Review and selection of whitening creams for intimate areas

Today on sale you can find a lot of quality care products designed for intimate areas. Such products must necessarily act gently and carefully, but at the same time effectively. In this article, we will consider an overview and features of choosing modern whitening creams for intimate areas.

Description and purpose
Modern branded creams designed to whiten intimate areas are very popular and highly sought after. These products are useful and effective in a wide variety of situations. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand why the skin in intimate areas undergoes darkening.
- This is caused by hormonal imbalances.
- Darkening occurs due to the corresponding age-related changes in the body.
- Frequent shaving also provokes similar consequences.
- If you wear not the most comfortable underwear that rubs the skin, then this also contributes to the darkening of the skin in the bikini area.
- To darkening in the zones under consideration, the excessive weight of a person will certainly lead, which negatively affects sweating in the groin area.
- If you take sunbathing, but do not use a high-quality sunscreen, then this also contributes to a change in skin tone in the groin area.
- Varicose veins is a serious disease that often acts as a "provocateur" of darkening of the skin in the groin area. Especially often such problems occur in women after 30 years.
- Carrying a child, as well as menopause, lead to darkening.
- If there are violations concerning the work of the endocrine system, then the skin in the intimate area can also change its shade to a darker one.
- All sorts of infectious diseases or fungus can provoke such things.
- Genetic predisposition also acts as a striking provoking factor for darkening of the skin in the groin area.
- Various drugs can act in this way.
- The darkening can be caused by various diseases of the internal organs.
- There is such a disease as acanthosis Negroid - this is an ailment, a symptom of which is darkening of the labia.
- Vitamin deficiency in the human body often leads to a change in skin tone in intimate areas.

The dark tint of the skin in the groin is in most cases due to a genetic predisposition. Often the main reason is too high production of melanin. If you go to the tanning salon too often, it can also cause darkening of the skin in the groin.
Darkening of the epidermis in the groin is a common problem that many women are familiar with. However, serious reasons for excitement should not arise, because it is quite possible to whiten the skin in intimate places. Moreover, all manipulations can be carried out at home and independently.
Today, for high-quality skin whitening in intimate areas, various beauty salons offer a lot of special cosmetic services. True, despite the high level of effectiveness, some of these procedures are not entirely suitable for girls who have increased skin sensitivity in the area under consideration. Adverse reactions can manifest themselves in the form of allergies, severe redness, itching and burning.

The easiest whitening procedure involves the use of special creams or ointments. They differ in that they contain special brightening components. The main purpose of such products is to lighten intimate areas, as well as to maintain their hygiene. In addition, girls often resort to using special powders, which are allowed to be used by men. In the assortment of modern cosmetic products of this type, you can find creams that are characterized by a rather strong effect, however, they cost a lot.
Before trying a modern whitening cream with a whitening effect, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to its use:
- you can not use a cream to lighten the skin in intimate places during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- you can not use such products if a person has damage to the skin;
- for people suffering from diabetes, the use of such funds is also contraindicated;
- dermatitis in the stage of exacerbation also prohibits the use of lightening creams for intimate areas.

Top brands
Today's market never ceases to delight customers with the widest range of care and cosmetic products, many of which are affordable and simple to use. For example, high-quality creams designed for whitening intimate areas are now produced by many well-known brands. Let's take a closer look at the best of them.
- ISME. This Thai brand, which produces flawless quality whitening creams, opens the rating of well-known manufacturers. ISME products are environmentally friendly, absolutely safe, and demonstrate an excellent level of efficiency. All products of this brand are manufactured in accordance with European standards, have all the necessary certificates, and receive numerous awards.

- Nanomed. Another well-known Thai manufacturer of eco-friendly and effective skin care / cosmetic products. The range of this brand includes the top Finale Whitening Cream, which is in the highest demand due to its effectiveness.The whitening products of the Thai company are intended not only for the intimate area, but also for lightening the elbows, legs, armpits.

- Achromin. Bulgarian creams from this manufacturer are in great demand among modern girls. The brand produces excellent products with good composition. Achromin whitening creams are very popular due to not only their effectiveness, but also their affordable cost, which attracts many buyers.

- Eveline. A well-known brand that produces inexpensive but effective whitening creams of excellent quality. Eveline products not only brighten the intimate area, but also prevent the appearance of new age spots in the future. The composition of creams contains natural ingredients, for example: extracts of aloe, cucumber, avocado oil, allantoin, and so on. They both brighten the skin and gently moisturize it.

- Joy Drops. A Turkish brand that produces high quality creams with long lasting effects. After using the products of this manufacturer, sensitive skin in intimate areas remains clean and light for a long time. The quality of the creams is confirmed by all the necessary safety certificates from the EU and Russia.

There are plenty of other quality whitening creams from different brands on the market. Very good options are produced by Korean, American and German firms.
Selection Tips
An effective whitening cream, like any other care or cosmetic product, must be chosen as carefully as possible. Such a product must necessarily meet a number of important requirements that guarantee the effectiveness and safety of its use.
We must not forget that delicate female areas are very sensitive and susceptible to influences from external factors. It is here that a huge number of nerve endings are located. Any wrong ingredient present in the cream can easily provoke a serious allergic reaction. The main task of manufacturers of intimate hygiene products is to reduce the number of aggressive substances in their composition, but subject to the preservation of effectiveness.
Before buying a whitening cream, it is very important to familiarize yourself with its composition. Attention should be paid to the presence of two basic acids: arbutinic and kojic. There should be no other acids in the intimate area whitening product.

In addition to acids, the lightening product may contain various extracts of plants, fruits and vegetables. Cucumber, as well as lemon, parsley, bearberry demonstrate a very powerful whitening effect. Monobenzone (creams with monobenzone are very popular today), as well as hydroquinone, can be an approved and fast-acting component. Through the action of these components, it will be possible to achieve the desired effects as quickly as possible and without unpleasant sensations.
When choosing a high-quality whitening cream for the intimate area, it is recommended to carefully examine its packaging. The tube or jar should never leak or be tightly closed. The packaging must be in perfect condition. In addition, it is recommended to purchase only such care and cosmetic products that are produced by well-known and proven brands. You should not buy creams from incomprehensible Chinese companies if you do not want to face possible unpleasant consequences.

Nuances of use
Let's look at the main features of the use of modern brightening creams for delicate areas.
- The intimate area is highly sensitive. Before using any remedy, a little test should be done first, even if the cream is hypoallergenic and completely safe. A small portion of the cream is applied to the bikini area and left for 30 minutes. If during this time there is no itching, red spots or burning, the drug can be safely used.
- A quick effect can be achieved only due to the action of aggressive components in the composition, and those in the cream should not be, so you should not expect instant results. As a rule, some results can be summed up after at least 10 days of daily use.
- Modern creams are not addictive and can be used for a long time. However, it is not recommended to use such products more than once a month (within the course). If there is still no visible effect, then this means that in order to get rid of age spots, it is better to consult an experienced specialist.
- It is advisable to whiten intimate places only in the presence of age spots. Excessive use of whitening cosmetics can only do harm, not benefit.

Review overview
Modern creams designed to lighten intimate areas are in great demand, so buyers leave a lot of reviews about them. Most of the positive responses people associate with the high effectiveness of similar products released by well-known brands. Economical consumption, ease of use, absence of irritation and allergic reactions also delight a large number of users.
Of course people sometimes leave negative reviews about such cosmetic products. Most often, users are not satisfied: the cost of some copies is too high, the unpleasant odors they emit, as well as the low availability of a number of products from well-known foreign manufacturers.

I liked the cream. Does not leave a greasy film on the skin. Feel free to put it on at night - the skin "breathes". Regarding the whitening, there is a result, after a month of application it became really noticeable that the freckles in places simply disappeared. I continue to use.