What are intimate hygiene gels and how to choose them?

On the modern market of cosmetic and hygiene products, there is a large variety of products for intimate hygiene. Let's find out what aspects you should pay attention to when choosing a gel for intimate hygiene.

Features and purpose
Why do some women feel the need to use intimate hygiene gels? Some time ago, scientists came to the conclusion about a clear separation of means for caring for different parts of the body. It has been proven that it is extremely important to use products that differ in their composition for the face and body, which helps to achieve the most effective results in cleansing without damaging the epidermis. By the way, the composition of the skin in different parts of the human body is different, so for each of them the most suitable components should be selected.

Experts classify gels for feminine intimate hygiene as separate hygiene products that help to take care of cleanliness, hydration and maintain a healthy microflora in especially sensitive areas.
The main components of the microflora of intimate areas are mostly lactobacilli, which act as "suppliers" of lactic acid. She, in turn, maintains the acid-base balance at the proper level, which is important for women's health. Due to this, unwanted microorganisms that can form there die and no longer get the opportunity to reproduce. A change in pH levels leads to a violation of the correct composition of the microflora and, as a result, to an increase in bacteria harmful to the internal flora.

Infectious and inflammatory processes entail a lot of unpleasant consequences, including pain in the lower abdomen, irritation, itching, and abundant discharge. They can be caused by stressful situations, unhealthy diet, synthetic underwear, hormonal imbalance.
However, if you are not overtaken by such troubles, it is still worth resorting to measures to prevent such problems - to use products for intimate hygiene, which a gynecologist may recommend. The specially developed composition will not disturb the pH balance and will maintain the microflora in the desired condition.

It is important to take into account that these funds do not have a therapeutic effect.
The pH level in the composition of the intimate hygiene gel varies from 3.9 to 4.5, which is as close as possible to the indicators of the alkaline balance of the body of a healthy person. In the composition of such funds there are a variety of bactericidal components taken from plant extracts, they, in turn, protect the microflora from inflammatory pathogens, and also guarantee an antibacterial effect. Sometimes experts add lactobacilli to the composition of such funds, as well as D-panthenol, which can have a beneficial effect on tissue healing.

You should not argue with the fact that ordinary tap water does not have even half of the qualities that are characteristic of intimate hygiene gels, but there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a product.
For example, it is undesirable to resort to the use of such gels during the recovery period after surgery, since the soap contained in them can adversely affect vulnerable skin areas. It is also worth limiting the use of such funds to those who are prone to allergic reactions or have an individual intolerance to certain components (you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product).

On a conditional level, intimate hygiene gels are divided into moisturizing and cleansing gels.
Designed to get rid of unpleasant odors and daily secretions. In the case of using such a tool, the goal of maintaining the acid-base balance is also pursued. A delicate, regenerating gel can also have a whitening, brightening effect. There are often gels that help cleanse and moisturize at the same time.

They are used when a woman is faced with the problem of dried skin. This can happen from overuse of soap, which is known for its drying properties. Lactic acid must be included in the composition of a soft gel with cleansing properties aimed at dryness. Such products are good for everyday use (especially if they consist of natural ingredients).

There are also baby gels for intimate hygiene, which are especially gentle and soft, cleanse and moisturize baby skin well.
Top manufacturers
After studying a huge number of reviews, you can make a rating of the best intimate hygiene gels that women buy most often.
- Lactacyd Oxygen Fresh. The composition of the gel with this name includes irreplaceable lactic acid, which retains the usual microflora and protects against unwanted bacteria. The formula of the product is rich in oxygen, calendula and clover extract gives the skin freshness, nourishes and restores normal microflora and acid-base balance, maintains comfortable sensations for 12 hours. The gel is produced in Belgium, and its price varies from 200 to 350 rubles.

- "I Am The Most" Intimate Sensitive. This tool can also be included in the top. The gel is ideal for daily use and keeping intimate areas fresh. Its formula is hypoallergenic, combats bacteria and inflammation, has a soothing effect and effectively tones the skin.According to the reviews of women, the gel forms a fairly abundant foam, as a result of which it becomes difficult to rinse off. Leaves behind a floral scent, unobtrusive, pleasant. Country of origin - Russia. One of the most budgetary options - from 89 to 177 rubles.

- Levrana. The composition of this gel is especially attractive: essential lavender oil helps to relieve pain, rye enzymes provide accelerated healing of emerging lesions, extracts of dandelion, chamomile and burlap give an antibacterial effect and fight viruses. The product perfectly soothes the skin, maintains its elasticity, and slows down the aging process. It restores not only the pH balance, but also the water-salt balance. The gel is produced in Russia, and its price is 200-350 rubles.

- Nivea Intimate Sensitive. This product is great for keeping sensitive skin clean. The specially developed formula contains aloe vera extract, which perfectly moisturizes the skin. Lactic acid maintains the correct pH level. The product does not contain alkaline soap and prevents unpleasant odors. The gel is produced in Germany, and its cost varies from 165 to 330 rubles.

- Compliment with prebiotics. This gel is ideal for daily use and, thanks to the prebiotics, has an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. The hypoallergenic formula will provide a woman with a feeling of comfort and cleanliness for a long time, as well as soften and moisturize the intimate area. The tool of the Russian brand costs from 185 to 265 rubles.

- "Moisturizing gynecomfort". The product successfully solves the problem of itching, burning, irritation, and provides long-term hydration. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is great for dry skin. It can be used during critical days, during pregnancy and after childbirth. For women going through menopause, the gel is also recommended. The tool is created in Russia, the cost is 350-500 rubles.

Selection Tips
In order not to regret your choice, before going to the store, you should study a number of criteria that you should pay attention to when buying a gel for intimate hygiene.
- PH index. It should be as close as possible to the index that the vagina has - from 3.9 to 4.5. This is especially important for women after childbirth - the product must be safe.
- Composition. It must necessarily contain lactic acid, which allows you to maintain the normal acid-base balance of the vagina. You should not give preference to those products that contain perfume. It can lead to irritation or an allergic reaction. Ideal when the product is hypoallergenic.
- Features of the varieties. It all depends on personal preference and the problems that arise.
- Where do you get it. Of course, it is best to make such purchases in pharmacies, large supermarkets, specialized stores. Then the risk of choosing a fake is minimal. In addition, proper storage conditions are guaranteed here.
- Shelf life. What you need to pay attention to when buying almost any product. Typically, these women's products are stored for several months. If it is prescribed that the gel can be stored for more than a year, then there is a high probability that it contains preservatives.

How to use it correctly?
Gynecologists recommend applying intimate hygiene gels only on externally visible skin integuments, since unnecessary invasion of the established bacterial flora of the body is undesirable.
The product is applied to the hand with a dispenser (most often the gel bottles are equipped with it), brought to a state of foam and applied to the genitals with gentle movements, and then washed off with running water. After that, intimate places must be blotted with a towel (it is good if it is cotton). You can take a shower with special products 2 times a day. If you do this more often, then it is better to limit yourself to only water.

Undoubtedly, soap is our faithful friend in life, but when it comes to a woman's intimate hygiene, you should be especially careful and vigilant. Simple soap can not only not help, but also harm. Gel for intimate hygiene can be a real salvation, however, in this matter, it is best to first consult a doctor.