Choosing a filler for hamsters

Every person dreams of having their own ideal pet. But sometimes, due to some circumstances, it is impossible to get a cat or a dog, you need a small, cute creature. Hamsters fit perfectly into this concept. The small size of such an animal allows you to purchase a relatively small living space for it and put it in a place convenient for you. Each animal requires personal care, daily walk, food, water, and cleaning of the house.
If everything is clear with the first points, then with cleaning the house everything is much more complicated. The main constituent in the cage, in addition to the drinking cup and the place for food, is the filler. Which one is required, why is it needed, as well as its varieties, we will consider below.
What is it needed for?
In practice, of course, you can do without litter for the tray, but if the animal lives in a cage, then it will serve as a kind of rug, the hamster will be warmer, he will not be on the plastic tray all the time, and it will be much easier and more convenient to clean the cage. A hamster is a very small creature, and therefore you need to select a filler based on the size of the animal and the size of the cage.
The main point to pay attention to when choosing a filler is how strongly it absorbs moisture and odor. The bedding you choose will also determine how often you will clean and clean the cage. Fillers differ not only in size and characteristics, but also in the material from which they are made.

Filler types
As mentioned earlier, a variety of products for pets are now on the market: from toys, various cages and houses to food and medicines. Fillers also have a wide range of names.There are a large number of companies that, for the sake of promoting the presented product, indicate on the label that a particular filler is the best for hamsters. Therefore, for the right choice, you should understand its composition.
The first and most logical option is hay. This is a budget option, hay can be prepared on your own, without much difficulty or cost. Hay is useful in that it mimics the natural environment for a rodent, because everyone knows that in the wild, hamsters live in the steppes, where there is a lot of grass. It turns out that the pet will not only equip itself with a home from hay, but will also be able to eat it, since it is environmentally friendly and safe. Due to the fact that the dry grass is very light, it will be convenient for the hamster to burrow in it.
There are also downsides to using hay as bedding.
- Because the hay may be too dry, it can scratch or injure the animal.
- Hay does not always absorb moisture (it depends on the type of grass itself), and since it does not absorb moisture, then, accordingly, it does not absorb the smell either. In this case, the cage will have to be cleaned every day.
- If you collect hay yourself, then it is best to process the grass before drying, as dust and dirt can remain on it.

Sawdust is considered to be a universal filler suitable for all breeds of hamsters. This is a safe and common option. Convenient to use, absorbs moisture and odor, but does not hold it for too long. The cage will have to be cleaned every 3-4 days, which is better than hay when you have to clean the cage almost every day. Sawdust is harmless to a rodent, but only if he does not try to eat them, because this way he can injure his cheeks.
The next disadvantage is that if your pet's coat is thick, long and shaggy, the sawdust is likely to get tangled in its coat and get stuck there. This means that the animal will need to be cleaned and washed. The sawdust itself is very light, and if the hamster is very active, then, most likely, this filler will fly out of the cage, and you will go through to clean your house.
When buying a hamster, you should find out if the animal is allergic to wood. If available, the option of using sawdust as bedding should be excluded.

An alternative to simple sawdust will be compressed or granular sawdust. They are of a higher quality and retain moisture and odor much longer than simple loose sawdust. With such characteristics, the cage will have to be cleaned and washed after about 5-6 days. At a cost, they will, of course, be more expensive, but safety and convenience will be provided to you. But this kind of litter is not suitable for the smallest dwarf hamsters. It will be very difficult for an animal to run on such granules.
The positive aspects of using this filler are as follows:
- price is a budget option if we consider simple sawdust;
- variety - there are large and small sawdust;
- good moisture absorption;
- ease of cleaning.
Among the disadvantages are the following:
- not suitable for hamsters if they are allergic to wood;
- do not completely absorb the smell;
- due to their light weight, they can fall out of the cage.

The next common filler is corn. Corn filler is considered ideal for furry animals. The first thing you may encounter when buying this type of filler is its rarity. Due to the fact that it is quite rare, its price is very high. This filler can be purchased only in large cities or on order via the Internet.
This type of bedding has good properties, thanks to which you will not regret the money spent. First of all, it is good odor and moisture retention. It turns out that the cage can be washed and cleaned about once every 2 weeks. Moreover, this material is safe.There are no wood components in its composition, which means that the hamster will not get hurt, and nothing will get stuck in his fur.
The filler is suitable for rodents of all sizes, even the smallest dwarf. It will be easy for the pet to burrow and hide in the corn litter. But small particles can fly out of the cell.

The next filler that is worth paying attention to is linen. The product specification states that it will be ideal for the hot summer season. Linen lowers the temperature, helps to cool. According to the manufacturers themselves, the product is made from natural ingredients: flax is grown and dried by hand, pressed according to a certain patented technology. Environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and biodegradable. It absorbs moisture up to 5 times its weight, thus it is very economical.
Due to the fact that such a filler is new on the market, few people know about it and, therefore, there are few reviews for it yet.

The cellulose filler is suitable for rodents who are allergic to wood. Does not injure the legs of hamsters, as well as the skin, does not clog into the wool. It absorbs moisture well, but does not retain it at all, it turns out that the cage will have to be washed about once every 2 days. Suitable for all hamsters.

With your own hands
Many, most likely, wondered, is it possible to make a flooring for a hamster on their own? Of course you can, the main thing is that everything is safe. The first thing that comes to mind is paper napkins. They can be used as an alternative to wood fillers. They can be classified as cellulosic fillers. The main thing is that such napkins should be without a pattern, smell, ordinary white. The hamster will independently be able to tear the pliable paper and "build" a house for itself. Unfortunately, the material consumption will be very high.

Vata is definitely a controversial option, so it is chosen at your own peril and risk. If you look at it from the point of view of absorbed moisture, cotton wool undoubtedly absorbs moisture faster than others, but does not retain the smell at all. Another disadvantage is that cotton wool consists of fibers, because of them, the rodent can get tangled and damage the legs.

Do not use newspaper as filler. And not at all because the newspaper does not retain moisture. The fact is that the newspaper can be toxic to the rodent. After all, the smell of printing ink remains on the paper, and after getting wet it becomes even more noticeable, so the hamster is unlikely to want to be in such a cage for hours until the owner deigns to wash the cage.
The newspaper gets wet quickly from moisture, so you will have to clean the cage every day. It doesn't matter that the layer of newspapers is thick. The hamster will simply be uncomfortable, and the smell will increase each time.

Wet paper is difficult to clean; you will have to make an effort to rinse the cage.
For information on which filler to choose for hamsters, see the next video.