
All about the profession of commissioning engineer

All about the profession of commissioning engineer
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Education
  4. Workplace

The position called "commissioning engineer" is widespread in various industries and agriculture. These specialists, having the necessary education and work experience, can easily find a suitable job with a decent salary.


Commissioning engineers are necessary for any enterprise whose activities involve the use of technically sophisticated equipment. These include, for example, the following areas of the national economy:

  • electric power industry;
  • heat power engineering;
  • chemical industry;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • some agricultural production;
  • treatment facilities;
  • communal services.

The activities of a commissioning engineer can be associated with the repair of electrical equipment, boiler equipment, CNC machines, adjustment and maintenance of machines and equipment in various shops, ensuring the smooth operation of technically complex low-current equipment, treatment and sewage systems, as well as with the commissioning of this equipment. ...

The labor activity of the adjuster directly depends on the employer and the field of activity of a particular production. In some cases, the commissioning engineer spends the entire working day directly at the enterprise. Sometimes the serviced equipment is located in different places - many kilometers from the specialist's permanent place of work. In this case, the activities of the engineer may be associated with frequent travel and long business trips.

In this profession it is very important to have communication skills, since the implementation and maintenance of any equipment involves constant communication with customers.In addition, the commissioning engineer needs to constantly update his knowledge, master hitherto unknown equipment, and undergo additional training.

New samples of various equipment are constantly being produced, and the equipment already in use is constantly being modernized. Therefore, one simply cannot do without refresher courses and self-education.


The duties of a specialist-adjuster are connected with the adjustment and further maintenance of the equipment used at the enterprise. Depending on the field in which the specialist works, his job responsibilities have their own differences and characteristics. The specific tasks that will need to be solved in the course of the work of the commissioning engineer should be fully reflected in the job description. It is possible to highlight some of the main (general) duties of such specialists, which are typical for many industries.

  • Monitoring the operation of existing equipment and debugging its modes in order to increase or maintain the economy and efficiency of production.
  • Fully and on time to produce repair, replacement and adjustment of machines or apparatus.
  • Conducting technical works within the established technical conditions and standards.
  • Planning and rigorous implementation of the established together with the customer terms of repair or commissioning.
  • Professional development in accordance with the schedule approved by the employer.

The listed duties can be supplemented by the fulfillment of other instructions and instructions of the employer. But all of them are subject to mandatory reflection in the job description.


Very often, training for a young specialist can be carried out directly at the enterprise where he works. This is due to the narrow specialization of the installed equipment. Some employers require applicants to have a secondary vocational or higher technical education.

For the period of study, it is often not a salary that is paid, but a scholarship, which may be below the established salary level. After training (internship), it is necessary to pass the exam, and then you can proceed to the direct fulfillment of duties as a commissioning engineer. From this moment, the specialist should receive a salary in the amount corresponding to the employment contract with the employer.


The commissioning engineer spends his working day where the serviced equipment is installed... If this is an enterprise, then a specialist can work in any room or workshop where it is located. And also for a specialist of such a profile, a workshop is often provided where technical documentation, devices for setting up and testing equipment, spare parts for repairs are located.

If a commissioning engineer works in a company that provides services for the installation, repair and commissioning of equipment, then the professional activity of a specialist does not imply a certain workplace, since the work is associated with going to the customer and working on his territory.

Depending on the nature of the work to be done, the specialist takes certain tools or equipment with him when leaving the site.

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