All about sweet design

The article will focus on sweet design. Let's also consider how to make a New Year's bouquet of bars with your own hands in a master class, what are the compositions with tulips, and also how to arrange a box of chocolates for Teacher's Day.

What it is?
Sweet design, the art of creating bouquets and compositions from sweets and other sweets, is gaining more and more fans. The masters of sweet floristry work miracles. From ordinary sweets and corrugated paper in the hands of experienced designers, flowers, berries, leaves appear that are difficult to distinguish from living ones. Magic castles, realistic ships, cars are being built. Funny animals and cute toys are born.

The beginnings of the suite design were laid by French craftsmen... The first sweets, which appeared in the 16th century, did not have a wrapper. They were put in special boxes, bonbonnieres, and beautifully packed before being presented. The custom of giving sweets quickly spread throughout Europe. To attract buyers to the product, German merchants began to decorate sweets with ribbons, bright fabrics, and beautiful paper. Gradually, the tradition of creating sweet bouquets conquered handicraft lovers all over the world.

Sweet design has become a favorite hobby of many. Unlike other types of creativity, there are no complex restrictions, techniques and strict rules. Everything is based on the desire and creative idea of the author.
These are the main advantages of a suite design.
The ability to create original gifts with your own hands, giving pleasure to yourself and others.
Use of any available materials, designs and techniques in work.
Tasteful and aesthetic enjoyment of a gift.Bouquets created using this technique will never fade and will delight your friends and loved ones for a long time.

What materials can you use?
Let's get acquainted with the basic materials and tools for a suite designer.
Italian-made corrugated paper with a density of 180 and 140 g / m2. Its unique properties of stretch and shape allow you to create amazing things. There are many colors and shades of paper, which gives great opportunities for work. Material is sold at floristic bases and in handicraft shops. It is important not to confuse corrugated and regular crepe paper from office supplies. It will not work for creating compositions.
Wooden skewers and toothpicks. Used for making flower stems, decorative details in compositions.
Drut is a floral wire. It is used to create flexible stems and leaves of plants, frames for bouquets. The most comfortable 1.2mm wire. It supports the weight of large candies and bends well. Drut is sold in a shop for florists. If necessary, you can replace the floristic wire with any available one.
Hot glue gun. Bonds parts quickly and reliably. The adhesive is odorless and food safe. The tool and glue sticks to it are sold in the departments "Fasteners", "Electrical goods", in building supermarkets and shops for handicrafts.
Glue. For some work, you need to use glue "Titan", "Moment Crystal", glue stick.
Construction foam or polystyrene foam. The material is needed to create the basis of the compositions. It sticks together easily, holds parts firmly on skewers and wire, unlike conventional ball foam. Penoplex for sale in construction departments. You can replace it with polyurethane foam. It is useful for creating voluminous figured compositions.
Scissors, wire cutters, awl, stationery knife should be at hand. Tweezers and round nose pliers are useful.
Additional decor: floral organza, felt, sisal, beads, rhinestones, artificial berries, twigs, leaves.
Candies. For work, sweets of a round or domed shape are often used: "Autumn Waltz", "Korkunov", "Evening Bells", "Martian", "Golden Lily", "Raffaello".

Making compositions with your own hands
You can please your close friends and relatives with the first works. Available master classes for beginners will help you to create unusual sweet gifts for any holidays in stages.
Valentine's Day
An excellent gift for your loved one is a sweet heart. To create a present with your own hands, you will need:
heart pattern;
penoplex 3-5 cm thick;
corrugated paper in red, white and green;
gold braid 1 cm wide;
floral film of white color;
thermal gun;
stationery knife;
felt-tip pen.

Stages of work.
Making the base. We circle the template of the heart on a sheet of penoplex with a felt-tip pen. Carefully cut out the blank with a clerical knife.

- We glue white paper, slightly stretching, to one side of the base, bending down the edges. We glue the other side of the work with red paper.

- Gently glue the white paper along the edge of the heart. Glue the edge of the red paper in the same way. We carefully join and press the edges. To decorate the sidewalls, cut a strip of paper with a height of 1.5 divisions and a long one around the perimeter of the heart. We glue the strip on the sides of the product

- Gently tuck the edge of the paper and stretch it slightly, creating a nice wave.

- The heart is ready. Let's start creating roses. Cut off 3 rectangles with a height of 1.5 divisions of the corrugation and a length of 10, 12 and 15 cm.

- Cut out the petals in each and round their edges.

- Apply glue to the edge of the petals and connect them into a ring. We do this with all the blanks.

- For the middle of the rose, cut out 3 separate petals with a height of 1.5 paper divisions and a width of 4 cm.

- We give the petals a natural shape - stretch them slightly, and round the ends by winding them onto a toothpick.

- We fix the candy with hot glue to a toothpick, removing the sharp end.

- Apply glue to the petals and glue them to the base of the candy.

- Glue rings of petals on top of the flower with candy in turn. Fix the blanks so that the petals are staggered.

- Cut out sepals from green paper.

- We glue them to the rose and tap the leg with a strip of corrugated paper 1 cm wide.

- The first rose is ready. We make the rest of the flowers, distribute them throughout the composition, starting from the corner of the heart. We stick them into the base, fixing them on a drop of glue.

- We make funnels to fill the empty space. Roll the squares from the film diagonally and bend again. Glue the resulting triangles on half of a toothpick and insert into the heart.

- From golden braid we create bows on toothpicks and decorate the work with them.

Valentine's Day gift is ready.
For the new year
There are many ideas for creating gifts with your own hands using the sweet design technique for the New Year holidays.
Arrangements in hat boxes.
In baskets.
Gift sets with chocolate and champagne.
In Christmas balls.
In handbags.
New Year's house made of Raffaello sweets.
Sleigh of Santa Claus.
Handmade bouquets.

New Year's works by the suite designers are the most picturesque. Any daring imagination and varied decor are welcome here. Gold and silver tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, pine cones, cinnamon sticks and star anise stars, nuts, tangerines, artificial pine needles - everything will come in handy to create a sweet masterpiece.

You can make a sweet congratulation to a man on February 23rd. Lovers of sweets can be presented with:
a bouquet of bars;
steering wheel made of candy;
sets with coffee and tea;
with cognac;
composition in the form of a man's shirt.

You can create a themed gift.
Sports fans will appreciate the golden weight made of sweets.
The original candy instrument will surprise the musician.
Sea Treasure Chest - Fisherman.
Ship - sailor or traveler.

Women will be delighted to receive a sweet bouquet for the holiday.
A basket of delicate snowdrops will warm the heart after a long winter.
Fragile tulips will delight.
Sun daffodils will charm you.
Graceful calla lilies will delight.

Teacher's Day
You can congratulate your favorite teachers with a box of chocolates, decorated in the form of a class magazine
You can present a set of sweets in the form of a stylish briefcase.
Make a colorful coffee jar decoration with flowers.
Present a beautifully decorated jar of tea.
Present a bright and lush autumn bouquet.

Compositions of sweets will be surely appreciated by children. You can give birthday people a bouquet of kinder surprises, lollipops, boxes with flowers and toys.

A step-by-step master class will help you make a cute hedgehog as a present for your child.
You will need:
penoplex 10 cm thick;
thermal gun;
corrugated paper;
Let's get to work.
Create the body of the hedgehog. Draw a "drop" on a piece of penoplex. Carefully cut out the excess with a knife, and round off the corners of the base. Round the nose and sides of the hedgehog with sandpaper. We glue the hedgehog with corrugated paper
We make needles for the hedgehog. Their role is played by organza mushrooms. We fold the squares of the material in a known way and attach them with glue to a toothpick. We decorate the work with ready-made mushrooms.
Making a treat. We glue the candies to toothpicks, dropping glue on the inside of the candy wrapper. We prepare bright decor on a wire: apples, mushrooms. We insert decorations and sweets, evenly distributing them over the back of the hedgehog.
We revive the forest guest. We glue the plastic eyes to the muzzle, paint the eyebrows with paint. The forest guest is ready to go to the holiday.

In the next video, the master class is presented in more detail.