Hamster labyrinths and tunnels: features, types, manufacturing

Hamsters are small steppe rodents - inhabitants of an extensive system of tunnels. They spend many hours every day in these narrow passages and cells, even while awake. At the same time, the hamster tries to move as quickly as possible, and this is genetically fixed. It is simply impossible to imagine a hamster walking calmly. If he is not standing (more precisely, sitting), then he will definitely run. And only in the tightness and darkness of the tunnel, he can calm down, stop and rest.
Of course, domestic hamsters are deprived of many of the "charms" of wild existence, however, tunnels are absolutely necessary for them. First of all, it is a way to reduce the stress caused by a large open space, which is a room for hamsters. Along with additional exercise equipment, tunnel is one of the ways to fight obesity, the most common disease of domestic hamsters. Artificial labyrinths perform a special function for domestic rodents. It is also an excellent tool to support the exploratory interest that is common to many burrowing creatures.

Features and requirements
In nature, hamsters are constantly digging, improving and improving their burrows. Gradually, the tunnels become more and more intricate and ramified. Several emergency exits are required. Digging for a rodent is no less natural than running or searching for food. In nature, it takes up a lot of energy, and hamsters do not need additional exercise equipment to burn the required minimum of calories.
In a home environment, you have to build artificial mazes for hamsters.Natural labyrinths are often located in several tiers, with rather long side passages, emergency exits, dead-ends, storage rooms and "bedrooms" departing from them.
The main requirement for artificial burrows is diameter. The rodent, being under the protection of the tunnel, must feel its walls. At the same time, too narrow an artificial mink will not allow the hamsters to disperse. Still, in nature, they live less crowded, and the walls of the holes are earthen and can always be corrected.

The urge to dig and gnaw, as well as the natural urge to constantly improve their tunnels, can motivate hamsters to a feat of labor. They will constantly try material for tooth and claw. If the labyrinth is built from pliable materials, the traces of the rodents will be more and more noticeable. To reduce this effect, it is necessary to place various kinds of delicacies in the tunnels, which will have to be gnawed.
In no case should the material be toxic, because teeth are the main tool of labor for rodents. They grow constantly, so animals have no problems with their recovery. In earth-moving work, teeth are used equally, and sometimes more than claws.
When constructing a large artificial burrow with several levels of passages, one must try to avoid too steep descents. Animals can be injured, since, unlike holes dug in the ground, it will be very difficult for them to fix their position with the help of claws. And also in artificial tunnels ventilation should be arranged so that the pet, carried away by the game, does not die from a lack of oxygen.
It is important not to clutter the hamster cage with labyrinths and tunnels. He needs space no less. The best option is a remote tunnel or labyrinth, which you can enter from the cage, so that you can return there later.

Tunnels can have different shapes, lengths, materials of manufacture. They can even be transparent. In them, the animals are clearly visible. At the same time, they feel protected and do not feel awkward from the presence of observers.
In general, the construction of tunnels is a pipe. Indeed, PVC water pipes can be used to create a passage system. There can be many options for their articulation.
Specialized pet stores offer several varieties of finished products.

Tunnels are of simple design - straight. Branched structures with a whole system of passages and dead ends are very popular.
By location, the tunnels can be internal, located in a cage where rodents live. The hamster can use the "mink" at will. Sometimes satisfied outer tunnel, this structure, as a rule, does not have a connection with the cage and is used in cases when the owner decides to arrange entertainment for his pet. The game in such a tunnel is completely controlled by a person.
It is possible to construct a structure outside the cage and in such a way that the animal can enter and exit it, getting into the cage, where the main nest is arranged.

The material used to make tunnels varies. Wood is not bad for this. In addition to fulfilling its main functions, the "mink" made of wood can also serve as a safe tool for sharpening incisors.
Plastic pipes allow you to vary the structure of the burrow. They can be given a different shape by means of different kinds of joints.
There are also supporters of nylon "mink". When the animal moves, such a design emits a kind of rustling sound that does not frighten the rodent at all, but, on the contrary, attracts it, possibly imitating the sounds made in natural burrows by roots and straws.
Warm plush minks create special conditions. Playing in such a tunnel, the animal can always rest comfortably.

Selection Tips
The choice of a ready-made tunnel is fully determined by the desire of the person. Therefore, one of the selection conditions should be the convenience of observing the pet.
It is important to take into account the species characteristics of the hamster who will be using the artificial mink. This will determine, first of all, the diameter of the artificial burrow. A tunnel that is too wide may not meet its main objectives. Animals will not feel protected while in it, on the contrary, they will be afraid of a large enclosed space.
The best option for artificial burrows can be considered those that directly connect with the cage, which contains the animal.
This is how the hamster relieves the stress of being transplanted into the maze and can use it as it sees fit.

A well-assembled labyrinth with a system of tunnels that are safe and attractive for the hamster is the key to a long and happy life of this animal. The hamster not only burns the calories gained from food, he also loads his small, but very inquisitive brain with work. That is why one of the conditions for choosing a structure can be diversity. Tunnels and maze elements can combine different materials, which will give animals additional opportunities for research.
But the basic rule should still be the safety of structures and materials. The strength and quality of the joints is also an essential requirement. Exploration hamsters will not miss the opportunity to explore your room, if presented to them. Often, it is the articulation of the elements of tunnels or labyrinths that becomes the weak link, and animals that cannot escape from the cage escape through them.

Can you make them yourself?
You can make tunnels and labyrinths yourself. The simplest, one might say, budgetary option for such a hole is a construction made of cardboard. Of course, it will not be able to be used constantly, sooner or later, it will have to be refurbished or replaced altogether. Due to the availability of the material, this is actually not critical.
In addition, making a cardboard tunnel with your own hands is a wonderful joint activity for adults and young family members. The limits of children's imagination do not exist, adults only need to adjust their work, imperceptibly correct and direct them to create a cozy mink that is really acceptable for pets. Children willingly decorate the building. It is important to make sure that no jewelry, such as rhinestones, is dangerous for rodents, and you will also have to exclude some adhesives.
The main advantage of such a homemade labyrinth will be uniqueness. With some experience, you can create replaceable modules that can be periodically replaced or rearranged, this will eliminate addiction, and the pet will constantly explore the proposed structure, which will bring him great pleasure.

The material for creating the maze will be boxes made of thick cardboard, for example, from shoes. The set of necessary tools is not so wide: scissors, a ruler, a pair of compasses, a pencil, glue or tape.
The largest box can be the base of the maze. A plan can be drawn on its inner surface. The side walls will become its walls. All sorts of partitions are made from the material of smaller boxes, in them, at a different, but accessible level for the animal, it is necessary to arrange passages in the form of round holes. Various ladders, cubes, dead-end chambers can be arranged inside separate "rooms".
The boxes can be combined with tubing, for example from toilet paper rolls. Thus, a structure with a variety of transitions and chambers can be created, in which the pet can spend several hours a day.
Having a lot of Lego parts can also form the basis of a hamster maze. Children are happy to participate in the creation of such an attraction.

Craftsmen build tunnels and labyrinths even from plastic bottles. However, this material has a significant drawback - it is very slippery.Rodent claws cannot cling to plastic surfaces, so it is best to combine bottles with a cardboard or plywood base. Bottles can be cut in half and fixed to a rougher surface. If a tiered mink is not intended, the bottles can be securely connected with tape. One of the undeniable advantages of such a labyrinth is transparency.

The widest scope of imagination and, at the same time, the reliability of performance is represented by plumbing pipes made of PVC, a wide variety of connections will allow you to create masterpieces. In the walls of such tunnels, it is necessary to make small holes for ventilation. The tightness of their joints can cause discomfort to rodents.

The basic rules for creating artificial mazes are quite simple, there are not many of them.
- Moderation. Being overloaded with maze elements will quickly tire the explorer and he will lose interest.
- Security. The use of toxic adhesives is not permitted. The hamster will definitely try the labyrinth design on the tooth. It is also advisable to protect him from contact with tape.
- Observability. The animal, being in the labyrinth, should not disappear from the owner's field of vision. All his movements must be observable, and the owner must always imagine where the pet is at the moment. Some hamsters tend to run away, it can be difficult to get them back, in addition, in the process of their "AWOL" they are exposed to serious dangers.
How to make a tunnel for a hamster from plastic bottles, see below.