
All about the profession of a system engineer

All about the profession of a system engineer
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Education
  4. Where can you work?

Systems engineer is a very interesting and demanded specialization. It is often associated with the position of systems administrator, but systems engineer is a broader concept. A person in such a position can be involved in administration, but a lot depends on the field of activity. An intelligent power system engineer configures and maintains related systems.


The profession of a system engineer for power grids is a capacious concept. The professional standard of the profession includes drawing up a project, a model of a smart, intelligent network, in other words, systems of different energy spheres. Modeling takes place taking into account a particular task. Also in the field of the specialist's activity is the development of infrastructure and technological requirements that apply to the created systems. Low qualifications of a system engineer can lead to losses for the company, so training of such specialists is possible only at the highest level. Features of the profession largely depend on the direction of the company, on its specifics. A systems engineer should be able to:

  • design systems;

  • simulate for a specific task, protect the smart grid;

  • update the software.

  • monitor programs, eliminate errors;

  • analyze work, costs;

  • advise employees.

To succeed in this profession requires a mathematician mindset and a college degree in engineering. The power grid system engineer is a profession that has its merits and demerits. Among the advantages are:

  • solving interesting problems;

  • prestige;

  • good pay;

  • always official employment, social package;

  • excellent career prospects.

There are also disadvantages to consider before making a choice:

  • responsibility is extremely high;

  • work includes the widest range of responsibilities;

  • the need for constant self-education;

  • impossibility of a remote form of labor.

To succeed in the profession, you must have a certain set of personal qualities:

  • stable psycho-emotional state;

  • ability to work in a team, with an audience;

  • ability to multitask;

  • the highest diligence;

  • patience, calm disposition;

  • accuracy, concentration;

  • a tendency to analyze, concentration.


A systems engineer for work must study and know a lot of regulatory documents, regulatory documents at all levels, be well versed in types of software equipment, operating rules for certain power systems, safety rules and regulations. The job description of a power system engineer includes the following responsibilities:

  • development of programs that solve the problems of the sector, testing, their implementation;

  • ensuring the high-quality functioning of smart energy systems;

  • development of instructions that regulate the work with programs;

  • creation of technical documentation;

  • selection, installation, configuration of "smart systems";

  • development of a sequence of interaction between different departments;

  • training, provision of resources to employees;

  • system protection;

  • cost analysis, optimization and reporting;

  • identification of weak technical power supply devices;

  • development of new projects of power grids or their modernization.

The systems engineer of smart grids builds smart systems at the scale of an enterprise, city, district, combining them into a computer system.

These actions allow organizing the uninterrupted operation of power supply systems, eliminating emergency situations.


To get such a profession, it is necessary to undergo training at a university in the specialty "system engineer of intelligent power grids." Only specialists with higher education can work in this area. There are universities in different cities of Russia that train specialists in the field of creation, distribution and use of energy. They train specialists to work on the railroad and various enterprises. It is necessary to study the list of offered professions in the technical universities of the city, in the institutes of communications, aviation, research institutes.

Compulsory entrance examinations include mathematics and physics, as well as Russian.

Where can you work?

If a few years ago a specialist in this field was in demand exclusively in large cities, then now system engineers can work anywhere in the country or abroad. The profession is incredibly popular career advancement allows an ordinary employee to achieve the status of a senior or leading systems engineer. In large companies, megacities, you can grow as a specialist as quickly as possible if you have the ability and desire to learn.

The salary level depends on many nuances; a young specialist may have to start with 25,000 rubles. Subject to hard work, sufficient volume and a high level of an international or domestic company, the salary can reach 200,000 rubles. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be a huge plus. This will make it possible to develop much faster and not depend on being tied to domestic enterprises.

Moreover, the level of remuneration in international companies is much higher.

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