Chief engineer: characteristics and job description

The position of chief engineer is included in the main management staff of the enterprise. A profession implies the presence of a certain education, additional skills and work experience. Certain personality traits are also important. The efficiency of any technical enterprise depends precisely on the professionalism of the chief engineer.

Characteristics of the profession
The chief engineer (OKPDTR code 20758), in addition to studying the technical activities of the enterprise, decides on the advisability of its reconstruction, re-equipment of production. For this, a specialist must carefully analyze all possible prospects. The chief engineer must take measures aimed at increasing labor productivity and rational use of available labor resources.
The position also includes:
- development of all necessary technical plans;
- determination of methods for improving the quality of all manufactured and sold products of the company;
- control over the exact observance of established and mandatory production standards;
- approval of plans and drawings used in production.
The position is considered broad-based and involves many specialized skills. The chief engineer must have such human qualities as a high degree of responsibility, managerial skills, analytical and technical mindset, initiative and diligence.

The professional standard also implies such skills.
- Mobility... A feature of the position is the need to constantly check various objects, they can be in other areas, the specialist must be ready at any time to go on planned and unplanned business trips.
- Ability to work comfortably in a team... The chief engineer does not work alone, his activities are associated with constant contact with workers and heads of structural enterprises, a specialist must easily make contact and not be prone to conflicts.
- Ability to carry out repetitive activities for a long time... The position implies the fulfillment of certain duties, which are repeated daily, in some cases the emotional state of a person may not withstand the monotonous load, for a chief engineer such a quality is unacceptable.
- Rationality... In this case, we mean the ability to rationally and expediently manage the company's finances, all costs must be justified and benefit the company.
- Ingenuity... The position implies a constant analysis of the work of the enterprise and the development of ways to improve production, a specialist must be able to draw up schemes for increasing labor productivity and develop his own innovative ideas.

Job description
The duties and direct tasks of the chief engineer include many functions. It is this specialist who is engaged in determining the technical policy of the enterprise where he works. The position implies specific rights, duties and responsibility for their failure.
All the nuances are prescribed in the job description and are generally accepted. They can differ from the standard ones only if it is spelled out in the company's charter.

The specialist ranks second in the management team after the general director of the enterprise. This nuance is due to the presence of a wide range of responsibilities of the person holding this position. This specialist must be able to calculate the most profitable ways of working for an enterprise in the modern market.
The functional responsibilities of a specialist include:
- holding quality control of manufactured products;
- control of testing of working equipment, including ensuring timely repairs and expanding the range of equipment used;
- identifying the need to improve the existing qualifications of employees, full control over human resources;
- control of compliance with the terms of workspecified in the estimates, statements and other documents of the enterprise, where his signature is;
- event managementaimed at improving the production processes of the company and their modernization;
- control of fire and technical safety at facilitiesunder its jurisdiction - this paragraph also implies appropriate liability for non-fulfillment of obligations, including material;
- ensuring timely compilation and preparation of all types of technical documentation;
- control over the observance of discipline in production activities - technological, design, fire, design disciplines, labor protection, compliance with environmental and sanitary standards;
- training additional staff, including the conclusion of contracts with universities and other educational institutions, if necessary;
- acting as CEO in his temporary absence.
The functionality may include other items. The key factor in this case is the specifics of the enterprise and its activities. General points are fixed at the legislative level. The instruction cannot contradict them. Only business-specific changes are allowed.For example, an engineer working with equipment must regularly check it and monitor repairs. If only employees are subordinate, then the item about the equipment can be excluded from the instructions.

The chief engineer can use his personal signature when signing documents related to the area of his immediate authority. The specialist has the right to conclude the necessary contracts not only with legal entities, but also with individuals... He can give special instructions to all heads of technical services and departments.
Other rights:
- receive all the necessary and complete information from the structural heads of technical departments, if it concerns his powers;
- check the activities of all technical structures of the company;
- make a decision on the recruitment of new specialists, in addition, the chief engineer can at any time request information about already working employees of technical structures;
- take part in the preparation of all estimates, instructions and orders of the enterprise related to the production activities of the company;
- require the main management of the company to provide the production process with all the necessary resources to create the most comfortable organizational and technical conditions;
- to give the heads of all structures subordinated to them, instructions on how to work in production;
- make proposals for innovations in production, attracting new employees, retraining existing personnel;
- take part in the development of a program for the rational development of the enterprise, the participation of this specialist in this case is a prerequisite.
Besides, the chief engineer is entitled to all guarantees that are provided for by law... The specialist can also demand from the management assistance in carrying out his direct professional duties, as well as request information necessary for their fulfillment.
If necessary, the position implies the right to conduct advanced training. This item is also included in the list of rights of the chief engineer.

A responsibility
The chief engineer has a specific list of responsibilities. Failure to fulfill them entails liability. The employee must comply with the rules of discipline and follow certain orders. The list of duties of this specialist includes general and individual tasks. He bears responsibility regardless of which category the obligation belongs to.... For negligence, failure to comply or partial implementation, a specialist may be reprimanded, fined or fired. The punishment depends on the internal bylaws of the company.
The chief engineer is responsible for:
- in case of violation of the rules of the established safety measures;
- for violation of labor discipline and the order established at the enterprise;
- in case of violation of fire safety techniques;
- for disclosing commercial secrets or other confidential information;
- in case of inappropriate implementation of internal orders and orders of the company.
The chief engineer bears financial responsibility and must compensate for damage caused by his activities or improper performance of duties... The list of equipment and other situations implying such responsibility are prescribed in the contract with the employee.
In addition, the specialist bears criminal and administrative responsibility for some of his duties.

Job requirements
The position implies compliance with a number of qualifying nuances. In order to work in this specialization, you need at least five years of experience in similar activities and a higher profile (namely, technical) education. He is obliged to know the standards of fire safety and labor protection rules.If he temporarily cannot fulfill his duties, the general director appoints his temporary deputy.
The specialist should know:
- standard sanitary and hygienic norms;
- all the nuances of production technology (from volumes to ways to increase them);
- the rules for organizing labor activity at the enterprise;
- the main purpose of the equipment used in production (including its technical characteristics, methods of assembly and disassembly, methods of repair when such a need arises);
- methods of qualified planning of works necessary for the implementation of high-quality activities of the enterprise;
- all the nuances of the company's activities and its structure (within its competence);
- rules for drawing up production plans;
- types of equipment and raw materials defects (as well as ways to eliminate and prevent them);
- the norms of the current labor law (in relation to their activities and subordinates);
- the legal framework that regulates the activities of the enterprise;
- industrial alarm device (including methods for its repair, replacement and elimination of possible malfunctions);
- the nuances of drawing up economic and basic financial contracts (within the limits of their competence).

In order for a specialist to take the post of chief engineer, it is necessary to have a higher technical education (bachelor's degree). After graduation, there must be at least five years of professional experience... Such a period implies the acquisition by a specialist of all the necessary knowledge in practice. If necessary, advanced training or retraining is carried out. Such courses can be taken not only in educational institutions, but also in production, if this is provided for by the charter of the enterprise.

Place of work
The need to introduce the position of chief engineer may arise at any enterprise whose activities are related to production processes. For example, such specialists must necessarily be included in the staff of motor transport plants, the heating industry, construction organizations, poultry farms, hotels, and pharmaceutical enterprises. It is impossible to carry out the activities of the gas industry without a qualified and experienced chief engineer. In addition, the work of the Moscow metro and metro in other cities also implies the mandatory presence of such a position in the list of employees.
Some nuances of the activities of chief engineers, depending on the field of production:
- transport (assessment of the efficiency of transport systems, control of personnel activities, forecasting the development of some transport systems);
- construction (professional maintenance of relevant construction documentation, participation in the preparation of the necessary business plans, distribution of the company's existing finances, technical re-equipment of the company, quality control of construction work, responsibility for the timely delivery of buildings and other construction projects);
- railway sphere (management of all involved structures, monitoring the health of the rolling stock);
- aviation (control of the processes of creation and repair of aviation equipment, organization of flights);
- energetics (maintenance and development of energy systems, calculation and control of energy consumption, testing of electrical systems and specialized equipment);
- food industry (control and responsibility for the quality of produced raw materials, planning and organization of all production processes);
- utilities enterprises (proposal and development of measures to improve the quality of life of property owners, control of fire safety and technical condition of facilities, development of regulations for subordinates, implementation of scheduled or unscheduled inspections of existing equipment);
- medical institutions (development of plans for the repair and maintenance of medical equipment, analysis of the causes of its breakdowns and premature wear, preparation of applications for the supply of spare parts, maintenance of all necessary technical documentation, regular check of the technical condition of the equipment);
- operation of equipment at the enterprise (control of fire and emergency safety, investigation and accounting of accidents, personnel training, participation in the development of instructions).

How much does he earn?
The salary of the chief engineer depends on the scale of the enterprise and the region in which the activity is carried out. In addition, it matters how long a specialist holds a given position. For example, the salaries of chief engineers working on a project for a year or five years will differ significantly.
Approximate indicators depending on the region:
- in Moscow and Moscow region - from 80,000 rubles;
- in Krasnoyarsk - from 62,000 rubles;
- in Omsk - up to 50,000 rubles;
- in St. Petersburg - from 70,000 rubles.
It is impossible to become a chief engineer of an enterprise, having only a higher specialized education. The position implies the obligatory experience.
In addition, this specialist has a list of duties that can be performed, knowing all the specifics of the technical activities of the company. Special requirements apply to chief engineers in different fields.