Everything you need to know about Siberian hamsters

Siberian hamsters are cute dwarf animals that are often purchased for children. The animal does not require special care or exotic feeding, so the child may well cope with caring for the hamster on his own. This will instill in him responsibility, hard work, kindness and love.

The baby looks like a cute fluffy ball with an inconspicuous tail. Its dimensions are 7-8 cm in length.Under natural conditions, it weighs 25-30 g, but in a hearty home environment, lazy hamsters get fat and can gain weight up to 50 g.
"Siberians" have a black-gray coat with a brown stripe running through the entire back. Geneticists suggest several other colors. But in any case, the hamster will change the color of his fur coat to white by winter. In domestic animals, the color change is not pronounced, but in the field it is vital.

In their natural environment, hamsters of this breed live in the steppes and hilly plains of Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan. They live in burrows, which they themselves create. This crumb can dig a labyrinth up to one and a half meters deep with a total length of moves up to 8 m. In the labyrinth, he equips himself with a warm nest for sleeping and dead-end "pantries" for storing grains.

In winter, in the natural environment, so as not to expend energy, hamsters fall into a daze. This state is not a full-fledged hibernation, as the animals have to wake up for snacks. Severe frosts and predators do not allow hamsters to live for their pleasure - their average life expectancy is 2-2.5 years, while domestic inhabitants can live up to 3-4 years.
Hamsters do not like company, so they live alone or in small groups formed at a young age.
They distinguish "theirs" from "strangers" by the smell, which is emitted by a special gland located on their abdomen.

Character traits
It is very pleasant to hold a soft lump in your hands, and it is also fascinating to watch it. The behavior of the animal changes under the influence of external factors: night time, temperature fluctuations, fright, curiosity. The behavior of these animals is based on the following factors.
- Elderly individuals are not particularly agile, but young people are more energetic - they like to make noise (especially at night). When choosing a place for a cage, the animal's nocturnal lifestyle should be considered.
- Hamsters orient themselves in space with the help of antennae, which determine the size of an object or hole into which you can climb.
- Animals mark their territory, claiming rights to it. They are loyal to the individuals who have lived with them since childhood, recognize each one by their characteristic smell and do not displace them from their habitat. But the attitude towards strangers is completely different. It is better to keep same-sex animals or one male and several females in one cage.
- A hamster taking care of its hygiene is quite a hilarious sight. Anyone who loves these animals can watch for hours how they lick their paws and quickly wash their tiny muzzles and bodies, and then comb the fur with their claws. In fact, they sever the hairs of their coat and make it more fluffy, which affects the retention of heat. The hamsters got the instincts from the Siberian living conditions in the wild.
- A frightened hamster behaves restlessly - he rushes about the cage or cuddles to the floor. If he senses danger, he makes frightening sounds and bares his teeth. At this moment, it is better not to touch him, as he can bite.
- At the moment of curiosity, the animal can stand on its hind legs, and reach with its front legs to the object of interest. He examines it with antennae and paws.
- Sometimes, observing a hamster, you can see how it drags sawdust to its nest and buries itself in them. This behavior indicates that the pet is frozen. If he starts tearing and throwing sawdust, then he is hot.
- The animals are ready to breed at the age of one month, but it is better to let them wait at least three months. The gestation period for the female is nineteen days. If a couple lives in different cages, then they should be combined in order to obtain offspring in neutral territory.

For those who first decided to have a hamster, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the rules of keeping, as well as with their behavior and habits, understand all the pros and cons. A hamster is a living being, and by bringing it into the house, a person takes responsibility for its existence. The positive aspects of keeping the animal at home are as follows:
- he is sweet and generally benevolent;
- contact with such a pet is not dangerous for children;
- children acquire good qualities: caring and responsibility;
- hamsters are not picky about food;
- they are easy to tame, while they can be taught a little trick;
- it is easy to find a place for a small cage;
- are inexpensive - you can always afford to purchase a budgetary and unpretentious pet.

It is also worth noting the negative aspects of staying a hamster in an apartment:
- you will have to look after him, clean the cage, otherwise the smell will appear;
- the baby loves to make noise at night, so the cage should be kept away from the bedroom;
- sometimes you can buy an animal that loves to bite;
- hamsters do not live long, and the loss of a pet can be hard for children.
If the disadvantages seem not so significant, you can safely start a hamster, because he will give a lot of pleasure with his cute appearance and behavior.

Where to place?
Before you bring a hamster into the house, you need to prepare a place for him to live.If this is not taken seriously, the baby will be lost in a large apartment and die.
Hamsters are not very demanding on the external environment, but they feel good at a comfortable temperature of 17 to 26 degrees Celsius.
Anything that is unpleasant to us will not please the hamster. When defining a cell in a particular place, one should think about whether it will be comfortable for him to be there. Given the negative impact of some places in the house, we can conclude that you should not put a cage:
- near the radiator;
- on the windowsill, in direct sunlight;
- near working equipment;
- in a draft;
- in noisy places;
- in the bedrooms (considering the nocturnal lifestyle of pets).

What should be the cage?
A hamster is a rodent, and this should be taken into account when choosing material for a home. A cage with metal rods or an aquarium will suit your pet. Siberian hamsters have no jumping ability, so you don't need to cover the aquarium from above. As for the cell, then the distance between the rods should be no more than 7-9 mm, otherwise the animal will try to escape.
The cage itself should be spacious, as the pet needs to run. It is better to provide a second floor if you need to place play structures. Sawdust is selected as the floor covering.

The animal will treat an empty cage with fear, because a person does not like living in an apartment without furniture. Your hamster's home should be comfortable.
- You will need a sleeping house. In the wild, hamsters live in burrows, so their instinct for self-preservation remains in the cramped conditions of the cage. They feel safe in the house.
- It is better to fix the feeder and drinker so that the hamster does not turn it over, but you need to make it removable so that you can wash it.
- An animal needs a mineral stone to care for its teeth. Gnawing it, the hamster cleans and strengthens the canines, as well as grinds them down, adjusting the normal length.
- Running wheel. Siberian hamsters are prone to obesity, so a treadmill is a must for them. It will satisfy their nightly need for movement and keep them healthy.
- A hamster toilet can be purchased at a pet store, but the pet must understand that there is a designated area for the toilet.

Caring for an animal, first of all, provides for proper nutritious nutrition. Twice a day, he should be fed with grains and pellets, which can be purchased at the pet store. An additional vitamin set is required, consisting of fruits, herbs and vegetables. You can add a little chicken breast, cottage cheese or an egg to the diet.
As for the walk, it does not mean going outside or running around the apartment. Such walking is dangerous both for the hamster and for the furniture, which he will begin to try on the tooth. In the pet store you need to purchase a special walking ball, which will protect the animal from trouble and allow it to run around to its fullest.
The hamster should clean the cage once or twice a week.
A little effort will help your pet to always be healthy and happy.

See the story about the life of Siberian hamsters below.