Roborovsky hamster: description, features of keeping and breeding

Not so often among pets you can find the Roborovsky hamster. This animal is considered to be a rather rare specimen. Representatives of this breed of hamsters are incredibly friendly and love to live with large families. They differ from their relatives in small size, and therefore require special care.
In the family of hamsters, you can find such a tiny fur-legged representative, like the Roborovsky hamster. The size of the animal is equal to the size of a hen's egg.
The natural habitat of the hamster is considered to be China and Mongolia. It was first discovered in China (in the Tien Shan mountains). It received its name in honor of the discoverer - zoologist V.I.Roborovsky. In the 70s of the last century, it was brought to our region. In the countries of Europe and America, the animal did not take root. But at the same time, the Dutch were diligently engaged in breeding it.

Characteristics of the Roborovsky hamster:
- the maximum body length is no more than 5 centimeters;
- on average, these hamsters weigh about 24 g;
- the dwarf hamster has a very short tail, which cannot always be seen with the naked eye due to its long and fluffy coat;
- despite its size, the head of the hamster is quite large, the ears are set vertically, have a gray color;
- the muzzle of the animal has a flattened shape;
- Another characteristic feature of this species of hamsters is its large eyes, which are black;
- it is interesting that there are four toes on the front legs, and five on the hind legs;
- small paws are completely covered with wool;
- Roborovsky hamsters have very good eyesight;
- like many members of their family, these hamsters make reserves for the winter, but do not hibernate;
- hamsters get along well with their relatives, regardless of gender;
- the animal practically does not bite, and if this happens, then its bites are painless;
- the individual reaches sexual maturity already in the third week after birth;
- they have complex breeding in captivity, therefore they are not used in various laboratory studies;
- Roborovsky's hamsters are very active animals and practically cannot sit still;
- it was our compatriots who made a huge contribution to the breeding of such hamsters, so you can often find another name for dwarf animals - "Russians".

How many years does it live?
Hamsters are relatively short-lived. Life expectancy in captivity depends on many factors:
- diet;
- stress;
- genetics;
- illness;
- conditions of detention.
If the hamster is in good physical shape, then his eyelid can increase up to 5 years. However, this happens very rarely.

Every person would like his pet to live a longer life, but unlike our usual cats or dogs, Roborovsky's hamster can live from 3 to 3.5 years. Of course, you can influence the duration of its life by observing the basic rules of keeping, including the nuances of care, but it will not work to significantly increase the life expectancy of an animal of this breed.

In this case, many owners of dwarf hamsters try to avoid emotional attachment to the animal, which can negatively affect the pet itself. They love to live in large families. In case the hamster does not receive enough attention, he becomes more prone to stress. Also, some owners of a dwarf pet do not take proper care of it and never show it to a veterinarian.
So if you are afraid of emotional attachment, it is not recommended to acquire such a hamster.

However, the short lifespan can be seen as a huge plus. For example, in America, such an animal is quite popular as a pet. Many parents have them for their children. They teach them responsibility, as well as the understanding that life is not eternal. It is not very pleasant to raise such topics, but children in this case learn to let go of the situation.

Many pets live long lives and require huge costs for their maintenance, both materially and morally. In the case of purchasing a dwarf pet, the obligation to him will be in a shorter term. But at the same time, we begin to appreciate our pet more, as we have a limited amount of time that we can spend with him.
Thus, it becomes possible to make the life of the hamster more interesting and fulfilling.

Content rules
Before purchasing a dwarf hamster, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the basic rules for the care and maintenance of the animal. It is interesting to know that Roborovsky hamsters are used to living in small colonies. For this reason, it is best to have not one but two hamsters. In this case, they will be more active and energetic. It is desirable that the animals are of the same sex. In no case should you settle two males and a female in one place. In this case, a competitive spirit appears between the males, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
Usually rodents are housed in a cage, the bottom of which is filled with a small layer of sand. Quartz-based sand is best suited for this purpose. In some cases, they resort to using sawdust. On top, you can place small branches of fruit plants. Moss or hay is also used.

Hamster home accessories:
- feeder;
- drinker;
- wheel;
- mineral stone;
- tray.

If there are two hamsters, it is best to make them separate houses in a cage and place two wheels. The area of the cage for 2 pets must have parameters 50 * 70 centimeters.
Also, many owners of dwarf pets place them in all kinds of containers (dunes). It is strongly not recommended to keep the hamster in the aquarium, as due to the fogging of the glass, a large number of bacteria can form in it.
It is advisable to place dwellings for a hamster away from drafts or dampness. These pets do not tolerate cigarette smoke.

As the cell becomes dirty, it is necessary to clean it. Usually this process is carried out 2 times a week. You should change the water in the drinker daily, as it can get dirty during the day. The feeder is cleaned regularly.
To get rid of the unpleasant odor and facilitate the cleaning process, the owners of such pets place a tray in the cage and buy a special litter for it. It is advisable to train the hamster to the toilet immediately. At a more mature age, this is quite difficult to do.

The daily diet of a dwarf hamster should be rich and varied. In a specialized store you can buy feed specially designed for rodents. Also, pets are happy to eat vegetables, fruits, herbs and various grains.
During pregnancy, the diet of a female hamster must be saturated with animal protein.

Mandatory foods that must be present in the diet of a Roborovsky hamster:
- a fish;
- hen;
- wheat;
- sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese;
- chicken eggs;
- greens;
- porridge;
- millet;
- vegetables;
- fruits.

It is worth considering that food from the human table is not suitable for a hamster, therefore, we will pay special attention to undesirable foods in the pet's diet:
- spices;
- canned foods;
- citrus;
- semi-finished products;
- salty and sweet foods;
- cabbage and tomatoes;
- stale food or food leftovers.

You should carefully monitor the pet's diet and maintain the balance of proteins and fats in the animal's body. Exercise is an essential part of a hamster's life. For this purpose, a wheel is installed in the cage.

Breeding features
Unlike other breeds, the Roborovsky hamster does not have a high degree of fertility. The litter contains no more than 5 babies. For this reason, this type of pet is rarely found on the market.

If you want to breed hamsters, it is best to prepare them for this from childhood by forming a pair. This will help the hamsters get used to each other. In the absence of such an opportunity, rodents need time to rub. A special partition is installed in the container for keeping pets. Hamsters are best kept on opposite sides of the partition. It is necessary in order not to provoke a fight between individuals of different sexes. During this period, they will sniff. After they get used to each other, the partition is removed.
The optimal age for breeding is 4 months - 1 year. The female needs time to recover, so after giving birth, at least 2.5 months must pass before the next fertilization. The gestation period can last a little over three weeks.
At this point, the hamsters should be fenced off with a grill. The duration of labor is 2-3 hours.

Roborovsky hamsters love secluded places and often hide from everyone in them. During pregnancy and after childbirth in females, this manifests itself in a rather acute form. For this reason, it is advisable to make a hidden place in the cage where the female can give birth. It is recommended to buy two houses, since after giving birth, the female becomes less stress-resistant and may begin to show aggression. At this time, it is better not to disturb her and postpone cleaning the cage. At first, you should not touch the offspring.
Newborn hamsters of this breed do not have hair, they have no sight and hearing. Their weight does not exceed one gram, and the body length is one centimeter. Females of this breed have a well-expressed maternal instinct, and she carefully takes care of the offspring. But you still need to look after them from time to time.

Newborn hamsters feed on white bread soaked in milk. You can also feed them with millet or buckwheat, previously soaked in hot water. From greens, they eat clover or lettuce leaves. Food is left in the trough, after which the female feeds herself. In some cases, it is better to leave food near the rodent's dwelling. After three weeks, the baby's diet can be enriched with the following foods:
- wheat;
- a fish;
- chicken and eggs;
- low fat cottage cheese;
- zucchini.

Upon reaching the age of 23 days, the offspring are removed from the mother. It is important to know that closely related rodents are strongly discouraged from crossing. In this case, the offspring will be very weak and unhealthy.

For how Roborovsky's hamster looks, see the next video.