Choosing wipes for intimate hygiene

It is imperative to pay maximum attention to intimate hygiene. Fortunately, today on sale you can find an endless variety of care and hygiene products that perfectly cope with their main "duties". In this article, we will learn everything about the features and characteristics of special wipes for intimate hygiene.
Wet wipes are a relatively recent invention. They turn out to be irreplaceable if a person goes on the road, for a walk or on a trip. Among these products, there are also special specimens intended for intimate hygiene.

These products can be found in regular stores, supermarkets and pharmacies. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous sellers sell the simplest goods under the guise of such products. It is okay if a person buys such things for hand hygiene or wiping of various items, however, certain problems may arise when used for the intended purpose.
Original and high-quality sanitary napkins must contain special herbal extracts. We are talking about chamomile, celandine, calendula, aloe. In some cases, special whey, lactic acid and similar proteins are added to these products.
These components have a beneficial effect on the health and general condition of the delicate intimate zone.

Modern hygienic wet wipes are mainly used if a girl leads an active lifestyle, which is why she simply does not have time for a standard hygienic procedure.In everyday life, it is also often impossible to do without such things. First of all, this applies to periods of critical days, the postpartum stage, rehabilitation after operations.
Really high quality wipes designed specifically for intimate care are made hypoallergenic. The use of the considered products in relation to the vulnerable delicate zone does not lead to negative consequences in the form of irritation, itching, redness.
Despite the gentle action, many experts advise against using such napkins instead of toilet paper.

Manufacturers overview
Nowadays, customers can find a huge number of intimate hygiene wipes produced by various brands on the shop windows. Products from different companies cost differently, have different composition and packaging design.
Let's take a look at a small rating of top manufacturers that produce the most popular and purchased care sanitary napkins.
- Ola. Samples from this brand do not contain alcohol. When using such products, the girl's pH level is not disturbed in any way. They are soaked in plant extracts. These products are made with all sorts of flavors - it will turn out to choose an excellent option for every taste.

- Lactacyd Femina. Instances of this brand are more delicate, have a very pleasant and unobtrusive aroma. They cost more than products from the Ola brand. Lactacyd Femina wipes contain lactic acid, which has a positive effect on the condition of sensitive skin in delicate areas.

- "I am the". These hygiene products for intimate areas can be found today in almost every retail outlet. They contain chamomile extract, which easily removes unwanted skin irritation. "Ya Samaya" napkins are delicately looked after and help to soften the delicate skin in intimate areas. These products are sold in convenient packages with a small valve.

- Pupi. Another well-known and widespread inexpensive brand. Intimate wipes from this manufacturer are in great demand. The products are of very good quality. One package contains 15 wipes that perfectly moisturize and do not dry the skin at all, do not provoke allergic reactions.

- Carefree. A well-known company produces high-quality sanitary napkins. One package contains 20 wipes with aloe extract. These options are perfect for sensitive skin, are characterized by neutral acidity, so they do not lead to a feeling of discomfort after use. There are many different types of Carefree wipes, which determines the final cost.

- Rael. This large manufacturer produces high quality intimate wipes. Rael products are more expensive than all the options discussed above. Brand napkins are made from organic cotton and are 100% natural. These environmentally friendly products are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic and suitable for daily use.

- Summer's Eve. Napkins of this brand are also more expensive than average products, but they are of excellent quality, suitable for different operating conditions. In the range of the brand, you can find excellent specimens that are suitable for use after childbirth, maintaining the correct pH level, removing harmful bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. The products gently maintain the purity and freshness of the intimate area, do not have parabens and dyes in the composition.

Very often, girls underestimate the importance of choosing the right wipes for maintaining intimate hygiene, grabbing the first package that comes across from store shelves. In fact, you cannot do this, since incorrectly selected products can negatively affect the skin (and not only) in the intimate area.

Let's consider how to choose the right quality sanitary napkins for women.
- Material. Feminine hygiene products must be made from natural materials. The best option is 100% organic cotton. This material is absolutely harmless to the sensitive area.
- Composition. When choosing baby wipes or napkins for women, it is imperative to study their composition. Natural extracts of calendula, lemon balm or chamomile leaves are what should be in the main places here. Such products should be free of alcohol, parabens, fragrances and other similar ingredients. Herbal extracts help to quickly and easily provide cleanliness, refreshment, hydration and softening of delicate areas.
- Action. It should be remembered that organic varieties of modern women's intimate hygiene wipes do not provoke allergic reactions. In addition, such hygiene products help to restore and maintain the correct pH level of the skin, as well as the mucous membrane of the intimate area, thanks to the presence of lactic acid and soothing plant extracts.
- Brand. It is recommended to purchase well-known brands of wet and antibacterial wipes for women. Today, on store shelves, customers can meet a lot of safe and high-quality copies from popular manufacturers, so there are usually no problems finding a suitable product.

Terms of use
If the wipes intended for intimate hygiene are of high quality, then you can use them every day and several times a day. However, getting too carried away with this is also not recommended. Excessive use of the funds in question can cause considerable harm to the natural microflora of the genital organs.
If we are talking about wipes that contain unwanted ingredients (such as fragrances or deodorants), then they should not be used on a regular basis and should not be used too often.
If you do not follow this rule, then you can face the development of certain diseases, for example, with thrush.

If the sanitary napkins you bought from a well-known brand are of high quality, then they will not bring any harm only if they are used correctly. This is not difficult. To monitor the hygiene of intimate places without facing unpleasant consequences, you need to follow a few basic rules.
- It is very important to take into account the fact that caring for intimate places using a wet wipe must be carried out with extremely clean hands. This is one of the simplest, yet most important requirements.
- It is also necessary to wipe delicate areas correctly. Movements are required only in the direction from the pubis to the anus. If you act the other way around, then this can lead to the fact that a certain infection will be brought from the rectum into the vagina.
- Using high quality wet wipes, you should only wipe the labia, which are located outside. It is recommended to avoid penetration of any impregnation of such products directly into the vagina.