread and get a simple but beautiful decoration.

Flat knot
Used to create interior items, looks straight on the outside. The knot is of prime importance in the creation of many flat elements. Flat knots can be performed on the left or right side work. A series of one-way knots create a twisted cord that can be used to make curtains or jewelry. As a variation of the performance, a double flat knot can be applied.

"Hercules" knot
Such an element was used everywhere even before the advent of the knotted weaving technique. In ancient Greece, he was the main knot in the manufacture of clothing. Today, needlewomen successfully use it to create beautiful panels, furniture and even carpets.
To weave such an element, use two threads attached to the base. The thread on the left is laid horizontally with the hanging end on the right. The second thread is laid over this base, and the end of the thread is threaded from the left into the resulting loop. The right thread is pulled horizontally so that its end remains on the left, and the left thread is passed under this hanging part. Now the left thread should be on the horizontal base of the right thread, and its end must be threaded through the resulting second loop.
After completing these steps, the Hercules knot can be tightened. The same knot can be obtained from four threads, and its appearance will be similar to the decorative square knot "Tatting".

Chinese species
Each Chinese macrame knot has a different shape that has its own meaning. Weaving technique red threads are often used, which indicate prosperity and well-being.
A knot that is performed in a circle, while at work there are no warp or working threads as they are all used for the pattern. The knots are stacked clockwise or counterclockwise. This technique was successfully applied in nautical practice, since the resulting cord came out very strong.
For weaving, you can use a variety of materials - rope, leather, wool.

This macrame element includes square nodes to be staggered... As a result of weaving, a fabric with a beautiful pattern is obtained, which is used to create baskets, bags and even hammocks. When creating the main square element, 4 threads are required, therefore, for the prepared canvas, you need to select the number of threads that is a multiple of this number. For training in weaving, satin threads or thick nylon cords are used. Products with elements of "Chessboard" turn out to be interesting and unusual.

A knot that is often used to create jewelry. Finished products look more elegant if you alternate knots with beads. This element is notable for the fact that a loop is formed at the top, which can be left or tightened.
The main Chinese knots represent perfect symmetry and identical appearance on both sides of the product.

Decorative options
Especially beautiful knots are used to create individual products or as an element in a common canvas.
A knot that is used to decorate a part of a product when two threads alternately braid the object from the main threads... The main difference in the weaving technique is to secure the contours of the pattern with a special loop. For the Tatting chain, you can use either two or four threads. Single weave uses one main rope, which is braided with a second, resulting in beautiful patterns.
"Tatting" is a simple but very graceful weaving; to perform it, it is enough to attach two threads to the base or one, but folded in half. The left thread is made a turn around the right upward movement. It turns out a loop through which the left thread is passed. The elements are tightened in turn, the result is a whole "column" of knots. "Tatting" of the four bases is formed when alternating the first and last threads, which are tied on the central base - threads folded in pairs.

A wide knot that can be used to visually highlight a portion of the canvas. A chain of such knots is also suitable for creating decorative belts.
The Josephine knot symbolically means prosperity and longevity, it is also called the knot of happiness and good luck, so jewelry with a similar set of chains is used by shop owners.
For novice craftswomen, it is difficult to perform, since you need to achieve a uniform tension of the threads, this is the only way to get a beautiful product. For "Josephine" you can use one thread, from which the left-hand loop is made. In this case, the second end of the thread is first placed on this loop, and then threaded under the first end. The same thread is threaded first under the left loop, and then under its second end - in this way, the right loop is obtained. The resulting complex element must be aligned by pulling on all ready-made loops.
Macrame knots "Josephine" and "Tatting" are complex, but they will turn out if you carefully study the patterns of weaving of flat and square knots.

These are loops of working threads that are obtained between simple elements.... For example, they are often used between several Tatting elements. Besides, "Pico" is a base for stringing beads. This knot is difficult to carry out neatly, therefore strips of cardboard are useful to create itused as a ruler.
When weaving, one element is first tied, then a ruler is placed under it, while the working threads should be on top of the base. The next element of the product is tied under the ruler, and the ruler is then removed.

An element popular in macrame, which is also called "Pea", "Nest" or "Bump". The basis for this element is a chain made of square knots. To obtain the "Berry", the warp threads must be lifted and passed over the first knot located at the beginning of the work.
The base must be pulled down to the wrong side, until the last and first knots are together. Fixation of "Berries" is possible with the same square knot.
If you use several multi-colored ropes in this weaving method, you get an elegant cord that can be used in various products.

Having mastered the execution of the main and decorative knots, you can create on their basis your own schemes of finished products, creating unique and original things.

In the next video, you can get acquainted with how to create a beautiful amulet using weaving.