Hamster toys: selection and making

For small rodents, which are often kept at home, toys are a must. They are needed for the active lifestyle of hamsters in artificial conditions. If the pet does not move enough, its health will deteriorate significantly. Hamster toys can not only be purchased at a specialized store, but also made by yourself. We will analyze what crafts you can do with your own hands from scrap materials.

In natural conditions, rodents are constantly moving. Thus, they protect themselves from predators and seek food for themselves. Hamsters living in confinements must also constantly move to maintain their physical condition. An active lifestyle is also essential for pets to be in a good mood.
The animal must have several toys. The cost of some of them can be high, in this case, you can collect available materials and please your pet with interesting crafts. The number of toys can be any, the main thing is that there is enough free space in the cage. It is best to make several different items.

All toys that are chosen for domestic rodents are aimed at two tasks:
- search for delicacies;
- motivation for movement and activity.
In some products, these two goals can be successfully combined. It is worth noting that the hamster treat is safely hidden. To get to a delicious treat, you need to go through a labyrinth or cope with a tricky design. The smell of food is an additional incentive to go through the maze or perform other actions.

The rest of the products that do not hide food are considered exercise equipment. The most common toy of this type is the running wheel.
What should be?
The main requirement for crafts is safety for the rodent. Be sure to inspect the finished product for sharp parts and other elements that could harm your pet. It is strictly forbidden to use toxic materials. These include varnishes, paints and other similar compounds. When assembling some structures, you may need glue. Opt for quality formulations that can be used indoors and in homes with small children and pets.
If you decide to make a ladder, labyrinth, or other similar instruction, accurately calculate its size and shape. The animal should be comfortable while playing.

How to do it yourself?
At home, anyone can make homemade interesting toys for their pet.
Craft from nuts
A curious toy can be made from walnut shells without much effort. For work, you must prepare the following items:
- whole-shell nuts;
- hammer;
- nail;
- rope;
- washer made of metal.

Consider the step-by-step execution of the work.
- Walnuts must be carefully chopped into two halves, while they must remain intact. You can treat a rodent with a core, such a delicacy will be not only tasty, but also useful for him.
- Prepare a piece of rope that fits the size of the cage (keep in mind its height). The rope must be strong.
- Using a hammer and nail, punch a hole in the center of each shell.
- Tie a washer to the end of the rope.
- Next, string the peeled walnut halves onto it.
- Be sure to leave some free space to securely attach the toy to the top rod of the cage.

You can improve this product by putting the animal's favorite delicacies in the shell. As you can see, available materials and very little time are needed to manufacture the structure.
Bushing toy
The cardboard rolls left over from kitchen paper towels can be used to create a simple yet fun toy.
To create a craft, you will need the following:
- sleeve;
- scissors;
- a piece of goodies for the hamster.

Getting the job done is pretty straightforward.
- Cut off 5 rings of the same size from the tube.
- Next, you need to insert the rings into each other so that the result is a cross section. You do not need to use glue, paper clips or other connecting elements.
- We put a delicacy for the pet inside the structure and place the toy in the cage. Thus, the hamster will get to the yummy through the cardboard rings. The pleasant and appetizing smell of the delicacy will draw the rodent's attention to the craft.

A fabric hammock will not only be a great toy for your pet, but also a cage decoration.
To make it you will need the following:
- satin ribbon (length about 25 centimeters);
- floss thread;
- a piece of felt (this material is great for a product due to its reliability and excellent shape retention);
- glue;
- scissors;
- a piece of soap or chalk (for marking).

There are several steps involved in getting the job done.
- Cut 2 equal strips. Dimensions - 20x24 centimeters.
- Use chalk or soap to draw semicircles around the edges of the fabric. Remember that they should not reach the perpendicular edges of the felt by about one and a half centimeters.
- Lay the strips one on top of the other. Cut off the stripes along the marked edges.
- The tape is cut into 4 equal pieces. It is recommended to burn the edges with fire so that they do not begin to crumble.
- Fold the ribbons in half. Join their edges to two corners of the fabric. Sew on them so that the tape goes into the hammock by about 3 centimeters.
- Work through the remaining corners.
- Cover the edges of the garment using a floss seam. The dimensions between the loops are 0.5 centimeters.
- If you want to make the toy more comfortable for the rodent, you can put a little padding polyester between two pieces of fabric and sew the product up.

For information on how to make a hammock for a hamster, see the next video.
If you notice low activity in your pet, you can use the labyrinth to cheer him up. When creating a design, let your imagination run wild.
To create a toy, you will need the following items:
- boxes made of thick cardboard or pieces of cardboard;
- paper sleeves.

Here's a step-by-step guide.
- We begin the creation of the structure with the design of the holes, which in size should be suitable for the diameter of the paper pipes.
- Connect the flat pieces of cardboard with plastic tubes of your choice. The size and shape of the product can be any.
- To make the product more reliable, glue can be used at the joints of the elements. Only a non-toxic composition will do.

The ladder is considered one of the most popular toys for rodents and active birds. It is not difficult to make such a structure yourself.
As a material, you can use wooden shelves for Asian food. They can become the bearing rails of the product. Branches of trees and other small wooden elements can be used as crossbars.
You can also make crossbars from Chinese sticks by carefully dividing them into smaller pieces. You can connect the elements with glue or small nails. A metal wire is also suitable as a fastener.

If you are using branches harvested from the street, be sure to process them before using them. You can get rid of small parasites with boiling water and disinfectants.
Crafts of this type play an important practical role. Hamsters, like other rodents, grow teeth quickly. In order for the pet to feel comfortable, they must be constantly grinded. To do this, stores sell special crayons and wooden structures.
To save money, you can build a pickup toy. It is made very simply. You can use flexible tree branches and collect them in a ball shape. The craft is hooked to the ceiling of the cage or placed on the floor. After collecting several branches of fruit trees and securing them with a dense rope, a useful craft will come out. The job will only take a few minutes.

A swing made from scrap materials is great for fast and active rodents.
To create a toy, you need the following items:
- counting sticks;
- tight rope or chain.
Manufacturing involves several steps.
- Lay the chopsticks on the table, butt-to-side. Place two elements along the edges so that the distance between them and the main mass of the sticks is sufficient for threading a chain or rope.
- Across the elements from which the seat is assembled, two sticks are hooked. They are glued securely.
- When the glue is dry, a chain or thread is threaded through the free holes and secured with a secure knot. It can also be folded in half and tied to the top rods of the cage.

Hamsters are very fond of slides. Such designs amuse them and make them move. These types of toys may not be cheap, but you can make your own if you want.
Simply and effortlessly, you can make a slide from a piece of wood. Remember to sand the block to avoid injury. The board must be attached to the edge of the cage, at an angle of no more than 30 degrees and attached in any way.
An ordinary plastic bottle, which is found in every home, can turn into a fascinating craft. Cut out an elongated element from the container, and attach it to the rods. Carefully trim the edges of the plastic slide.

Diverse entertainment
To entertain little pets, you can use various items found at home. As fun for hamsters, old wooden toys that have already lost their presentation are suitable. Wooden cubes will also not be ignored.
Fresh fruit will delight the animals. Take a bowl and fill it with more treats. Remember to wash fruits and vegetables before using, and be sure to throw them away when the fruits start to spoil.
Small flower pots in the cages will act as hiding places for hamsters. Small animals love to hide in shelters. But containers made of dense plastic or wood are also suitable. At the bottom, you can put your pet's favorite treat.
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