What is intimate hygiene soap and how to choose it?

Most women believe that washing is a simple and straightforward process. However, this is not the case. Many people repeat the same mistakes day after day, the main one being the use of the wrong hygiene products.
What is it and what is it for?
In a normal state, the vagina has its own microflora, both good and bad bacteria are found in it. If a woman is healthy, then beneficial microorganisms will dominate and maintain a normal pH level, protecting the body from the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic agents.
The acid balance optimal for the vagina varies in the range of 3.8-4.5 pH units. This is significantly different from the pH level of the skin, so different types of detergents are required for these areas of the body.
Let's take a closer look at what happens when a woman is washed with simple antibacterial soap. Its pH level, depending on the brand, is 7-10. As a result of the use of such a tool, the acidity level of the intimate zone changes towards alkalization. In such an environment, beneficial microorganisms cannot live, therefore, pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens come to replace them.

An imbalance of bacteria in the intimate area is called vaginal dysbiosis. In fairness, it should be noted that the wrong soap is far from the only cause of this pathology. The number of harmful microbes is influenced by the characteristics of sex life, poor-quality linen, a general weakening of immunity, as well as the intake of antibiotics and other drugs.However, using regular skin soap, especially in the long term, is one of the main reasons.
Dysbacteriosis causes a lot of discomfort. It is accompanied by itching, discharge, and an unpleasant odor. In addition, it leads to the development of serious infectious complications. The problem can be prevented by replacing traditional detergents with special compositions for intimate hygiene.
These products are acidic so they do not alter the healthy pH level or destroy beneficial flora. Soaps for cleaning the external genital organs may contain special additives. Among the active ingredients, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, bleaching and emollient substances are distinguished, as well as antiseptics that retard the development of pathogenic microflora.

Description of species
Modern manufacturers offer several types of intimate hygiene products. Let us dwell in more detail on their classification, features and differences.
In the traditional sense, soap is always represented by a solid bar. It is of high quality and has a natural composition.... Such products provide perfect freshness and purity, maintain a healthy microflora.
Most products contain such an antiseptic component as birch tar. It effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria, and in addition, relieves the beginning inflammation on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and heals microcracks.

Liquid soap is in the greatest demand among women. This product is packaged in special bottles with a convenient dispenser. They are more convenient than solid formulations since there is no need to handle a bar of soap... The consumption of such a tool is very economical, and this is its undoubted advantage.
However, when exposed to liquid media, bacteria, as a rule, do not die. Therefore, any liquid soap, including intimate, certainly contains a certain amount of preservatives. They prevent the detergent from "succumbing" to pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, liquid soap is less suitable than solid soap for people with sensitive skin and women prone to allergic diseases.
At the same time, liquid soap in comparison with solid less environmentally friendly, since it contains synthetic surfactants and preservatives.
Thus, the choice between solid and liquid is always a choice between naturalness and comfort. Between soap that does not harm the environment and the one that does not dry out the intimate area.

By composition
When buying soap for the hygiene of the intimate area, you should definitely pay attention to its composition. Most products use low concentrations of lactic acid. This component maintains the necessary acidity parameters, neutralizes staphylococci, fungi and other pathogenic microflora.
Extracts of natural herbs - chamomile or calendula are additionally introduced into high-quality products... They have a calming effect and relieve irritation of the mucous membranes. Compositions in which chlorhexidine, miramistin or other antiseptic compounds are present are highly effective.
However, it is important that their concentration is minimal. In large volumes, they will affect not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms.

Depending on the composition, all intimate hygiene products are divided into two groups - intended for everyday use, as well as special medicinal compositions.
Regular soap is responsible for keeping the intimate area clean. It is bought only if feminine hygiene becomes the only goal.
Medicinal compounds against infections are recommended for use in the presence of certain problems. It is undesirable to use them on an ongoing basis.Their task is to eliminate infections, they can harm a healthy reproductive system with prolonged use.

Top brands
Let's take a closer look at the most popular types of soaps for treating the intimate area. The top 5 hygiene products include products from popular brands.
This soap is for the intimate area allows you to maintain an optimal level of microflora. The composition includes several types of lactobacilli. Thanks to this, in just a few applications, a healthy, weakly acidic environment is formed and the optimal volume of lactobacilli is restored.
With regular use of this soap, the resistance of mucous membranes to pathogenic bacteria increases. When using "Vagilak", inflammation on the external genital organs is reduced. The tool is recommended for use as a therapeutic agent for bacterial vaginosis, as well as hormonal or age-related colpitis. It is used in preparation for labor and before surgery.
The main component here is lactic acid. It is complemented by extracts of chamomile and calendula. The soap has a good moisturizing effect, in the shortest possible time neutralizes dryness in the intimate area and eliminates discomfort. Allowed for use from 10 years of age.
According to users, this tool has only one drawback - it does not wash well enough.

Health & Beauty
Application of this liquid soap prevents the appearance of bacterial and acid-base imbalance. The composition is used as a prophylactic agent that does not allow changes in acidity to the alkaline side. Soap successfully fights against such phenomena as dry mucous membranes, burning, itching and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The acidity of the soap is 4.5 units, thanks to which the soap will provide the purity and freshness of the intimate area throughout the day.
It contains a unique component PACS derived from cranberry fruit. It provides the necessary acidic environment and protects the vagina from pathogenic microflora. The list of working components includes high concentration polyphenols - these are compounds with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
And also soap contains a small amount of glycerin and honey extract. These substances are responsible for softening the skin and preventing dryness. This soap has only one drawback - the high price.

This is a popular line of intimate cleaning products for women. The composition was developed by specialists specifically in order to normalize the balance of beneficial microflora in the vagina. The use of soap makes it possible to stabilize all biochemical processes taking place in this zone. The acidity is neutral, due to this, gentle care and delicate cleaning of the external genital organs from contamination and pathogenic bacteria are provided.
The soap contains lactic acid as well as coconut oil... Additionally, extracts of chamomile and thyme are introduced. The complex of these ingredients has a pronounced soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition is recommended for use even for girls from the first years and for pregnant women.
With regular use of such a cream soap the reproduction of pathogens and fungi is prevented, the risk of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions is minimized.
Among the shortcomings, the lack of a dispenser in the bottle is noted - this leads to an increased consumption, as well as a high cost.

Cliven "Intimo"
This is a gel for intimate hygiene. The product is not too dense, rather a liquid consistency. However, it can feel thick compared to traditional liquid soap. The soap is transparent, this indicates the absence of dyes in it.
The acidity exactly corresponds to all the normative physiological parameters.Effectiveness is ensured by lactic acid, chamomile, mallow and aloe extracts. This complex provides a soothing and softening effect on the intimate area.
The soap lathers well without causing skin dryness or irritation. With regular use for two to three weeks, the microflora returns to its normal values. The product has a reasonable price, suitable for skin whitening in a delicate area.
Among the disadvantages, users emit only a strong odor, which indicates the presence of a large number of flavors.

Evo intimate
This soap is the leader in the rating of intimate hygiene products. The American product combines a balanced composition with a democratic price. The advantage of the product is its mild formula with a high concentration of lactic acid.
This soap delicately cleans mucous membranes from potentially pathogenic bacteria. Supports the natural parameters of the acidity of the external genital organs, prevents dryness and irritation. Suitable for everyday use.
It is sold in a plastic container with an economical dispenser. Has a slight aroma, which is practically not felt after use. The composition foams well, but at the same time it is quickly washed off from the surface of the treated area even with a small volume of water.
The only drawback is that the main components are synthetic in nature.

Which soap to choose?
The choice of soap for intimate hygiene must be approached with all responsibility, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the working components. Nowadays, the industry offers a wide range of products for cleaning the intimate area, so women are simply lost in this abundance and cannot make the right choice. And it should depend on the personal wishes of the woman and the state of her health.
Lactic acid is an indispensable component in the composition of such a soap. It is a waste product of lactobacilli necessary to maintain a healthy vaginal microflora. It is desirable that the product contains extracts of useful plants that provide an antiseptic effect. Chamomile and calendula are recognized as the best natural antiseptics, tea tree and sage extracts have a similar effect.
Try to avoid formulations with high volumes of dyes and synthetic fragrances - these often cause allergic reactions.

How to use it correctly?
Due to the slightly acidic reaction, you can use the specialized soap for intimate places as many times as you need to achieve a feeling of comfort. This is how this soap differs from the traditional antibacterial soap, which is suitable for use no more than once a day.
In all other respects, the rules of use look pretty straightforward.
- Wash your hands before handling.
- Get into a comfortable position.
- Part the labia and direct a warm stream of water from the abdomen to the anus. Please note that you must not direct the jet in the opposite direction - in this case, you can cause an infection.
- Next, you need to lather the perineum, also moving from front to back.
- Rinse off the lather with water and pat the skin gently with a towel.
In case, after use, you find redness or swelling, contact your gynecologist - you may have an allergy.