
All about the profession of geodesist engineer

All about the profession of geodesist engineer
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Education
  4. Where does it work?

Today there are a huge number of different professions. When choosing a specialty, each person is looking for the direction of activity that he likes more and what he wants to do in life. In this article we will talk about such an interesting profession as a surveyor engineer.


A surveyor is a specialist who determines and fixes points and coordinates on the earth's surface... This information is used to create various topographic plans, maps of GPS navigators, search for useful deposits in the bowels of our planet. Also, the data is used for various observations of the movements of the earth's crust and much more.

The correct and competent construction of residential buildings, ensuring the safety of people, and the creation of new facilities for the extraction of minerals, which initially implies high costs and investments, depend on this profession, and most importantly, on the professionalism of the employee.

Of course, this profession is fraught with certain difficulties, therefore it is not particularly popular among applicants to universities... Currently, geodesy specialists are engaged not only in researching the earth's surface and its relief. The position of an engineer-surveyor implies both methods of developing and conducting geodetic measurements, with the help of which the degree of deterioration of structures is determined, and the provision of buildings and structures according to an accurate and approved project.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are often carried out in natural conditions. But such data does not always have clear indicators and definitions. Therefore, they are being finalized and thoroughly studied in the conditions of a cameral group.For this, there are certain laboratories that allow you to thoroughly check and control the obtained measurement results in the field. In laboratories, you can determine the errors of any measurement method, fix deviations from the standard or actual indicators.

If you have chosen this difficult and interesting profession for yourself, then you must certainly have accuracy and scrupulousness. After all, a surveyor engineer must be diligent and disciplined, since he has a great responsibility. You need to pay attention to detail, be organized and, of course, emotionally balanced. People in this profession have an analytical mindset, associative thinking, quickly navigate and make decisions.

In addition to all these qualities, a surveyor must be physically strong, enduring, have good eyesight and color perception.


This profession is very responsible, a specialist has serious obligations. All of them are spelled out in the job description, which you can familiarize yourself with when applying for a job:

  • surveyor engineer is engaged preparation of graphic materials for the allotment of a plot of land for building, road construction or other facilities;
  • makes calculations for drawing up plans and maps of the area, conducts instrumental survey in order to see and confirm all this concretely;
  • explores the depths of the sea and other water sources, draws up maps of underwater reliefs for the construction of offshore structures and for shipping;
  • is responsible for surveying work and calculations for the creation of a backbone, for the size of mine workings, as well as for desk studies of survey materials and drawing up drawings of mining documentation;
  • fully controls the process of creating structures, both industrial and residential, and also monitors their operation;
  • conducts consultations on the application of geodetic methods;
  • prepares documentation and reports, and also performs duties similar in content;
  • controls the integrity of geodetic marks center base and restores them in case of loss;
  • draws up acts on the breakdown of pile fields and executive schemes with a breakdown of the contours of pits, as well as a breakdown of intermediate axes;
  • responsibilities include the need to apply the latest methods of performing geodetic works and their development.

But the most important responsibility of this profession is notification of the company's management that there is a threat of an accident to a building or other structure.

A leading surveyor engineer must have extensive knowledge of the specialty. These are instructions, orders, normative, methodological and other materials for the leadership. He must understand the principles and purpose of measuring instruments, know all their characteristics, and also be able to "read" photographs that relate to the work performed.

The specialist must understand that he deals with security documents, and know the law on "State secrets", failure to comply with which threatens with administrative or criminal liability. The employee has the right to demand from the employer the necessary conditions for the performance of his work. He must, within the limits of his competence, inform the management of the identified deficiencies, as well as propose adjustments to improve the work and eliminate deficiencies. Specialists from other departments should be provided to help him if there is such a need.

Also, in the course of his activity, the employee must not perform actions that may cause material damage. For improper performance of duties in accordance with his job description, he may be held liable, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


To obtain this profession, you must graduate from a university or college. However, it should be borne in mind that if you enter a technical school or college, then such an education will be secondary specialized, and you can only apply for an assistant surveyor engineer. Therefore, if you want to devote your life to this specialty at a professional level, then, of course, it is better to enter one of the universities in geodesy and cartography or any other university where there is a specialty "Geodesy". With such a diploma, it is enough to simply find a job.

The most prestigious in this specialty in Russia are:

  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ural State Mining University;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • State University of Land Management, which is located in Moscow.

You need to study in good faith for several years, before entering you must take the exam.

Where does it work?

When applying for a job as a surveyor engineer, preference is given to applicants with higher education. Of course, work experience is always welcome. With a higher education, a work experience of at least 3 years is desirable, and after a technical school - at least 5 years.

The work is quite in demand, so it will not be difficult for an applicant after graduation to find a job. The demand for specialists in this industry is due to the presence of certain difficulties:

  • irregular working hours;
  • the need to constantly wear heavy equipment for work;
  • the degree of workload during the working day is uneven;
  • high degree of responsibility;
  • susceptibility to viral and colds, as you have to work in different conditions.

You can also work in this specialty in the laboratories of the cameral group, but the main place of work is organizations that are engaged in the construction of facilities. These are companies for the construction of residential complexes, commercial buildings, metro stations - any construction company.

The salary of a surveyor engineer in Russia is on average from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. It all depends on the level of knowledge, professionalism, work experience and, of course, on the degree of responsibility at a particular facility. After all, any error in the provided data threatens the loss of human lives or large losses.

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