How and from what to make a house for a hamster with your own hands?

When purchasing a hamster, in any case, you will also have to think over a home for it - an ordinary cage or a full-fledged house. The second, by the way, can be made independently and thereby get a multifunctional structure, spending a minimum of money. There are also variations of small houses that are simply placed inside the cage and are used more for play.

Design features
A home for a hamster, made by hand, should have several mandatory zones: where the rodent will sleep, eat and store supplies. In addition, it is important not to ignore the toilet, bedding, the opportunity to play and carry out hygiene procedures. From toys, experts recommend purchasing a running wheel, the size of which depends on the size of the animal, well-ventilated tunnels, hammocks or swings, as well as parts that allow you to develop teeth: wooden sticks, twigs, mineral stones.
For drinking, you will need a drinking bowl, which can be used as a regular bowl. For food, you should take a couple of containers - for wet and dry options. We must not forget about pressed sawdust.

Dimensions (edit)
Of course, what size a homemade house will be is determined depending on what size the rodent itself is, and what functions the structure should perform. Alternatively, a wooden house for a small hamster requires side walls measuring 10 by 10 centimeters, and the front and rear should be at least 15 by 10 centimeters. A piece of wood is taken for the top with sides of 17x12 centimeters.

The form
In principle, the shape of the house under construction can be anything you like. However, there are several requirements for the design itself:
- it is important that the owner has the opportunity to get inside and clean;
- in a building for small hamsters there should not be large gaps through which they can escape;
- if the rodent, on the contrary, is large, it can get stuck in a too narrow passage, so such should also be avoided.

Step-by-step instruction
Having decided to assemble a house for a hamster at home, it is important to make sure that the material chosen is environmentally friendly, and if the animal tries it "by the teeth", there will be no dire consequences for its health.
If plastic is taken for construction, then it must be food grade.

Made of cardboard
It is easy and simple to make a cardboard house, but it will not be able to differ in special durability and durability. You can print the template on thin paper, and then transfer it to cardboard and cut it out with a clerical knife. Then all the parts are bent in the required places and glued together. In the last step, a rodent entry hole is cut.
However, it is much easier to take a cardboard box left over from paper napkins and design a home based on it.

From plastic bottles
To create a plastic structure, you will need a one and a half liter bottle, a clerical knife, a marker, scissors and a lighter, which, if not available, can be easily replaced with matches. The required height of the house is measured from the bottom of the container and marked with a marker with a solid line along the entire circumference. With the help of a clerical knife, this part is cut off, and the edges are melted under the action of a lighter.
Further, an arch-shaped passage is cut out in the house, the edges of which are also processed with fire.
If you ignore this step, then the animal may injure itself on a sharp surface. The finished house is placed inside the cage.

There is a variation of making a more complex design from three or four five-liter bottles. Its drawing is best studied on the Internet, but the main point of design is that the bottles are connected, inserted into one another, forming tunnels. In one of the containers a bedroom is made, in the second the feeding process is organized, in the third the hamster can go to the toilet, and in the fourth, if there is one, to have fun on the wheel. Between themselves, the components of the house are additionally strengthened with glue and tape.

Another plastic rodent habitat is construction from an ordinary container in which useful little things are stored. The size of the box used should be large enough so that the hamster does not feel uncomfortable when inside. For example, it can be a container dimensions 640x460x300 millimeters.
For manufacturing, a felt-tip pen and a ruler, a construction mesh, a pencil and a knife, a lighter or matches, as well as plastic clamps are also useful. A hole is cut in the lid using a heated knife blade, which is then tightened with a mesh secured with clamps. Holes for the latter are again created with a red-hot knife.

Having obtained a ready-made plywood parcel box, you can transform it into a hamster house. An inlet is drilled or cut on the side of the structure. If desired, you can cut through several windows. Such a house should be painted with colorless paint for an attractive appearance.

From coconut
A house made of coconut will be the most environmentally friendly and stylish. The main thing to do is to cut a hole with a diameter of at least 5 centimeters. After draining the milk, it is also necessary to remove all the pulp from the inside with a chisel.
If you first hold the coconut in the freezer, then it will be much easier to clean. Empty coconut is washed well, and the entrance is additionally sanded with sandpaper. Such a house is located in an animal's cage.

From paper
The easiest way to create a home for your hamster is to use two cardboard tubes left over from toilet paper or paper towels.Both are alternately flattened, after which semicircular holes are cut into them from both sides. After straightening, one tube is inserted into the other, forming a cross. This design is housed in a cage.

Another unusual paper house can be made from toilet paper itself. Although, most likely, he will live no more than a couple of days, manufacturing is so simple and economical that you can create a structure as many times as you like to entertain your pet. In addition to toilet paper, a balloon and a basin filled with water will come in handy. First of all, the balloon is inflated to the size of a large apple. Then the paper is torn into separate pieces and soaked in water.
Each sheet is immediately glued to the ball. It is necessary to act until eight layers are formed on the structure, and it is not completely covered. Then the future house is cleaned to dry out on the battery. The hardened structure must be removed from the ball, for which it is pierced with a needle or simply untied. At the end, a neat arch-shaped entrance is cut through the hemisphere.

Made of wood
Quite a long time, but it is interesting to create a wooden house from ice cream sticks. In addition to 80-120 pieces, wood glue, a ruler and a knife are useful. To create a house, a drawing is preliminarily drawn up. Such a structure has two side walls, a floor, a ceiling and two parts of the roof. All of them are created by connecting sticks in parallel. The finished floor, ceiling and walls are glued together.
To make the roof rafters, it will be necessary to place the sticks along and then across to ensure greater reliability. Until the glue is dry, you can additionally strengthen everything with rubber bands.
If the house is planned to be two-story, then you will need to think over a system for getting to the second level, for example, thanks to a ladder made of the same sticks.

The most successful solution, of course, is considered to be a full-fledged wooden house. The wood used must be covered with antiseptic and stain. If desired, a varnish layer can also be provided, this will simplify the process of cleaning the structure. For construction, you will need a board 4 centimeters thick, ideally made of deciduous wood. In addition, a drill, sandpaper, a hammer, a set of nails, wood glue, a jigsaw and a drill are useful.
The first step is to prepare blanks according to the drawings. Then the holes for the entrance and ventilation are cut out. For convenient fastening, the narrow strips used at the connection points come in handy. Each detail is worked out with sandpaper, and its edges are smoothed with sandpaper.
After that, the walls are connected with a hammer and nails or with self-tapping screws. It is not necessary to fix the roof, as this will deprive the owners of the opportunity to clean.
At the end, all the tips of the studs are checked so that they do not have the opportunity to injure the rodent.

From the box
It is very simple to create a house for a rodent from an ordinary box left over from paper napkins. In this case, you will also need cardboard tubes from toilet paper, scissors and PVA glue. The box is installed so that so that the hole is in front, and the pair of rolls is fixed crosswise.
The resulting figurine is inserted into the hole, forming the entrance to the house. Similarly, by fixing a few more rolls, you can make a labyrinth. All parts are reinforced with glue for reliability.

Interesting examples
Knowing the technique of weaving from a vine or having a basket of a suitable shape and size, you can make a very unusual and stylish home. A round plywood is usually used as a bottom, on which a wicker "yurt" is fixed. In this case, there is no need to cut the hole additionally.

Clay craftsmen can make a hamster house out of this material. In this case, it is better to make the cover removable in order to be able to clean up the inside. You can decorate such a structure with volumetric clay elements.

By analogy with a birdhouse, you can make a house for rodents from a stump of a suitable shape and size.In this case, you will have to work hard, cleaning the "insides", but the resulting design will look very natural and will not bring any harm to the hamster.

For information on how to make a house for a hamster with your own hands, see the next video.
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Daria, it's not dangerous, they gnaw everything ...
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Katya, you can.