What do you need to keep a hamster?

Hamsters are cute, fluffy creatures that make great pets. But, despite the small size of these animals, they require special and proper care. For this reason, before you buy a hamster, you should create the conditions for a comfortable stay in advance. Below is a list of what you definitely need to buy a future pet:
- cage;
- house;
- drinker;
- feeder;
- fillers;
- toilet;
- mineral stone;
- wheel;
- ball for walking;
- toys.

Attribute selection
The cage is the main attribute, because it is in it that the fluffy pet will spend all its time. How to choose the right cage and what you need to start from is described below.
- Manufacturing material. It can be metal or plastic. Plastic cages are usually immediately equipped with all the necessary equipment, including a wheel, tunnels and other attributes. Of course, this option with a complete set is not cheap. For this reason, a metal cage will become a more affordable and no less high-quality choice.
- Dimensions. An adult must be in a cage with dimensions of at least 50x50 or 30x50 cm - it depends on the breed of the pet. A small cage will negatively affect your hamster's health. Also, you should not put your pet in a cage that is designed for a parrot or guinea pig. It must be equipped specifically for hamsters, be of the appropriate size and quality.
- Rod material... This is an important criterion because hamsters tend to chew on twigs. It is better that they are made of stainless steel, do not bend or break. In this case, it is important that there is no paint on the rods, otherwise the hamster will be poisoned by harmful substances.As for the distance between the rods, it should be from 5 to 10 mm (depending on the breed of the hamster).
- Door... There are usually two doors in a cage. In one of them, the pet enters and exits, and the other is located at the top, so that it is easier for the owner to clean the inside, namely: clean the feeder, toilet and update the litter.

You cannot place two hamsters in a cage, otherwise the struggle for territory between them will be inevitable, during which individuals can injure each other. Nature is designed so that these fluffy animals live alone. For this reason (if the owner decided to have two hamsters) they need to be placed in different cages.

Another important point: nothing can be rearranged in the cage, even if the pet itself, according to the owner, has made a mess there... Any rearrangement can threaten the animal with serious stress. It is also not recommended to often get the hamster out of its permanent habitat.

As for the location of the cage in the apartment, it should be located in a place where there is no high humidity, drafts or bright sunlight.
Small house
A small pet needs a cozy corner where he would create a "nest" for himself and stock up on food. The main thing for a home is strength, safety, non-toxicity and weight. There are several types of houses.
- Made of wood. This option is environmentally friendly and familiar to the hamster. Stores offer a variety of designs of wooden houses - you can choose an original design.

- Made of plastic... Here you should take a responsible approach to the choice. It is important that the plastic is non-toxic, otherwise the hamster can be poisoned. In stores you can find many plastic houses - from one-story to multi-level, with different colors.

- From ceramics... This material is considered safe, non-toxic and durable. The hamster will not be able to move it due to the weight of the home, which is a plus. As for the design, you can choose ceramic houses in the form of any fruit or mushroom.

- Carrying house... A convenient option that easily turns from a resting place for a pet into a convenient carrying bag. It will come in handy if the owner leaves somewhere or just cleans up the cage.

- Cloth and other houses. Sometimes the owners buy a dwelling in the form of a hammock or make a cardboard house with their own hands. This is not to say that such materials are durable, because it costs nothing for a hamster to quickly gnaw his habitat.

Drinker with feeder
No cage can be imagined without these important hamster food and drink attributes.
There may be one feeder, but it is better to stock up on two at once - the cereal mixture will be poured into one, and juicy feed into the other. The material for making the feeders is plastic or ceramics. It is better to dwell on the ceramic version because of its weight and durability. It is worth noting that hamsters love to get into the feeders, so it is better that there is a place in it not only for food, but also for a small pet.

As for the drinker, it is divided into several types.
- A bowl. It is the most common and inexpensive option. But it is worth noting the minus of such a drinker - it easily turns over. For this reason, the owner will have to clean up the cage quite often, otherwise the raw filler will cause illnesses in the fluffy pet.
- Drinking bowl-vacuum... It is hygienic, simple and convenient. But it is important not to choose soft plastic as the material, otherwise the hamster will quickly gnaw it.
- Automatic and ballpoint. This drinker is convenient and reliable. The pet will quickly figure out how to use it correctly, so there will be no problems with adaptation. It is only important to choose high-quality material so that the drinker does not leak.
- With a pocket. Such a container has a special pocket-nose, from where the animal receives water.This option is reliable and hygienic, although the water can be contaminated from the filler, so the owner should take this into account and change the water periodically.

Fillers and toilet
You cannot leave the cage without filler. There are two reasons for this: hamsters love to dig into the filler, equipping their habitat with it, and the filler eliminates the pungent smell of rodent urine. The main thing is to choose an option that is safe and comfortable for the animal.

Fillers can be of various constituents.
- Hay... This material will be familiar to the hamster, besides, it is environmentally friendly and low in price.
- Sawdust. This option is popular with hamster owners. Only sawdust does not absorb odor enough, and the pet can scatter them around itself, thereby polluting the area next to the cage.
- Pressed sawdust. This option differs from the previous one in better absorption of odors.
- Cellulose... If your pet is allergic to other types of filler, then you can stop at cellulose material, although it is far from being the leader in absorbing odors and moisture.
- Corn. This is the safest and most effective option. But, accordingly, its price level will be higher than that of the previous types.

Some owners make filler from improvised means, for example, napkins. As for newspapers, they cannot be used because they contain lead. Cotton wool is also an undesirable option because the hamster can become entangled in it, injuring his legs, or even breaking it.
Another important attribute in the cage is the toilet. Hamsters are very clean animals, so after buying a triangular plastic container, you need to place it in one or another corner. The pet will quickly get used to the toilet, and it will be easier for the owner to clean the cage. At the same time, you can even purchase a model with a special scoop and filler.

Many owners wonder if a hamster really needs a running wheel. This attribute is not entertainment or a toy to do without. Hamsters need the wheel to keep them active. These rodents love to run, but in a cage they do not have such an opportunity.

For this reason, it is important for the owner to buy a wheel, focusing on some criteria.
- Dimensions. They depend on the breed of the pet. The wheel can be from 14 to 18 cm in diameter.
- Surface... It is on it that the fluffy pet will "twist circles". It is important that it is not too smooth or lattice. In the first case, the hamster will slide and fall all the time, and in the second, the pet runs the risk of injury to its legs. It is also important to pay attention to the safety of the wheel mountings.
The owner should be prepared for the fact that running in the wheel is a rather noisy activity, and the hamster can do it all night long. In the store, you can purchase a silent version, for example, a cymbal wheel. The main thing is that there is enough space in the cage for this item.

Toys and other accessories
To satisfy all the needs of a fluffy pet, the owner can also purchase such an accessory as a mineral stone. It is needed so that the hamster gnaws on it, thereby obtaining the necessary vitamins. In addition, this pebble will take care of the health of the rodent's teeth.
In order for the hamster to move safely around the apartment outside the cage, you need to buy a special walking ball for him. So the owner will not need to worry about the small pet getting lost.

As for other toys, for example, swings, labyrinths, stairs, all these accessories are quite capable of replacing the wheel, because the main thing for a hamster is to move. Toys can be made by hand, just do not forget about the safety of materials and convenience for the hamster.

For information on what you need to keep a hamster, see the next video.