
All about the profession of laboratory engineer

All about the profession of laboratory engineer
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Knowledge and skills
  4. Education
  5. Rights
  6. Wage

Currently, at enterprises related to the production and research of raw materials and materials, a required specialist is a laboratory engineer. The job description of this employee includes a fairly wide list of duties and requirements for him. Today we will talk about exactly what qualities such an engineer should have and what he should do.


Data on this profession are presented in ECTS (unified tariff and qualification reference book). There you can find information about the duties of this specialist, the basic requirements for qualifications, as well as about the various individual categories that can be assigned to an employee. The job description of such a specialist in ECTS contains all his rights and grounds for responsibility.

The professions of a laboratory engineer and a laboratory engineer of the 1st and 2nd categories are distinguished separately - the latter imply more serious training and level of qualifications.


In the instructions, you can find a complete list of the basic powers of the employee, among which the following powers are distinguished.

  • Supervises the conduct of laboratory tests or directly conducts them. In this case, a specialist must analyze and research raw materials, semi-finished products, other resources, as well as finished products. They do this in order to determine compliance with the existing standards established by the state.
  • Engaged in pilot projects... These works are carried out in order to develop the most economical methods of production.
  • Carrying out the necessary calculations based on the analyzes and studies done. In addition, the laboratory engineer must also systematize and analyze all the results obtained by him.
  • Identifies the reasons for the appearance of defects in production. The specialist must take steps to reduce the number of rejects to the lowest possible.
  • Participates in the development of technological operations. Such an employee must come up with new and improve existing ways of organizing and carrying out laboratory tests and research.
  • Takes part in the development of new activities, intended for the complex and rational use of raw materials. In addition, the duties of such an engineer include the creation of new methods for replacing scarce materials for the production of products with more affordable resources.
  • Develops waste disposal measures after using raw materials.
  • Oversees the proper use of laboratory equipment. Also, the employee makes sure that this equipment is timely delivered for state inspection.

Knowledge and skills

To take the job of a laboratory engineer, you need to have some important skills. So, this specialist must master well the technology of manufacturing products at the enterprise, the rules for operating laboratory equipment, all the mandatory technical requirements that apply to resources, as well as to already manufactured products. Laboratory engineer is obliged to know all state standards and fixed provisions that relate to the technological preparation of production at the enterprise, laboratory control over it, preparation of technical documentation. It is also important for such a worker to have a good enough understanding of the functioning of modern technical computing facilities.

The laboratory engineer must be familiar with the experience of other countries in the production of the same or similar products. The employee is obliged to know the basic norms and rules of work.


Only those persons who have higher education in technical direction... Moreover, this condition is mandatory for such specialists of any category. The laboratory engineer should only be trained in a technical vocational institution. Depending on the specific category seniority may be required. So, for workers of the 1st or 2nd category, at least 3 years of work experience is required.


The job description also contains a list of the basic rights that this specialist has.

  • Request, if necessary, documents or information that are needed to carry out his duties. At the same time, you can request not only personally, but also on behalf of the top management of the enterprise.
  • In addition, involve the necessary specialists from certain departments of the organization to solve production problems. Sometimes this requires a special permission from the head of the company.
  • Demand from top management assistance in the exercise of powers and rights.
  • Notify the manager on the identified shortcomings that exist in the current production. In addition, the laboratory engineer can independently make suggestions to prevent these deficiencies.
  • Make your own proposals for improving production technologies and work, directly related to this position.
  • Check out the working draft solutions, which are made by the leaders of the organization and which relate to the duties of this employee.


The salary of a laboratory engineer can vary considerably. But on average, it is about 30-40 thousand rubles a month. Although at some of the most developed enterprises, it can reach 50-55 thousand rubles.In some regions, where industrial organizations occupy leading positions, laboratory engineers can receive more than 100 thousand rubles (Sakha Republic, Khabarovsk Territory, Kursk Region).

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