Intimate hygiene oils

The key to good health is regular and high-quality body care. There are now many different products and drugs available to help with care. Oils for intimate hygiene are no exception. Their use can be prophylactic or for a specific purpose. In order to choose the right oil, it is recommended to study the properties and composition of the various options.

Types and their characteristics
All essential oils for intimate hygiene can be roughly divided into several large categories. The division takes place according to the principle of the purpose of each of the means.
- Anti-inflammatory oils, designed to prevent and combat inflammation in the genitourinary system. These products include natural ingredients: chamomile, tea tree and lavender.
- Another category of oils is intended for the prevention and control of a fungal disease - candidiasis. The composition of such a product also includes extracts of herbs and other plants: Tauric wormwood, lavender, chamomile, hyssop and tea tree.
- Deodorant essential oils are designed primarily to eliminate unpleasant odors. The oils in this category include plants such as lavender, rosewood, jojoba and bergamot.

Despite the variety, products designed to moisturize the mucous membrane of the intimate zone are very popular. These include sea buckthorn, peach, coconut, hydrophilic, olive, almond and vaseline oils. They all have a different composition and aroma, but have a good moisturizing effect.
Brand overview
There are many manufacturing companies that produce essential oils for intimate hygiene. Let's consider the most popular options.
Lactacyd – the oil is sold in a bottle, has a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma and good consistency. A distinctive feature of this product is its unique ability not to disturb the natural pH balance. The oil is able to fight the pathogens of thrush. The cost is from 400 to 500 rubles for a 200 ml bottle. The product does not dry out the mucous membrane.
The only minor drawback is the lack of a dispenser.

- The drug Sebamed is no less popular. Made in the USA, it has a moisturizing effect and maintains its natural pH balance. Great for daily use. At the cost of one 400 ml bottle, on average, it comes out to 900 rubles.

Sakura Branch oil from the Modum producer. The product is suitable for use by women after childbirth, during menopause, as well as for candidiasis and for its prevention.

These are only the most popular options. There is a fairly large assortment of drugs on the market.
Criterias of choice
When choosing an oil for intimate hygiene, first of all, it is recommended to decide for what purpose the product is being purchased. So, if only moisturizing is needed, then you should pay attention to the line of products that have such an effect.
When buying oil for intimate hygiene, you should consider many important nuances:
- it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition: the composition should include mainly natural ingredients (at least chemistry);
- the consistency of the product should be of medium viscosity;
- the aroma should not be too harsh.

If the oil is purchased in order to get rid of candidiasis, then it should be borne in mind that the agent should be a component of a comprehensive treatment, since it is not initially a drug. Rather, the oil is able to alleviate the course of the disease.
It is noteworthy that such essential oils (regardless of the category) can be used as massage oils. It is very important for a woman to feel constant comfort in the intimate area, therefore, if the oil causes any unpleasant sensations, then it is recommended to immediately abandon its use.
Essential oils for intimate hygiene can be used from 12-14 years old. But for girls at this age, you should not purchase products intended for adults. It is best to opt for children's options.

It is best to use the product during water procedures. The application process is quite simple: a small amount of oil must be applied to the intimate area, gently massage and rinse with warm water.
In no case should the product be left on the mucous membrane for more than 5 minutes. And also it should be remembered that any such remedy can cause an allergic reaction.
Experts recommend a sensitivity test before use. To do this, apply a small amount of essential liquid to the elbow and leave for several hours. If during this time uncomfortable sensations are not observed, then the tool can be safely used for its intended purpose.