Is it okay to bathe hamsters and how to do it right?

People often have pets to brighten up their loneliness or to diversify their everyday life. Lovers can be different, so you need to know everything about caring for them. If a hamster will live at home, then it is worth figuring out how to feed it, where to keep it and what hygiene procedures to carry out.

Do you need water treatments?
When buying a hamster for yourself or a child, you should get as much information as possible about this animal before it appears in the house. The first thing that is important to know is the most suitable breeds for home keeping, how they look and what their peculiarities are. Then a habitat for the future pet is selected, a place for rest, active pastime and a food zone is thought out.
In order for the animal to be in comfortable conditions for itself, you need to know about its sleep and wakefulness regime. The most important aspect is considered to be the hygiene of the animal, since it is undesirable to bathe hamsters. In case of contamination of the fur, paws or muzzle, you need to know how to properly clean the pet.

Among the unfavorable factors, due to which it is not worth carrying out standard water procedures, are those described below.
- The stress of being in the water. Hamsters do not like water and will resist water procedures in every possible way, as a result of which the animal will experience severe stress, from which a heart attack can occur. In agony, the pet can bite the owner to escape from the water trap, and if it accidentally falls into the water, the hamster will not be able to do anything and will choke.
- Hypothermia, which occurs as a result of wetting the fur. This can cause the pet to catch a cold.The result is pneumonia.
- Washing off a special fat layer from the skin of the animal, which protects it from diseases. If a hamster is bought with shampoo, the immune system will become much weaker.
- If water gets into the ear, the pet will have otitis media, since it is extremely difficult to wipe the ears.
- If the wool is wet, it is difficult to dry it, and when wet, the chances of getting sick increase many times over.
- Injuries while taking water treatments. A worried hamster can break free from his hands and hit a sink or hard table and be injured, which could damage his health.
Thus, hamsters are among those pets that are best not immersed in water for hygiene procedures. These animals are simply not adapted for swimming, and such a load leads to significant deviations in health, and in the worst case, to cardiac arrest.

Preparation for bathing
Hamsters in nature live in the steppe, so they are extremely rare with water, which means that they are not used to contact with it. If there is a persistent desire to independently monitor the pet's hygiene, you need to gradually acquaint him with the water, showing that it is harmless, and nothing bad will happen to the animal. Do not try to bathe the animal in a large amount of water at once, as it can get scared, wriggle out of hand and drown.
Hamsters are considered clean animals that take care of their fur coat up to five times a day, so there is no particular need to bathe them. If the pet is properly kept and the litter is changed in time, then the rodent will not be able to get dirty.
If an unpleasant odor emanates from the animal, and parasites began to appear in the wool, then the intervention will be justified. Bath water should be warm, but not hot. Cool water increases the risk of illness, and hot water can lead to a heart attack. The optimal range is considered to be a temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius.

Necessary accessories
In order for the process of adopting water procedures to go smoothly, you need to organize it correctly. The main attribute is a bathing suit, which should be small so that the animal is not too scared to be in it. The amount of water should be kept to a minimum. You need to wash the animal with a specialized shampoo for hamsters, but if you wish, you can also use products for bathing cats or dogs.
It is necessary to wash the animal with your hands or use a very soft washcloth so as not to damage the skin of the pet... Using a kitchen sponge can injure your skin, leading to allergies or dermatitis. For the convenience of bathing procedures, it is worth having a small ladle with you, in which there will be water for bathing.
When organizing bath procedures, it is very important to close all windows and doors in the house in order to minimize the risk of drafts, which will inevitably lead to health problems for the hamster.

How to wash?
Washing your hamster at home is not too difficult if you have a clear understanding of the procedure. Due to the fact that rodents do not like water, it is not enough to just bathe them - you need to properly organize the workplace for this and skillfully handle your pet. Knowing the breed of a pet, its character will help to set up the hamster correctly and bathe it without any problems.
Depending on the degree of contamination of the animal, there are several options for cleaning it: bathing, using wet wipes or sponges. The first option is needed for serious cases, the second - to help in the pet's hygiene procedures. If you bathe your hamster only in case of real need and correctly approach this procedure, then the animal will receive the necessary help and will not suffer in any way. Using wipes and sponges will minimize stress and keep your pet clean and healthy.

In water
Keeping a hamster at home is not difficult, because the main thing is to feed it and clean up after it on time. In case of any violations of sanitation, the animal may develop parasites on the fur or an unpleasant odor from the animal itself. If this happens, then you must immediately take action: bathe the hamster. The sequence of actions will look as described below.
- Preparation of the place for swimming. It should be a flat and non-slippery surface on which the bathing suit is installed.
- Heating water to the desired temperature. The animal should be comfortable during the procedure.
- You should have a hamster shampoo, soft towel or cloth to dry with.
- The pet is placed on a plank and gently held with one hand, while the other at this time gradually pours the prepared water onto the animal.
- While swimming, the rodent must not fall on the head or ears, as this is fraught with serious consequences for its health. The procedure is carried out only with the hands, without the use of any hard washcloths or rags, so as not to harm the pet.
- Throughout the bathing procedure, it is important to create a friendly environment for the animal. To minimize stress from the procedure, you need to talk to the hamster, calm it down, communicate calmly and affectionately. In no case should you allow sharp or loud sounds, which can frighten the animal even more.
- When starting to wash your pet, it is worth checking that all windows are closed and to minimize the risk of drafts, which are very destructive for such small animals.
- Due to the use of a special shampoo, it must be washed off well so that there are no residues on the skin and fur that will cause burning and itching of the animal.
- Once the hamster is completely washed, dry it with a towel or napkin. If necessary, you can use a hairdryer, but keep it at a safe distance from the animal.
If you can do without full bathing, then you should choose a more acceptable option for the animal, which will require some available tools and a little time.

Wet wipes
In the event that the hamster's hygiene procedures have not been successful, he cannot clean himself on his own, it is worth intervening and helping him. The most convenient means for this will be cotton pads, which are simply moistened with water and gently act on the contaminated place, eliminating it. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the water is not cold or too hot - an indicator of 40 degrees is considered the most desirable. If you do not have a cotton pad or sponge at hand, then you can use wet wipes and clean the animal with them.
Do not take any wipes you have at home, as some of them may contain hazardous chemicals that can harm your pet. It is best to use products for children.
Despite the fact that there is no bathing procedure as such, after wiping it is also important to dry the pet without leaving its fur damp. The choice of wet wipes will be more acceptable for the hamster, as it will not cause significant discomfort and stress, and therefore will not harm. In addition, in this case, the possibility of water getting into the ears of the animal is minimized, which is also an undoubted plus.

Regardless of how exactly the bath procedures were carried out, you should pay special attention to drying the pet. In order for the process to proceed calmly, and it was possible to wipe the fur with high quality, it is important to calm the animal by returning it to a calm state. The most effective way is simple communication with your pet. At the sound of the owner's voice, the animal automatically calms down. The main thing is to speak softly and gently, soothing your pet.
The safest option for drying your hamster is to wrap it in a soft towel or napkin, which quickly absorbs moisture and does not pose any threat to the integrity of the pet's skin. If you have time, then it is best to wrap up the hamster after bathing and keep it in this state until the fur is completely dry.
In case of a shortage of time, you can try to use a hairdryer, having previously set it to the weakest mode and carefully introducing the pet to the household appliance. If you turn on the device abruptly, and even at full power, then the hamster will simply get scared and run away, and may also get burns on the skin from contact with too hot air.
If the procedure for bathing, wiping and drying raises great concerns, then it is better to abandon them and use an alternative option that will only need sand.

Sand baths
Using sand for bathing hamsters is considered the most favorable option for getting rid of any contamination of the pet without causing physical or psychological harm in the form of stress from meeting the water. To hold such an event, you need to buy sand at the pet store, which is most often used for chinchillas, as well as a bathing suit, in which the hamster will arrange bath procedures.
It is important to monitor the condition of the sand, its purity and the size of the grains. It is recommended to sift through the contents of the bath before putting the hamster into it. The container should not be constantly in the cage, otherwise the pet will use it for other purposes, for example, in the form of a toilet or a pantry for supplies. Any hygiene procedures must be supervised and supervised. If the animal frolicked in the bathing suit and left it, you need to immediately remove the container with sand and, if necessary, throw it away, replacing it with a new one during the next bathing.

For all its safety, even this procedure can cause some harm to the animal, especially if it is carried out too often. During active movement in the sand, the hamster can inhale small grains of sand, which in large quantities can lead to the development of diseases. Optimum will be two bathing a week, no more than half an hour. In order for the hamster to enjoy the process, it is important to fill in sand with a layer thickness of at least 4-5 cm so that the animal has the opportunity to bury itself in it.
If you have a question about choosing the best option for swimming, then it is worth considering a number of advantages of sand baths:
- no need to dry the fur after bathing;
- there is no risk of temperature drop and hypothermia, which means that the pet will not get sick;
- the procedure for such bathing has a positive effect on the hamsters, bringing them joy, while the water is stressful;
- sand baths have not only a hygienic effect, but also help the pet to keep fit due to active actions during bathing.
The choice of this or that option for cleansing hamsters depends on the specific situation, therefore, before making a decision, it is worth assessing the situation and trying the mildest options.
If it was not immediately possible to help the animal, you need to look for another option. If possible, contact with water should be excluded or made as comfortable as possible for the pet.

You will learn more about whether it is possible to bathe your hamster and how to do it correctly in the following video.